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When the Hadith is authentic then that is my Madhab

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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 09:43
When I saw your comment about you being an aerospace engineer, the first thoughts that came to me were, alHamduLillah, Khalid bin Waleed, and SubhanAllah.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 12:21
Sohael wrote: Commented on 04/11/2010 11:33am

For entry: Our Aqeedah

Assalaamualikum brother- I am not 'mo' -lol

I do not know which Mo you are referring to exactly-please have a good opinion of me brother as I inshaALLAH have a good one of you.

It is not fitnah brother- I was going through the website and saw some articles that seemed to stem from a deep disagreement from other points of legitimate fiqh and ijtihaad.

For example Raf Al Yadayn was one of them where you indicated its abrogation and supported this with proofs, only to be told the truth of the matter in respect of it not being so.

You asked me about errors attributed to the great Hanafi School and I mentioned the accusation of irjaa that had been levelled against not by modern day salafis but by classical ulama of the past(even though hanafis like yourself alhamdolillah have not fallen into this incorrect belief).

Salafis do not take from all four schools par se- if you examine their aqeedah and manhaj as well as usool , you would find that it represents hanbali fiqh mainly. They however will differ with Imam Ahmed where there is overwhelming evidence to point to Ahmadرضي الله عنه being incorrect. Thus to say that salafis have invented a new madhab is incorrect-how can it be when the general usool resembles the hanaabilah some of the modern day ulama they follow ARE hanbali?

As far as resembling them to shia is concerned, then this would never come from someone with knowledge of what the salafis are, as they (even the Saudi Salafis who i am at odds with on some issues) are probably the furthest people from the shia i've met. If you could explain to me how they resemble shia then i would be greatful-until then we will consider this a misprint on your part, for I cant fathom something so critically flawed coming from someone such as yourself. However, I think you may want to respond to the other points I made earlier first, which you gave your own answer to but didnt present any solid evidence on, namely:

1) That other ulama DID criticise Abu Hanifa -some did it in a very harsh manner. References are there.

2) That Ibn Al Mubarak did leave the hanafi school- you said i am incorrect on that- then how about Qadi 'Iyad's Tartib al-Madarik where he qoutes Ash-Shirazi as saying, "He (Ibn Mubarak) learned fiqh with Malik and ath-Thawri, and he was the first of Abu Hanifa's companions. Then he left him and abandoned his madhhab." ---is what shirazi said a lie then or is it a weak narration from him?

I cannot find the answers you allude to- even the answers you gave me earler have been proved either weak (from the point of classical usool and ulama) or from your own logic(as in your (with all due respect)uninformed discussion on Ibn Al Mubarak .

Also, it is indeed sad and not becoming of someone wha has the status of an illustrious da'ee who InshaAllah is aiming for the pleasure of Allah to paste a link which has references to hadith that are fabricated.

Have you not read about what Allamah Subki had to say about this hadith where Manaawi quoted Subki : "It (i.e. the hadith in question regarding differences) is not known to the muhadditheen, and I can not find any isnaad for it, whether authentic (saheeh), weak (da'eef) or fabricated (mawdoo) " , and this was endorsed by Sheikh Zakareeyah al-Ansaari in his notes on tafseer al-Baidaawi (92-2) .

Also have you not read the statement of Allah explaining how we will not stop differing-except those who Allah has mercy on? Thus if Allah refers his mercy to the lack of differing then what is to be attributed to differing itself?

Have you not read the AUTHENTIC hadith quoted by Ibn Abee Assem in his book " The Sunnah where it is stated that The Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) also said : ( Unity is a mercy, Disunity is a punishment ) .

Thus how can you quote such a baseless tradition? And remember that it is classical ulama like Subki who made inkar of this hadith. Also, refer to what has been attributed to Suyuti رضي الله عنه regarding this where he said in his "al-Jaami' as-Sagheer" : " Perhaps it was collected in one of the books of the huffaadh which did not reach us "


How much prrof do we need- brother it is from sincerity to accept the truthwhen it comes and from Hizbiyyah to reject the evidence on the basis of our personal attachment to particular individuals.

'we are not scholars, we leave the hard work to them and spread the word. '

Akhee this is a noble intention that you have and I pray that Allah increases you in good ameen. But you need to really look back to what the classical ulama said, if you followed that then you would not be expressing the same views.

Also, regarding Riyadh Ul Haq saying that every evidence of Raf Al Yadayn has a counter evidence, then this is not balanced in terms of Ibn Umar as we mentioned earlier-


Please feel free to add this to the forum in in the list of our illustrious and productive discussion . JazaakhAllah
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 15:55
Jazakallah Brother for clearing that up, it puts me at ease (You are not Mo). I didnt mean to hurt your feelings and I ask you to forgive me. My heart is clean of any ill thought or feelings about you. Honest.

I understand what you are saying about the school you follow, but at the end of the day we follow The Prophet and his companions, and the opinions of the Imams are based on them.

I am not a person of knowledge so I can make many mistakes, I dont like the Shia let alone like comparing them to Muslims, but there are a few things that the four schools accept but are rejected by the Shia's and abandoned by the Salafi's. See the forums page regarding the Shia and the Salafi. (Not my work, work of the scholars)

Im not of that calibre where I can look back at the work of classical scholars, I will have to leave it to them. I will take what is good and leave to the side what I dont understand until I understand it.

The Praise and complements far exceed the criticism of Imam Abu Hanifa, this in it self is proof of his excellence. Imam ibn Kathir quoted Imam Abu Hanifa in his tafseer regarding a particular Ayah of the Quran, again see the forum and blog.

Regarding Unity. All the Muslims of the world agreed upon the four schools of Fiqh and they all accepted each other as Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Then this new group comes along and causes disunity and friction amongst the Muslims.

The Saudi Salafi, like you call them, have evolved and changed their ways to fit in to the rest of the World, They Hijack the Salaf then they Hijack the name Muslim to create confusion and disunity and now they Hijack the school and teachings of Imam Ahmed. The Hanabila will be Hanabila and the Salafis will remain Salafi, even if they Hijack the Hanafi school.

Strong, Weak, Fabricated Hadith etc, this I will leave to the Scholars too. They have done their home work and there is a lot of sick people out there who have caused plenty of friction. I dont wont to be a part of that.

What we consider strong, you may consider it to be weak, but again, there were rules set out by the greatest scholars of Hadith and their teachers like Yahya bin Saeed al Qattan, with so much knowledge, wisdom, piety, taqwa etc, they still followed the fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifa. Same thing goes for Ali al Madinee, Yahya ibn Maeen and Imam Ahmed, when these three would sit and discuss Hadith and try to come to a conclusion on an issue of Fiqh they would accept the verdict of Yahya ibn Maeen the Hanafi. And we all know the high status of Ali al Madeeni, Yhaya ibn Maeen and Imam Ahmad.
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 16:00
Sohael wrote on 04/11/2010:
JAZAAKALLAH BROTHER-brother you have not wronged me - may Allah guide you to jannah -ameen

I have not included the rest of the comment as it needs to go on a different subject.

Brother Sohael, I have been told that all you need to do is register. It would be great if you could do that. Jazakallah.
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 16:38

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuh, 

I was browsing through the thread and noticed two matters which need some attention:

Issue 1:

The accusation of Irja against Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA). This is soundly refuted by the beginning statement of Aqeedah Tahawiyyah by Imam Tahawi (RA):


The great scholar Hujjat al-lslam Abu Ja'far al-Warraq al-Tahawi al-Misri, may Allah have mercy on him, said: This is a presentation of the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a, according to the school of the jurists of this religion, Abu Hanifa al-Nu`man ibn Thabit al-Kufi, Abu Yusuf Ya`qub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari and Abu `Abdullah Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani, may Allah be pleased with them all, and what they believe regarding the fundamentals of the religion and their faith in the Lord of the worlds.

The entire Muslim Ummah considers Aqeedah Tahawiyyah sound and Authentic and the Author clearly tells everybody about the Aqeedah of Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA).

Then, the issue is soundly discussed and refuted here:

This matter does not require any further discussion.

Issue 2:

Imam Nasai (RA) weakening of Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) in the following words, an-Nasaa`ee says at the end of ‘ad-Du`afaa wal Matrookeen’ [pg. 57], “he is not strong in hadith and he makes many mistakes despite the fact that he only narrates a few narrations.”
From the edition that I looked into, Imam Nasai’ only said, “Nu’man bin Thabit: Abu Hanifa, he’s not strong in hadith, he’s Kufi”. Page 240

Ulama have given two asnwers to this matter:

a) Imam Nasai (RA) himself has narrated an Authentic narration from Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) which would mean that he took back his decision OR made a mistake in the earlier statement

b) There could possibly be another Abu Haneefa (RA) of Kufa which he referred to in his statement and NOT Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA)

c) Ulama have said these words are not be accepted in the face of overwhelming evidence of others about the Authenticity of Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA)!&p=112580&viewfull=1#post112580

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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 17:03
Jazakallah brother Muadh.
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 17:35

Issue 3:

Was Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) a Hanafi or a Maliki?

The correct and honest answer to that matter is that Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) was a Mujtahid Imam who benefitted from both and narrated Ahadeeth from both Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) and Imam Malik (RA) and some of the great Imams of their time are known to change Schools e.g. Imam Tahawi (RA) was a Shaf’ae and became a Hanafi.

So can we be conclusively declare Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) to be Maliki on the statement of Qadi Iyadh (RA), alone?

Allah (SWT) knows best as this matter is discussed between Hanafi & Maliki Ulaama.

The points to consider are as follows:

  • There are LOADS of Authentic statements from Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) about Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa and not a single retraction and change of opinion.
  • EVEN if he changed his Madhab he NEVER uttered anything bad OR retracted his opinion
  • For a moment lets accept that its act and he became Maliki then we would say that even an illustrious Mujtahid Imam like Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) went from following one Imam (Abu Haneefa (RA)) to following another Imam i.e. Imam Malik (RA) i.e. he didn't go free-riding : - )
  • Imam Tahawi (RA) the Imam of Aqeedah went from being a Shaf'ae to being a Hanafi i.e. went from following one Imam (Ash-Sahf'ae (RA)) to following another Imam i.e. Imam Abu-Haneefa (RA) i.e. he didn't go free-riding : - )
  • I will prempt the reply and present the only possibly nagative statement from Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) is where he called Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa "Miskeen Fil Hadeeth" and that matter is explained by Imam Al-Kawthari (RA) as:!

...that the statement of Abdullah bin Mubarak where he said: “Abu Haneefah is miskeen in hadith,” in no way implies that Imam Abu Haneefah had very little knowledge in the science of hadith. Rather, being miskeen in hadith refers to the fact that Imam Abu Haneefah's focus was not directed towards relating many turuq (chain of narrators) when narrating a hadith as is the habit of those muhadditheen who have devoted themselves solely for the transmitting of hadith.

Being a mujtahid, Imam Sahib's attention was focused to a greater extent to the deducing of ahkaam (laws and verdicts) from the various ahadeeth. (Ta’neeb-ul-Khateeb, pg 235)

The one thing for sure is that Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) had great opinion about Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) and he DID NOT retract his views until death came to him.

Mujtahid Imams could disagree with Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) even his illustrious students like Imam Abu Yusuf (RA) or Imam Muhammad (RA) did but the points which are being highlighted are two:

  1. Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) is regarded in an undisputed manner as one of the greatest of Salaf
  2. The Imams which disagreed with him were Mujtahid Imams themselves and there is censor or problem with that

Once you agree with points 1 & 2 then there is no problem with a layman following one of the greatest Salaf since he/she is incapable of Ijtehaad.

Imam Abu Haneefa (RA) is not only Salaf but one of the greatest and Qur'aan & Sunnah command me to follow Salaf which I am doing.

Salaf disagreed with each other (based on daleel) so I have no problems Imam Malik Ibn Anas (RA) and his opinions and his Madhab.

In case of Raf Al-Yadain both of the greatest of the Salafs i.e. Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) & Imam Darul-Hijrah Malik Ibn Anas (RA) and their Madhabs agree on the matter, simply saying that these two great Salafs agree means that there are bound to be some from the Salaf who disagreed with them and again that’s fine.

The fact of the matter is that this is an issue of disagreement amongst Salaf and we accept that and follow the Salaf and have our daleel but as per the history of the Muslim Ummah we neither censor nor disrespect the position of Imam Ash-Shaf’ae (RA) & Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (RA)and we will discuss this later (if there is a need) on the specific issue.

Jazakullah Khairun

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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 17:43
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 4th November 2010 18:07

Issue 4:

Narration of Hadeeth about differences being a Mercy.

Baseless? Here our respected brother has CHEATED and GONE BACK on his words!

One one hand he stated that he will leave aside Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) and then he quotes the following, "Sheikh Albani (رحمه الله) said in "Silsilat al-Ahadith ad-Da'eefah" ( no. 58 ) :

" Disagreement among my ummah is a mercy "

(BASELESS) The muhadditheen have tried to find an isnaad for it but have not found one, to the extent that Suyooti said in his "al-Jaami' as-Sagheer" : " Perhaps it was collected in one of the books of the huffaadh which did not reach us " !"

The fact of the matter is that this narration is NOT BASELESS but perhaps "weak"

We can argue that its strong, weak or extremely weak but its certainly not baseless! in either text, narration or meaning and the above links very clearly point it out.

From here assume that the Hadeeth is indeed "weak"...

Since Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) has been relied upon I will also quote him on something else. Imam Bukhari (RA) wrote a book on Islamic Manners called “Al-Adab Al-Mufrad” .

Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) “corrected” this manuscript which (according to him) contains many weak Ahadeeth and printed a revised version.

We will not go into unnecessary details about whether Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) was right or wrong, simply stating that Imam Bukhari (RA) used weak Ahadeeth in his book (on manners).

If Imam Bukhari (RA) can do so then what crime has Abu Muhammad committed? : - )

On a serious note it is a valid and accepted opinion in Islam by majority of Muhiditheen that weak Ahadeeth can be used and narrated with certain conditions and here is the evidence:

Abu mohammed has not used this Hadeeth to prove any Mas’ala, so whats the issue even i its weak?

Nevertheless, there are plenty of Scholars who have used these sorts of narrations in “Ma’na” and links and references have been given.

Jazakullah Khairun

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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2010 10:22
Sohael WroteI cannot find the answers you allude to[/quote]

I said your answers are here on my blog, no problem if you couldnt find them. I will get them for you.

Sohael Wrote I dont think those you refer to as ghair muqallids (not the informed ones anyway) go and dig up a Hadith and then just apply it like that. They generally refer to the strngest opinion [/quote]

They do, they dont practice upon the Hadith of Umar(RA) & Uthman(RA), rather they find the Hadith of the Prophet and say that is the way. (This is only correct to a certain extent as will be seen) See the link below for the Hadith about Umar(RA)

Sohael Wrote Also when Allah(saw) says (translation) fas'aloo ahl ad dhikr he refered to the asking the 'people of dhikr' , not a singular alim? [/quote]

Fair, but History and all of the Greatest Scholars of that era testify that Imam Abu Hanifa was The best Aabid of Allah they had witnessed.
As you know, The Hanafi School is not based on Just Imam Abu Hanifa, there were 40 of the top most scholars in part of the Shura. (InshaAllah I will make a post with the names of All these 40 Scholars)

Sohael WroteThus the concept of following only one imam blindly is not balanced, especially when Islam does not rigidly state that to be correct. [/quote]
See this post:
Many of the Fatawa of the Khulafa-e-Rashedeen appear in "Musannif ibn Abi Shaibah". They never gave proof or evidence on their verdicts. They heard and they obeyed.
Were the Sahaba wrong to that?

Sohael Wrote Therefore, in this aspect , naturally one who follows the illustrious Hanafi school will have to differ, otherwise he will end up with irjaa. [/quote]

This is a strong accusation and missunderstanding comming from some who sounds like he knows what he is talking about. It is Blatent that these questions are copied and pasted from dodgy schools. Brother Muadh has cleared this up, how ever, if you want, you can listen to the talk by Shaykh Riyadhul Haq, "The Hadith of Jibreel(AS)". In here he touches on this subject and mentions that this foolish question is asked by certain people and he gives a breif explanation with also contains a couple of other foolish questions.

Sohael Wrote Ibn Al Mubarak رضي الله عنه who was known as the scholar of the east and west left the Hanafi school[/quote]

Again brother Muadh has touched on this.
However, please see this post:

Sohael WroteFor the sake of argument, even if it was not in existance in Madinah, then can we negate the indicated practice of some Sahabah following it as shown in Bulugh al Maram? If that is the case then we would be indirectly saying that some Sahabah were wrong

Listen to the talk by on the Legacy of Imam Abu Hanifa, you may be misinformed about the Sahaba that migrated to Kufa. The number and quality of these Sahaba speak for them selves. Raful Yadain is a difference of opinion, and we can leave it like that.
Shaykh Riyadhul Haq explains it well.

[quote] Sohael Wrote I think we have quotes from the Sahabah that nobody is to be followed blindly except Muhammad (saw).

True to a certain extent. Again see:

[quote] sohael wrote on 02/11/2010:
btw - i do not necessarily agree with the criticisms of Abu Haniah رضي الله عنه regarding Hadith as metioned by some- just wanted to point out that these issues whether true or false do exist-

If you didnt agree, then there was no need to bring this up. these and many other things are slanders that get propageted by the deviants. Brother Muadh has again touched on this.

[quote]Sohael wrote on 02/11/2010:
i agree with you that we have funny and so called 'scholars' of the 2oth century brother-particularly those liars associated with the modern day Saudi salafi cult, however this does not negate the fact that mujaddideen will always come at the head of every 100 years as indicated inthe hadith

They dont have to from the Middle East, they can be Asian, European, Western etc. Have you looked at the work of some of these people from the Indian subcontinent. Or are you also of the opinion that "but he's Indian" like I was told by another Salafi/Hanbali.

[quote]sohael wrote on 03/11/2010:
bro if the Hanafi school did not initially believe that iman is constant and have issues with iman, then why do we have Ulama from the past criticising proponents of the school for irjaa?
I would advise you to research the statements of Ulama dear brother, IN Arabic and not based upon transalations of Muhsin Khan etc, since it clear that you do not trust these transalations and that only the original references may bring peace to your heart and a final opinion on such issues- my sincere advice to you my dear brother

I think your comment about research is correct, "you" should go to the right sources. Not to those who like to slander and criticise on baseless arguments and those who like to play with words and meanings.

[quote]Sohael wrote You asked me about errors attributed to the great Hanafi School and I mentioned the accusation of irjaa that had been levelled against not by modern day salafis but by classical Ulama of the past(even though hanafis like yourself alhamdolillah have not fallen into this incorrect belief).

Again, this shows your or your schools attachment to these accusations and slander. Fear Allah. Like you said, I have not fallen into this incorrect belief, and that is because I am not learnig the Hanafi fiqh from a Salafi. Nor am I learning Aqeedah from those who like to Slander, See our Aqeedah as pointed out by brother Muadh and here:

[quote]Sohael Wrote
Salafis do not take from all four schools par se- if you examine their aqeedah and manhaj as well as usool , you would find that it represents Hanbali Fiqh mainly. They however will differ with Imam Ahmed where there is overwhelming evidence to point to Ahmadرضي الله عنه being incorrect. Thus to say that salafis have invented a new Madhab is incorrect-how can it be when the general usool resembles the hanaabilah some of the modern day Ulama they follow ARE hanbali?

LOL as you say, it is a new New School, all these accusation of Imam Abu Hanifa doesnt come from the school of Imam Ahmed. They come from dividers of the Ummah. You differ with Imam Ahmed when there is overwhelming evidence that he was wrong. SubhanAllah, such calibre, what a high status your school must have.

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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2010 12:12
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ummi taalib's avatar
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2010 12:15
i have heard that when hidayat is destined a single verse from the Qur'an or a single hadith is enough......quite scary!

Du'a: O Allah show us the truth as truth and help us to follow it and show us falsehood as falsehood and help us to avoid it..aameen
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2010 12:45
ummi taalib wrote:
Du'a: O Allah show us the truth as truth and help us to follow it and show us falsehood as falsehood and help us to avoid it..aameen


If only people would not take falsehood and try to make it like it was the truth about others.
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2010 12:58
ummi taalib wrote:
Du'a: O Allah show us the truth as truth and help us to follow it and show us falsehood as falsehood and help us to avoid it..aameen

Imam Wakee(R) who was the teacher of Imam Shafi'i(R) said, "How could there have remained any errors in this work of Imam Abu Hanifa(R) when he had with him experts of Hadith, Such asAbu Yusuf, Hafs bin Ghayaath, Hibbab and Mandil? And when he had experts in Arabic such as Qaasim bin Ma'n who was the grandson of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood(R)? And when there people of Taqwa and piety present such as Dawood bin Nadheer and Fudhayl bin Ayaaddh?A person who has such people as companions cannot be wrong because there would always be someone to correct him if he erred"

SubhanAllah, and Imam Abu Hanifa gets accused of allsorts. O Allah show us the TRUTH as TRUTH and help us follow it and show us FALSEHOOD as FALSEHOOD and help us AVOID IT.
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 5th November 2010 14:12

Asslamo Allaikum,

Our respected brother doesn't seem to be making any coherent points anymore.

  • The issue of Imam Nasai' (RA)'s comments about Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) have been handled
  • The issue of Aqeedah of Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) have been handled
  • The issue of Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA) have been handled if he disagrees then provide Authentic statements from Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abi Mubarak (RA)which denounce Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA)and we will Insha'Allah seek and comment
  • The issue of "Imam Al-Adham Abu Haneefa (RA) & Hadeeth" and the opinion of leading Hadeeth Scholars about him have been handled
  • The issue of Rafa Al-Yadain and the Hanafi evidence has been provided.

I now have 2 questions.

  1. What happens when a person forgets to perfrom Rafa Al-Yadain in his Salah? How do you rectify the error and what is the status of Salah?
  2. What happens when a person deliberately doesn't perform Rafa Al-Yadain in his Salah? How do you rectify the error and what is the status of Salah?

Please answer from Authentic Sunnah?

Jazakullah Khairun

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