I have noticed a trend in the change of ingredients over a few years and have seen many E-Numbers being removed from the ingredients.
There was a time when we use to have (and some still do) a list of Haram E-Numbers.
Some ingredients are Haram but may still turn up in the food labelled as "Suitable for Vegeterians".
Some ingredients sound Halal but are in fact Haram.
Another major issue is the terminology or wording used for the ingredients. Many people just assume it's Halal.
I have tried to find a full list of the ingredients that are Haram but can only find bits and pieces of information here and there.
I would like to post as many Haram/Doubtful ingredients in one post for easy access to everyone. Other posts can go into details as to what the ingredient actually is and if there are other threads on that ingredient, then we can link it.
Anyone who posts an ingredeint that is Haram or doubtful, then inshaAllah the post will be updated and the new ingredient will be added to the list.
There are lists by others, but unfortunately they do not cover all the ingredients.
For example:

This list is missing a few very common items that we have in the UK.