Halal and Haram

Halal and Haram
15th November 2024

I would like to ask a question regarding a specific product from a company

As-Salam-Alaikum, I have previously asked a question similar to this but am a bit confused. My question is about a popular new brand among the community called “sisters and seekers” I have seen both Muslims and non Muslims wear it, but I think it is a non Muslims products. They sell hoodies etc and one of them says “holy” on it. Is it ok if I avoid that one product and can purchase there other ones if this is permissible. Their other clothing pieces usually have “seekers” or “skrs” jeans and similiar. I am sorry to repeat a similiar question but may Allah reward you for the clarification.
Jazak Allah
Halal and Haram
15th November 2024

I would like to ask a question regarding buying a specific product from a company.

As-Salam-Alaikum, I would like to ask a question regarding buying a product. This piece of clothing is something I’ve seen Muslims wear but one of the other items from the seller says “holy” on one of the front of the hoodies. I am unsure if this is mocking/disrespectful in any way as I am overthinking buying from this company now. If I refrain from buying that particular piece but other parts from the seller is that ok and permissible.
Jazak Allah
Halal and Haram
21st October 2024

Cannabis punishment

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

My question is in regards to the punishment of consuming cannabis. Many scholars are of the view that the punishment for smoking cannabis is the same as drinking alcohol, including prayers not being accepted (rewarded) for 40 days. However, I wonder how they can be the same if cannabis can be consumed if for medicinal purposes while alcohol can never be consumed, even for medicine. This suggests that they are not exactly the same, and therefore the punishment may not be identical?

I have read that some jurists regard the impermissibility of cannabis as lower than the impermissibility of alcohol (both still impermissible of course).

Could you please advise?

JazakAllah khair
Halal and Haram
9th October 2024

Making AI images of human beings or maybe making different avatars is permissible or not?

Making AI images of human beings or maybe making different avatars is permissible or not? I have seen videos of scholars where they say drawing is not permissible but I am very confused with AI images as I am currently earning money through making AI portraits (By their permission and making Youtube thumbnails that requires different avatars to be included ( the videos are halal ) and my thumbnail concepts are halal too.
Halal and Haram
20th September 2024

Is working for large retail companies that sell alcohol and pork halal or haram?

I like to clarify whether working for large retail companies such as Amazon and Tesco is halal or haram?
Both Amazon and Tesco are selling alcohol, pork and haram food.
If I work for these companies as a data analyst where I don't sell haram products nor carry them nor promote them, will my job and income halal? Or is it still haram, because Amazon and Tesco are making their money also through selling haram products and even though I don't get involved directly, the salary I am receiving may get involved with the income of these products?
Halal and Haram
26th August 2024

Assalamu Aleykum Shaykh I provide workplace safety consultancy to clients. I inspect their workplac

Assalamu Aleykum Shaykh

I provide workplace safety consultancy to clients. I inspect their workplaces for safety issues and advise them to implement appropriate control measures

I have a client who is a departmental shop owner.

I recently found out that one of services the shop provides is a counter for buying lottery ticket.

If I don’t cover this area, will the fee their pay for my service be considered halal? Or will it still be considered haram as the client generate income from the lottery ticket sales?
Halal and Haram
23rd August 2024

WhatsApp backbiting etiquette

Salam alaykum,

I need to know if it is BACKBITING to say unwanted things in a WhatsApp group chat, where the person is not texting in the conversation/may not be present but is a member of the group chat.
Please explicitly state wether it is halal or haram.

Jazakallah kheyr
Halal and Haram
17th August 2024

Performing a stackable offence in private - is my income Halal?


A few weeks ago while at work I did something inappropriate. I made sure to check nobody was watching. However, I now believe that if I was caught doing this thing by someone else, it is potentially likely that I would be fired from my job. My job itself is Halal but now I am wondering whether my income is Halal as I have done something that may be a stackable offence and have just not told anyone
Halal and Haram
16th July 2024

Can I open a store for selling reptiles that colorful and harmless as pet

I have just converted to Islam and my job is selling reptiles. I would like to know if opening a store to sell beautiful, friendly, and harmless reptiles is halal or haram.
Halal and Haram
16th July 2024

Marketing review income

Assalamualikum, I recently learned of an American marketing company that requires me to provide product reviews, I have never purchased or utilized the product.

Is this money haram as basically I'm just submitting review for product which I never used? Also I intent to give this complete income in poor.
Halal and Haram
25th June 2024

Guidance to repent for a life of crime and stealing

Assalam waaleykum

Where to even begin... Growing up in the united states i fell into gang culture and a shameful lifestyle. During the course of my unfortunate ventures i have commited a mountain of sins most of which are stealing(scamming, fraud, etc...). Unfortunately for me i was good at it and managed to make a lot of money doing so astaghfirullah. I have since left this shameful life and have changed my ways especially making tremendous efforts to earn an honest and halal living.

The issues lies when i came to know that repentance to allah alone does not suffice and the stolen wealth must be returned to the rightful owners which brings up a series of problems for me. 1- The amount of money i stole was A LOT, 90% of which i no longer have (either spent or was stolen from me ironically). 2- Due to the elaborate nature of the schemes i do not personally know any of the victims considering everything was done online using stolen data from people i do not know.

I have since been working hard and making a halal income which i have managed to accumulate a bit of wealth(no where near the amount stolen but nonetheless), i intend to repay this money to charity and attempt to make ammends for my wrong doings if i even live long enough to be able to clear this gigantic burden

My questions are the following:

1. Must i now forfeit all of my wealth to repay what ever i can of this debt including my halal earned income (no one is supporting me and i do not have a stable income because i am a freelancer)?

2. Must i forfeit any hopes of accumulating any wealth or success in this dunya considering all of my money must potentially go towards paying these debts which i may never live to pay off due to the big amount?

3. will allah forgive me if i were to die prior to being able to repay these debts regardless of the sincerity of my intentions to do so?

4. if i may keep a portion of my halal earnings moving forward what split do i have to work out. should i give 99% of everything only leaving money for food and rent? May i keep accumulating halal wealth (while maintaining the intention of paying back) to be able to afford a car, get married, support a family, etc...?

A swift response would be tremendously appreciated as this matter is troubling like none of you can believe. I often cry about this matter and feel as if mercy is on the verge of being unaffordable for me due to these disgusting actions i committed being astray in a difficult time in my life. I fear punishment in this life, the grave and the next life...

someone help me

Thank you, jazakallah khair
Halal and Haram
10th June 2024

Artificial insemination

Salam 3aleykum,

I would need religious advice. I am taking a contraceptive neuroleptic that I cannot stop. On the other hand, my husband refuses procreation, depriving me of an essential right. I have to go through artificial insemination. Is there a sin if the donor is someone other than my husband and is there a sin in resorting to this insemination without my husband's consent?

Baraka Lahou fikum.
Halal and Haram
4th June 2024

Enquiry about studying issue.

At first I had written two separate questions but now I'm putting both of them in one, I hope you will understand them without difficulties. please guide me as fast as you can.

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

I'm a from India, recently I got enrolled in B.ED. (Bachelor Of Education) course but since unemployment is at it's peak in my country and getting job is very hard these days, so along with B.ED. I also started preparing for competitive exams for government jobs. So in this B.ED. course there is one month internship program in which I have to go teach in some local government schools, but in reality it's just a formality and ceremonial thing and nobody takes it seriously, not even the authority in charge but one have to go for official record. So while I was enrolling in B.ED. I thought it will be easy and it won't affect my competitive exam preparation and I will get away with it but as it's turns out it can affect my competitive exam preparations, so one of my relatives, who is in charge of one of these local schools told me that he will put false attendance in my name and I won't have to go for internship and could focus on my competitive exam preparations instead. So should I take his offer? Would it be halal ? Please note that since unemployment is very high I had to prepare for two courses at same time. please clarify. Jaz?k All?hu Khayran.


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (another question related to B.ED. course)

I'm from India, recently I got enrolled in B.ED. (Bachelor Of Education) course, but since unemployment is at it's peak in my country and getting job is very hard these days, so like majority of the students I also started preparing for competitive exams along with this B.ED. Course. So in B.ED. Students have to appear in at least 75% of classes to be eligible to sit in final exams ( it's a rule created by University) I knew this even before enrolling in B.ED but I thought at that time that like other professional courses, the B.ED. colleges will also be liberal in nature and will submit 75% of attendance even if the student haven't appear for a single day, most of these colleges knew that students these days prepares for competitive exams besides their courses so they tend to be very liberal and friendly and submit false attendance. But as it turns out my college was not one of them and are demanding some money before submitting 75% of required attendance. They says it's a fair compensation although there is no such exemption given by the university . Should I give them this money/bribery ? because if I don't my whole year will be lost along with the fees. Would it be halal in my case ? Please note that since unemployment is very high and competition is huge in my country most of the students prepare for competitive exams along with their regular courses. Please guide me. Jaz?k All?hu Khayran.
Halal and Haram
1st June 2024


Selam Alejkum

I am working for a company called Axis Communications a Company whiz sells Video surveillance cameras and now as well audio recording and audio speaker technology The only purpose and main reason is for security safety issues . Soo to give an example the cameras record the Surveillance Video and can be connected to our audio speakers or horns to give an alarm sound for a specific safety issue so people may also use that in a other form that they use the speaker also for Music and I know music is Haram and I will not advocate them to use it for that but the company itself presented that music can also be played from the audio solution we provide so I don't know if the people or costumers will use it for such porpoise but I don't know now is that kind of a sales job haram so the audio system are not like normal speakers where people buy to play music the are safety equipment that connect to the camera but can also be used for music

so is working in such company that provides such solutions Haram or is my Inccome Halal
Halal and Haram
1st June 2024

Whether the income of the one working in a finance company halal

I have got a proposal of the daughter of someone who works in the finance company. I want to confirm whether his income and past savings are halal.

He is the VP in the recoveries and receivable department of vehicles. The department responsibilities are:
- contacting people who have not paid their instalment for the vehicle.
- If they dont respond after contacting few times, filing a legal case and police report against them.
- Bringing the vehicles back when people fail to pay their instalment.

He doesnt directly collect the instalment money as he is in senior position. He has around 400 people under him. His role is more around giving advice and distributing work to people. He has worked most of his career in this department of the company. Many other practising muslims work in his company. He will be retiring from the company in couple of months.

Is his income halal? Are his savings halal? Is it okay to have food in his income or accept gifts from him? If his daughter is pious and deeni, will it be alright to accept their proposal?

JazakAllah khair
Halal and Haram
19th May 2024

Fintech Issuer Payment Processor Job Halal or haram

I am working in card payment Fintech that provides software for transaction processing. The company has Clients who provide prepaid, debit and credit card to their end users. Prepaid card client constitute majority of clients; but organization is trying to expand on credit client and also going into Digital Banking as well. The clients of the organization include fintechs (like payoneer, square) and banks. I work as Manager Business Intelligence that deals with designing reporting and analytics solutions for all types of clients; and company makes earning from these as well. But majority earning is from transaction processing. Is my job halal or haram?
Halal and Haram
11th May 2024

Providing Consulting Services to Bank

Assalamualikum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuh

My question is related to providing consulting services to a bank. I work for a consulting firm and one of our clients is a bank. I am supposed to build and optimise personalised marketing campaigns for different banking products such as home loan, credit cards, personal loans e.t.c for that bank. My role will be to clean, prepare and present their data for marketing related purposes. Will my income be halal if I work on that project?
Halal and Haram
2nd May 2024

Sports competition with entry fees

Assalamu alaikum,
Is it allowed to join sports competitions with entry fees, even if I dont accept the prize when I win? The organizer uses part of the entry fee for the monetary prizes.
Halal and Haram
2nd May 2024


As-salamu alaikum, For example: if somebody does a halal job, but (because of ocd) he thinks it is a haram job which involves kufr (blasphemy) , but he is still doing it. Later he found out that the job was totally halal and nothing about that job was haram let alone kufr/blasphemy. Was he sinful and is the salary that he earned during that time haram for him ?
Halal and Haram
11th February 2024

Name and logo for my comany


My self Munauwar Ali Ansari, i just want to start my firm where i want to keep name as Garuda Finvest, Garuda (English: Eagle) is a bird in indian language whom Hindu people worship to this bird.
its English name is Eagle. and i have seen many firm name as eagle so i decided to keep in indian language. please advice as if it ok to keep name Garuda. and also advice if i can keep eagle head in logo design.