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The changing narrative of the Palestinian people as truth comes out

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#1111 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2024 10:09
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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May I know, why is that, in other places like Ramallah etc where Palestinians live is peaceful?
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#1112 [Permalink] Posted on 27th November 2024 10:42
akbar703 wrote:
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The Palestinians lives are not peaceful in the Westbank I don't know what your Indian media is reporting.

The Israelis have checkpoints everywhere, thousands of Palestinians in places like Ramallah are arbitrarily kidnapped from their homes killed. They face constant attacks from armed settlers their farms are raided crops burned down, houses being burned down if you suspected of being involved in political struggle.

The difference is the Westbank is managed by the Palestinians authority of Mahmoud Abbas they are payed millions by the Americans to act as a police force for Israel.
So they also oppress the Palestinians on behalf of Israel.

So in the Westbank the people are targeted by the collaborators of the Palestinian authority. The settlers and the Israeli army.

12000 people have been detained since October last year and Westbank towns like Ramallah have been heavily bombed.
The Israelis are trying to drive the Palestinians out of Westbank into Jordan and too take it over completely.
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Rajab's avatar
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#1113 [Permalink] Posted on 28th November 2024 19:44
Was just browsing the infamous majlis today and came across another banger today

"the war today in Palestine has no affinity with the Deen. The participants are all bad-deen (irreligious) or be-deen (without deen)"
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#1114 [Permalink] Posted on 28th November 2024 20:33
Rajab wrote:
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So they conveniently missed out Surah An Nisa verse 75 in their pontification. About defending men women and children.
Well only surprise is they did not resort to stating what an average ambivalent does when ever any calamity hits the Muslim in any part of the world, " They are being punished for their sins"

And ALLAH knows best.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#1115 [Permalink] Posted on 28th November 2024 21:32
Rajab wrote:
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Answers are based on what they are told!
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#1116 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 05:19
Whatever the context of a fatwa like that is the connotation of the current war is still Deen. The Israeli "Jews" are attacking Muslims because of Islam, and the threat it poses to their lifestyle, the world believes it's a war between Jews and Muslims, it's all about the Deen one way or the other. Not to mention Shaytan is inciting the Jews to violence against Muslims because they are Muslims. So the war is still for Deen.
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#1117 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 08:18
abu mohammed wrote:
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يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِن جَآءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌۢ بِنَبَإٍۢ فَتَبَيَّنُوٓا۟ أَن تُصِيبُوا۟ قَوْمًۢا بِجَهَـٰلَةٍۢ فَتُصْبِحُوا۟ عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَـٰدِمِينَ ٦

O believers, if an evildoer brings you any news, verify ˹it˺ so you do not harm people unknowingly, becoming regretful for what you have done.

Surah Al-Hujurat
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akbar703's avatar
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#1118 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 09:20
Rajab wrote:
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Islam orders us to support the oppressed against the oppression.

This is a clear case of a mighty power oppressing the weakest. Whatever may be the reason for the conflict, oppressed must be supported.

It hurts when we hear "this is the result of your bad-deeni". These words distance the affected muslims from Islam. They claim " are we the only sinners on earth? the worst sinners are present on earth, why we muslims alone are targeted". The sermon givers have no answer for that.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#1119 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 09:37
Rajab wrote:
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JazakAllah for the reminder. Perhaps some are regretful :)

A Fatwa about "Muftisays" was based on what the Mufti was told
(But when others ask, the answer is FOR Muftisays, not against it!)

Hence my previous comment
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Rajab's avatar
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#1120 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 10:51
abu mohammed wrote:
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The verse wasn't for you but the infamous majlis.
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#1121 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 11:56
Why are the Muslims being Thrashed Everywhere?

Hakim ul Islam Hadrat Maulana Qari Muhammad Tayyib Rahimahullah

Nowadays, people from various circles complain that the nations of the world are oppressing us. The Christians have oppressed, the Hindus have oppressed, and that they have pillaged and plundered Muslims.

This complaint is incorrect. No one has hit and oppressed you. You (Muslims) have oppressed yourselves. It is the Soul of the Qur’an and the Soul of Iman that gives Muslims life. However, you have corrupted and destroyed this Soul. And have transformed it into a corpse. Thus, it is the duty of every nation to bury the corpse or to incinerate it. I cannot be left exposed, for its stench will spread and overwhelm people. Their health will then suffer.

Now when a nation disposes of corpses, what justification is there for complaining and wailing? If Muslims enliven the Soul; no one will then have the audacity to attack the living being. But a corpse (the corpse of the Muslim nation) is lying around. Whoever wishes, he can dispose of it. Muslims! You have become like corpses. So, if someone sets (you) ablaze, then why do you cry? If someone thrashes you, why do you wail? Enliven the soul within yourselves. When Imaani life is instilled in you, no one will have the strength and the temerity to even look at you scornfully. However, if you are hollow and bereft of spirituality (Roohaaniyat), then anyone will be able to deal with you as he deems appropriate.

Have you seen a ball? When it is filled with air and then placed on the ground and kicked, it will traverse a distance. It is not the strength of the ball; it is the strength of the air that was filled in it. Deflate it, then try kicking the ball. It will not soar through the air. So, if you have deflated yourselves, having expelled the ‘air’ (the Rooh) of the Qur’an, Hadith and Imaan, you will be compelled to be submissible to whomever thrashes you. On the other hand, if you are filled with the Rooh of Imaan, no one will be able to thrash you, They will then fear you.

Therefore, do not criticize others. Reform your soul. Create life in yourself. Then, no one will have the strength to even look at you. This will be the effect of the Soul of the Qur’an and Hadith.

The Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) were the repositories of this enlivened Soul. It was with this Soul that they went from strength to strength. With the Soul of Imaan they changed the map of the world. Today, we have killed this soul enabling the world to changed our form. This is the difference between you and the Sahaabah. You have become easy for manipulation by the world which buffets and disfigures you at its whim and fancy. Akbar said,

What happened, the times have changed you?

A man is he who changes the times

You should become men, not people who beat their spouses. A man should not become a woman. Strive to change the times, not to be carried away by it. It will happen when you make the effort. When the power of Iman, the power of spirituality and the power of the Qur’an are within you, then no one will have the audacity to confront you.

Twelve centuries ago, the Jews and Christians came of their own accord pleading for Muslims to rule and govern them. They preferred Muslim domination over them. But today, far from being prepared to be your subjects, they impose their rule and domination on us. Today, you have corrupted your Imaani Soul, therefore the nations of the world are not prepared to become your serfs. This is the difference.

I remember a very interesting incident. Maulana Salim Sahib (Rahimahullah) was living in Makkah Mukarramah. During the Zionist Revolution the Jews had taken control of some areas of Egypt and of Masjid al Aqsa as well. He narrated an incident of a person that came from Egypt when Gaza was taken over by the Jews. The Muslims fled from there to Egypt to save their lives and honour. A poor old scholar also left with his wife. They had no conveyance, so they travelled on foot, struggling for 30 to 40 kilometres to Al Arīsh. From there, the border of Egypt was closed.

The Jews then captured him. From the opposite side, a Jeep of one of the Jewish commanders was coming. The scholar was holding the hands of his children. The commander had took pity on him due to his old age. He stopped his Jeep and asked, “Who are you?” He said his name. “Where do you want to go?” He replied, “Cairo.” “Why?” “There is unrest here.” The commander said, “Have you no transport?” The old scholar replied, “No, I do not have transport. There was a revolution and the Jews took control.” The Jewish commander said, “I pity your old age. Sit in my car; I shall take you to the border. Where will you take your wife and weak children? It is forty miles from here.”

At first, the old scholar was apprehensive, fearing that this person had ill designs for him and his family. The commander then assured him of safety. “Please be convinced, I shall take you there.” He took the family to an Egyptian camp which the Jews had taken control of. The commander took him to a tent, left him there saying, “Rest for a while. Rest, I shall bring food. You eat, and then I shall take you.”

He made the old man sit on a sofa, while the commander sat on the ground. The commander said, “You should be aware of Umar (radhiyallahu anhu)?” The old man said, “What! He is a Sahabi and a great Khalifah of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).” The commander said, “Can you mention some of his qualities?” The old man replied, “Yes.” He then began to mention the virtues, status, and perfection of Sayyidunā Umar (radhiyallahu anhu). After attentively listening, the Jewish commander said, “Are these the qualities of Umar (radhiyallahu anhu)?” He said, “Yes.”

The commander said, “When these qualities were in the Muslims, then we, the Jews, were in subjugation at their feet. What is your condition today? The room that I have seated you in, it is the room of an Egyptian Lieutenant. Yesterday, twenty five soldiers were under him. This is his tent. Bottles of liquor are lined in it. There are couches here. Lawful women (wives) and unlawful women (prostitutes) were with him. Yet he came to fight the Jews. So why should the Jews not overpower and defeat him? When the qualities of Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) were present, the Jews were beneath your feet. Why are you grieving?”

The scholar was now silent. What answer should he give? It is reality. The commander said: “I only wanted to show you this (i.e. the immoral condition of the Muslim army). Now come, I shall take you.” He took the scholar in his Jeep and left him at the border of Cairo. The scholar thanked him. The commander said, “We do not oppose your religion, we oppose you people. You do not follow your religion or our religion. You indulge in liquor, immorality and amusement, so why should we not fight you? Why should we not assert control over you?” (End of the episode)

I mention this story because the same Jews and Christians who were under your domination are today advising you. What a change! What were we and what have we become? There is a need to change this condition. The first foundation of this is education (of the Deen) and moral reformation. Seek knowledge from the Ulama-e-Rabbānī. Seek knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah for giving practical effect to the teachings of the Deen. Correct your interests and understanding, stay in their company and create in you the Colour of Allah as He says in the Qur’aan:

“The colouring of Allah – who is better in colour than Allah? [Surah al Baqarah 2:138]

Adorn yourself with the Colour of Allah. Reading the Book is not sufficient, it is necessary to create this Divine Colour. The heart has to be reformed. It will not be reformed without striving and training. This is the urgent need. These Madaaris and the true khaanqahs have been established for this – to correct the hearts and the bodies. This must be done. If you will not do this, then be prepared for the domination of the enemies. They will subjugate and enslave you.

You have been sent to overpower all religions as Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan: “……So that it (Islam) dominates over all religions.”

But, when this Deen is not in you, then who will you overpower? Heed and take lesson.” (End of Hadhrat Qaari Tayyab’s discourse)
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#1122 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 12:14
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mSiddiqui's avatar
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#1123 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 12:16
Rajab wrote:
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So why not send it to them, and gain clarification. Others have had the courage of asking directly. There is a contact page, use it.

Instead of causing others annoyance with incorrect assumptions. It's clear you are not an Alim.

Answers are given based on people actually on the ground. Bold claim to say that some Faasiq is informing them. Facts are ascertained before anything is published for public consumption.
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akbar703's avatar
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#1124 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 12:46
mSiddiqui wrote:
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The thrashed muslims demand reply from the same ulema. Why Jews are not being thrashed for their oppression.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
#1125 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 12:59
mSiddiqui wrote:
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Well interesting but the story mentioned about the commander and the old man sounds fictional.

If victory will only come when we are perfect Muslims then we are doomed. From that article one could surmise that very soon, Islam as a religion will be left bereft of followers, and Muslims will become extinct. And people will study about us in classrooms about an ancient people that once existed but have perished and we're destroyed.

ALLAH knows best.
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