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Any solution

Last updated: 10th October 2006
Question ID: #2710
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Two people have asked me so far regarding this issue.

They perform wudhu, and it breaks due to passing of wind within such a short amount of time. For instance, they stand up to pray salah but before they even start, wudhu breaks...
Ths happens frequently. Is there any special solution to this problem or do they have to constantly repeat wudhu everytime it breaks?
I would be v.greatful if you replied as soon as.



Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

A person will qualify as a Ma'zur (excused) when a person who does not find sufficient amount of time to make Wudhu and perform Salaat because of any such reason i.e continous passing of wind etc, which continues throughout one full Salaat period, will be regarded as Ma'zur.

One will perform ablution for the time of each obligatory prayer. And, with that Wudhu it is permissible for one to pray as many obligatory or optional prayers as one desires during that prayer time. However, the Wudhu will be nullified at the expiry of the prayer time. (Nurul Idhah Pg. 51)

One must also remember, that the excuse must be continuous - for one full Salaat period. If a person manages to keep his/her Wudhu for 5/10 minutes in the entire Salaat period with which he/she is able to perform his/her Salaat, then he/she will not be a Ma'zur. Also, If a Ma'zur (excused person) experienced another factor (laughs aloud during the prayer or vomits etc,) besides the excuse due to which he/she is classified as a Ma'zur, then his/her Wudhu will break.

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

Answer last updated on:
9th October 2007
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London