Hajj / Umrah
20th August 2024
I am going for umrah, my first question if im going to perform a second umrah, can I do the ghusl wear the ihram at the Makkah hotel before going to masjid Aisha and then when arrive there I do the intention?
My second question is the ghusl before umrah is intention ghusl for umrah or just intention for ghusl as we do every day?
Third question Niyat itikaf I know I have to read this at masjid al haram to be able to eat drink etc, but don’t know the exact reason, do I have to read the Niyat at other mosques , do I have to read this at masjid nabawi as well or only in Makkah ?
Hajj / Umrah
4th July 2023
Original Question! We performed umrah Alhamdulillah, i have few questions to need to know about. Kindly help me! We perform Umrah, first we Tawaf E kaaba and then go for safa marfa for sehi! then we go for cutting hair. But inbetween we plan to go to kiss hijra aswad and Ghulafi Kabba, then we feel fragrance when we touch Kabba, We feel frangrance on hands and lips. kindly guide if it ok to touch and kis kabbah before cutting hair. Actually It is not now allow to visit with out Ahram in mataf area, that's why. we visited to touch and kis the kabbah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب حامداومصليا
A Damm (sacrifice of a goat) will be necessary.
Reference Short URL: https://qa.muftisays.com/?8683
And Allah knows best
06 Dhul Hijja 1444/ 25 June 2023
We are back at home (Pakistan) now, can we sacrifice of a goat (Dam) in Pakistan or necessary to do this in Markka.
Before came back we asked from Mufti, he asked you just give sadaqah no need to sacrifice of a goat (Dam) as this was a just touched to hands and lips, because pleasant smell will not spread to others, that's why,
Hajj / Umrah
25th June 2023
We performed umrah Alhamdulillah, i have few questions to need to know about. Kindly help me!
We perform Umrah, first we Tawaf E kaaba and then go for safa marfa for sehi! then we go for cutting hair. But inbetween we plan to go to kiss hijra aswad and Ghulafi Kabba, then we feel fragrance when we touch Kabba, We feel frangrance on hands and lips.
kindly guide if it ok to touch and kis kabbah before cutting hair. Actually It is not now allow to visit with out Ahram in mataf area, that's why. we visited to touch and kis the kabbah
Hajj / Umrah
23rd June 2023
My question pertains to going for Hajj when one finds himself financially stable. Alhamdulillah, i feel that i can plan my Hajj as i find myself financially stable now. However, there are a couple of concerns my way to which i wanted ro seek your guidance.
I have two young daughters (2year and 6 year old respectively) and i am a salaried person by profession.
So, my questions are-
1. Is it compulsory for me to perform Hajj in the current year given i am capable, even if that means leaving out my daughters with their grand parents? Or do i have a leeway to wait until they grow up?
2. I am finding difficult to get a full 30-35 day leave from my office so what should be my priority, (a) wait for the next years to get a full 30-35 days leave or (b) try to get the Hajj done in the current year but in a shorterned period (possible 10-15 days which i am more likely to get an off from office) (c) Leave the job and go to Hajj for a full 30-35 day period?
JazakAllah for your time.
Hajj / Umrah
22nd June 2023
I am a Musim women and I at the moment have no Mahram but still want to perform Umrah/Hajj, in Islam can I preform Hajj/Umrah alone?
Hajj / Umrah
26th February 2023
السلام عليكم
I hope all is well.
Mufti I really need some advice, I have recently performed 2 Umrahs during the same trip. After completing the first umrah I removed my hair very short (about 3-4 inches) down to a number 3 in length.
However, during my second umrah about 3 days later, I didn’t want to go bald and trimmed my hair to a number 2, so removed about 5mm from the entire head intentionally. Is this valid or am I still in the state of ihram. Is there any wrong doing and is there anything I need to do. This is really eating away at me so would really appreciate a response as soon as possible.
جزاك اللهُ خيراً
Hajj / Umrah
26th November 2022
I will be travelling from UK to Saudi to perform Umrah Insha'Allah. However, we will be staying in Jeddah for four nights prior to travelling to Makkah for the Umrah.
What is the Islamic ruling on Miqaat in our case? Where can we wear the Ihram for Umrah? All guidance on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Jazakallahu khairan
Hajj / Umrah
10th July 2022
I have shaved my head before Sacrifce confirmation from my Hajj tour operator to whom I had already paid the sacrifice amount in advance. Do I need to pay any Damn in this case as I opened my Ahram before his confirmation which is nearly 2 hours before his confirmation, how much Damn shall I pay.
Hajj / Umrah
3rd July 2022
Assalam Alaikum,
I am a resident of Saudi Arabia. I will perform Hajj (Hajj e Qiran) this year in a few days. Please can you guide me as to how many Tawaf and Saee are there in Hajj e Qiran?
kind regards,
Hajj / Umrah
25th June 2022
My question is in bakrid festival if we don't have place at home to sacrifice animal at home.
Is this possible to sacrifice goat at mutton shop instead of home. Please help me with answer
Hajj / Umrah
25th May 2022
I went to perform Umrah in 2018 during which i entered the meeqat without ihram. Later i came to know that this necessitates damm. It's 2022 know and i am really embarrassed about it but want to make things right. Please help.
Hajj / Umrah
5th May 2022
I am salman from india..My father and mother wants to go for haj but due crona pandemic the saudi goverment set the rule, above 65 age is ineligible for hajj..my father is over 65 and he is ineligible to perform the hajj and mother is eligible to perform.
My question is
Is my mother perform the hajj with his son
The son can perform his hajj in the name of his father..
Please advise me in the light of quran and hadid
Hajj / Umrah
25th March 2022
I have recently gotten married alhamdulillah but me and my husband live apart and see eachother twice a week. Initially we planned to save up for a home which would've took roughly a year. However, he has changed his mind and wants to now use our savings to go to hajj and then buy a home. Is this duty of going hajj priority since I thought it was okay to buy a home first and then save up for hajj and we have been having constant disputes because of this.
Hajj / Umrah
28th November 2021
Salam, it is stated that we are prohibited to remove/shave/pluck/cut any hair while we are in the state of ihram during umrah. What is the ruling of removing/brushing away a STRAY eyelash from one’s eye that had already fallen from its root? Will one have to pay the penalty for this, even if we forgot about the rules momentarily?
Hajj / Umrah
20th November 2021
I am a women of age 23 years, Single. Can I perform hajj with my parents as my parents can afford it? Will it be counted as an obligatory hajj because my parents are financing it?
or Would I have to perform it again when I started earning myself?
JazakiAllah Khair.
Hajj / Umrah
21st July 2021
When we sacrifice for Eid ul Adha, some people keep whole parts of thier animals i.e. Whole leg of goat, cow etc. And then roast it or gift it. Is it allowed in Islam? As I have heard that we need to cut the entire animal properly and equally. And then divide it in three parts instead of gifting the whole part to your relatives
Hajj / Umrah
18th July 2021
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
Since we are unable to perform Udhaya in overseas can you please advise me if it is permissible to send money to Islamic organisations who can perform Udhaya on my behalf?
JazakAllahu Khairan
Hajj / Umrah
14th July 2021
Dear Brother, I intended to sacrifice for Eid ul Adha and sent money back home. They are sacrificing a cow and I decided to be a part of it so I sent my share of money (1/7th) since seven people can sacrifice one cow. Is it permissible for me to cut hair during the dhul haj since i am not doing the sacrifice by myself. instead on my behalf it will be done since i sent money to a friend who will put it for a cow in which other six people also have a part?
Hajj / Umrah
14th June 2021
My husband and I both earn. I believe that we can't join money to pay for one sacrificial animal. Either of us has to pay for our own share or animal separately. But he says we can chip in 50% etc money and afford one animal as it will be for one household. I need guidance on this before eid please.
Hajj / Umrah
8th June 2021
While performing umrah, can you do more than one tawaf? So, first I do a tawaf that's must for umrah, then I do 2 more tawaf before going into sahi to complete my umrah. Or should we do one tawaf and then go direct into sahi.