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Pandemic or Plandemic?

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2021 20:41
Plandemic Shows Why It Is Hard To Stop Conspiracy Theories Online

It is just 26 minutes long, but presented as a "factual" documentary about the coronavirus pandemic. What is worrisome to medical professionals about the online video Plandemic is how it is filled with medical misinformation about where the virus originated and how it is transmitted, but equally worrisome is how it is spreading across social media as fast as the actual coronavirus.

Conspiracy theory videos aren't new on platforms such as YouTube and Facebook, but typically most argue an event after the fact or offer a counter argument to established beliefs – such as whether 9/11 was an inside job or that the Earth is in fact flat. There is usually little to gain but also little to lose by watching the videos, but in this case medical experts warn that this video touts not just misleading information, but worse, makes claims that could be considered dangerous.

As the BBC reported, "Among its claims are that the virus must have been released from a laboratory environment and could not possibly be naturally-occurring; that using masks and gloves actually makes people more sick; and that closing beaches is 'insanity' because of 'healing microbes' in the water. Such claims are not supported by reliable medical and scientific advice."

Medical experts argue that the video also suggested that data about COVID-19 has been falsified as way to control the population.

"Plandemic is the modern ordinance in today's war for influence and manipulation," warned technology industry analyst Josh Crandall of Netpop Research.

"Videos like this, and conspiracy theories in general, are like the Coronavirus themselves," added Crandall. "They infect the mainstream, especially those with pre-existing conditions – i.e. those on the fringe and media organizations – and evolve as each new video mutates toward the most 'viral' memes of previous iterations."

The Line Between Theories And Facts

As more and more individuals continue to get their news from social media there is the danger that less of it is based on real reporting, and instead everyone with a theory can present their opinion or ideas as a fact.

"There's no shortage of websites that promote conspiracies but most tend to be on the fringe of conventional beliefs and have little access to traditional media," explained Charles King, technology analyst at Pund-IT.

That in itself has created a situation where the conspiracy becomes part of the news cycle simply in how it is now being covered.

"The old 'if bleeds, it leads,' has been replaced by 'if it lies, it flies,'" said King.

Moreover, social media can also allow those who disagree with what they see in the traditional – vetted – news with others who share beliefs that aren't on the evening newscast.

"Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms offer conspiracy mongers access to broader general audiences and the potential to recruit new 'true believers,'" added King. "Since social sites have become de facto news sources for many people, the dividing line between demonstrable truth and fictitious falsehoods is often thinner than it should be."

This explains why the social media platforms have been vigilant when it comes to taking down any commentary that could be seen as dangerous. But is it the right course of action?

"In this case, yes – the video is promoting ideas and behaviors that could lead credulous viewers to harm themselves," noted King. "Leaving the video in place would be immoral and unethical."

However, this could be seen as a form of censorship, one that could only add fuel to the more extreme theories. It also could be seen to silence an audience.

"In the mainstream media CNN tells one side of the story, typically from a Democratic or liberal side of the story, while Fox News goes to the other extreme and pushes a more Republican or conservative view," suggested technology evangelist and social media entrepreneur Lon Safko.

"What we see on social media is a lot of stuff no one is reporting," he added. "But we also see that Google and YouTube, along with Facebook are taking down any commentary on coronavirus that doesn't fit with the accepted beliefs on the matter. There are those in the extreme that are terrified by what the government does behind their backs and their voices are being silenced by these platforms. Social media shuts them down. That sends out a very different kind of message."

In many ways that further throws fuel that could then bring out the most extreme views.

"Truth and belief are often confused, especially by those who can't tell the difference between them or won't make an honest effort to do so," countered Pund-IT's King. "If it's inevitable that someone will be offended, let it be those who are spreading malicious disinformation."

Information Isn't Quarantined

One other serious problem with the spread of information is that anyone can now come up with a theory; post it online, build a following, which in turn can convince the masses it must be true. Despots, hucksters, frauds, conmen and pseudapostles have one thing in common – their charismatic ability to convince an audience that what they are saying could be the truth.

Couple that with social media in the time of COVID-19 when people have more time to stare blankly at a screen and it is easy to see why theories are believed. With respect to the creators of South Park, who created the mythical "ManBearPig" as an allegory for global warming, today instead we have "ManSheepParrot" – as in those who listen to the message without questioning like a sheep and parrot it back to anyone who will listen!

"People are worried and isolated; they are spending a lot of time on social media looking for a connection, almost any connection will do," explained Netpop Research's Crandall. "When a well produced piece of propaganda like Plandemic finds its way into their newsfeed or recommended videos next to another from a reputable media company, people, already bored, tired and scared, won't question the authenticity of the content as quickly. Even worse, they may respond favorably to the manipulation, because they just need a target for their anger, fear and grief."

The question then is whether this is censorship of valid information or a necessary move to stop the spread of harmful information.

"Facebook's announcement to create an independent counsel to evaluate content distributed on the panel is a first step to creating change," added Crandall. "Yet, it's wise to question how effective this solution will be."

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2021 21:09
Moved to "Truth or Hoax"
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2021 14:50
Post enabled!

After taking precautions and checking this, I am now activating the posts.

The videos are mind-blowing.

The Ulama who have spoken against watching these have not watched them before. They are simply being politically correct and putting lives at risk. They should comment only after watching it.

Highly recommended.

If you don't have time, watch the first 26 minutes video in the least.

Mind blowing!
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Yasin's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2021 15:34
Professional and informative. It even teaches about how discrediting works and how the first place a person looks for information is Google. Pure journalism with so many testimonies and evidence. Wow.

This video is a class, a lecture, a course, education. Everyone should do justice to themselves and watch both the videos. it even covers so much of what's argued about on this forum needlessly.

If it doesn't open your eyes I believe nothing will. I think you should find a different forum because hereon, with this evidence I will not permit misinformation and the promotion of unethical and criminal businesses on the forum or blogs.

I'll reshare the links just in case:
Part 1
Part 2
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2021 16:54

I'm a little confused.

The Forbes article in the OP explicitly says "Plandemic" is conspiracy theory.

The post by admin seems to say the opposite.

What am I missing?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2021 17:18
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Forbes can say XYZ, just like how many others will deter you. The point is, the video is there for you to watch and decide if this is a theory or fact. Hoax or Truth.

If you ask me, it is FACT/TRUTH. If you have the courage to watch, then please do so.

There are so many important points in the article itself that show you how things are being blocked.

Being blocked by whom? The Transhumanists
abu mohammed wrote:
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This is just the beginning of the end!

People who want God out of the equation.

If you haven't watched the videos, I don't think you should comment on the matter. This is for real and is very serious.
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Yasin's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd January 2021 17:26
abu mohammed wrote:
If you haven't watched the videos, I don't think you should comment on the matter

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tanveerzakee's avatar
tanveerzakee's avatar
#8 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2021 16:51
abu mohammed wrote:
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I watched the video.

May i ask what you meant by having the courage to watch it?
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2021 17:08
tanveerzakee wrote:
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This comment of courage was specific to my brother abuzayd2k because his mind is set on not accepting other views when it comes to non Islamic topics.

No matter how much evidence is placed, there will be someone to say it's all fake.

Many people are content on living in a world of fairy tales.

That's because they have already been brainwashed.

The real question is, what did you make of it and what are your views on the current situation?
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2021 17:35
I didn't need these videos to tell me that almost everything in today's world is a deception. I have already believed that for several years. What boggles my mind is how are the Muslims unable to recognize the patterns. Shaytan has a few chosen tricks that he uses every few centuries and you can easily spot those tricks if you pay attention. Like the discrediting of any information or witnesses that counter the "official" narrative which is actually a falsehood.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2021 18:02
fod1083 wrote:
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Shaytan has a few chosen tricks that he uses every few centuries and you can easily spot those tricks if you pay attention.

Please elaborate.
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Asaaghir's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2021 18:37
Wise words

الساكتُ عن الحقِّ شيطان أخرس

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bint e aisha's avatar
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2021 19:41
Some more wise words:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai wrote:
My beloved teacher and Sheikh Hadhrat Mufti Ahmed Khanpoori Sahib Mudda Zilluhu offered me sound advice regarding differences of opinions. He stated that in legitimate differences of opinions, one should adopt the following attitude;

"نہ مجھ پر وحی آئی ، نہ ان پر وحی آئی "

”Neither was wahi revealed upon me, nor was wahi revealed upon them.”

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tanveerzakee's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2021 03:59
abu mohammed wrote:
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Thank you for clarifying.

This is all very scary.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2021 05:28
abu mohammed wrote:
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Just that, have we not seen this many times before? Someone speaks the truth and gets discredited. Which brings into question the veracity of what they are saying. Classic technique. Of course we recognize this as a human phenomenon but where does such a thing initially arise from? The Shaytan himself of course. He has done this with Islam since the beginning through his minions. Trying to discredit the Sahaba رضي الله عنه in one way or the other. You discredit the Sahaba رضي الله عنه and you throw doubt over the Truth that they witnessed with their own eyes. The Prophethood of Prophet (saw). The label of conspiracy theorist is the modern way of doing this. Look at all those events that have supposedly taken place. Anyone who questions them is a conspiracy nut. The Holocaust, for example. No one can ask for the proofs of it. No one is allowed to even research the truth about it.

This is just one of the tricks. There are others, like for instance polytheism through reverence of personalities. How do you think the Christians, Barelwis and Shias have this in common amongst them? Do you think they all banded together to agree on this one principle? That they are gonna take the reverence for their respective personalities to the level of worship? Of course not. This idea is as old as mankind itself. As we know from ahadith that after the death of Adam (as) Shaytan taught people to make pictures or statues of their revered personalities and then slowly start worshipping them. Like I said, same old tricks again and again.

Then there are the more obvious ones like the degenerate LGBTQ. We don't have detailed accounts of the people of Lut (as) on this but you can imagine how Shaytan would have brought them to the acceptance of such unnatural way of life. Same usual nonsense about humanity being the greatest religion, etc. We can all guess I am sure.

Then there are the excuses that are made for not doing Jihad. It has been mentioned before that the excuses of people of today are very similar to the ones made thousands of years ago by the Bani Israel.

Point is, it is the same tricks again and again. And we keep falling for them again and again.

Even in modern times if you remember before everything came out in the open about Jeffrey Epstein and his involvement with major modern "heroes", anyone who would mention this would be a conspiracy theorist. Now that their conspiracy theory has been proven by the law, no one wants to talk about it.
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