Oh! Well I was very carefull ith that one.
1) you will open the doors to pick another ruling to suite ones self.
2) you will learn how to talk ill of the salaf. (and I'm not talking about the respected brothers at Leswin Road, see the talk toward the bottom of the first page).
Example:One may believe in the ruling of 3 talaqs = 3 & give his wife three talaqs out of anger. Then realise his mistake and adopt a view that doesn't coincide with any of the Imams, even imam bukhari and say actually 3=1. Then commit zinah.
Even Imam Hasan RA gave his beloved wife multiple talaqs in one go and regreted that for the rest of his life but never took his wife back, instead gave her many gifts to show his guilt. But today,
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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