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Donor - NHS say Muslims can donate Organs after death

Last updated: 10th September 2004
Question ID: #11
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Assalamu-alaikum. I was watching a BBC programme that highlighted the lack of black and asian people that carry donor cards. A representative from the NHS commented that many asian and black people do not offer to donate their organs after death as it is against their religion. The person insisted that as far as the NHS were aware there are no religions which stop a believer from donating organs or body parts to save another human life. I have always thought that donating your body parts after death is haram but I have seen no evidence of it. Can you please clarify whether or not Muslims are allowed to do this?

Wa Alaikum Salam,

The principle rule in Islam is that it is not permissible.

However, in extreme circumstances where the life of a person depends on it, the 'Ulamaa differ. Currently there is no unanimous decision amongst the scholars.

Therefore, while there is doubt, in this situation, it is best to take the safer opinion which is that it is not permissible.

Answer last updated on:
18th October 2004
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 02