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#196 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 01:57
abu mohammed wrote:
"Abu_Hanifa" wrote:
"abu mohammed" wrote:
Brother Abu_Hanifah, you have taken my post out of context. It is a genuine mistake or clear deception. One of the two. Allahu Alum, but as always benefit of the doubt.
Sorry bro, was not implying that you was calling any individual faasiq, but you need to be careful how you answer and structure your comments insha'Allah
  Oh! Well I was very carefull ith that one.

Sorry bro, didn't mean to offend, please forgive me if i have hurt you or anyones feelings on the forum. I pray Allah swt. guides me and you all and keeps us all steadfast, (ameen)
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#197 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 02:09
I'm not.offended inshaAllah.

The ones causing offense by showing hatred all over the forum are the one who are offending the respected brothers of other organizations. They are the ones who should be guilty not you. Unless you are also offending them indirectly by discretely showing hatred also.

I would like to remind every one, and my self first.

A Muslim can not LIE. You must have heard the Hadith.

Liars will be exposed inshaAllah. Allah will take the noor away from.their hearts. And if you don't get it, then that's a sign of the noor being taken away.
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#198 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 02:12
abu mohammed wrote:
I'm not.offended inshaAllah.

The ones causing offense by showing hatred all over the forum are the one who are offending the respected brothers of other organizations. They are the ones who should be guilty not you. Unless you are also offending them indirectly by discretely showing hatred also.

I would like to remind every one, and my self first.

A Muslim can not LIE. You must have heard the Hadith.

Liars will be exposed inshaAllah. Allah will take the noor away from.their hearts. And if you don't get it, then that's a sign of the noor being taken away.

Jazaak Allah Khair for the reminder
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#199 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 02:22
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#200 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 10:29
Abu_H wrote:
6. People are not equal in their study of the texts of Revelation and they are not equal in their ability to understand those texts. Hence many Muslims are content to follow these imams. As these four imams became famous and had students who propagated their views, therefore you find some people following the Hanafi or Maaliki or Shaafa'i or Hanbali madhhab. Usually the Madhhab of the common folk is the Madhhab of their Shaykh in their city or village. There is nothing wrong with what the common folk do, because they are enjoined to ask the people of knowledge. But they do not have the right to denounce others for adopting a different opinion or to issue fatwas or to adhere fanatically to the words of their Shaykh. Rather when the truth becomes clear to him he must act upon it and not do anything other than that.

Is there any issue that you think is unclear in regards to the Hanafi Fiqh. As far as evidence is concerned, SubhanAllah, there is ample evidence.

I gave an example of the sitting position in Salah, that was totaly ignored with "why cant the differences be a mercy" SubhanAllah. When it suits someone they change to be part of it, when it doesn't suit them, they want differences to be a mercy, isnt that being two faced?

With regards to new evidence or situations like Brother Muadh has pointed out, does that mean we adjust with time? We cant take rulings to suit us when we feel like it, people now want to be different, this is hypocrasy. They are moving away from the Ijma' of the Ummah.

Today we have certain self declared Salafi scholars who call "Us", The Muqallids, Mushriks. I dont care if these are your views or not, but the staements have been made and if you want proof you will have it InshaAllah.
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#201 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 13:15
Yasin wrote:
I see you have Ilmul-Ghayb too. I thought only Allah knew what's in a heart. Think!

Mufti Yasin Sahib Only Allah Posesses Ilmul Ghaib to Say A human Being Has Ilmul GHaib Is a sin. Even if it was said in a jest.
As ALLAH says in the quran to the nearest effect
"do not lie even in a jest".
As a mufti you will know that it is essential to repent and beg allah for forgiveness for the sins you have commited and if i have said anything wrong then correct and forgive me

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Shame on him who tells lies in order to make people laugh! Shame on him! Shame on him!" [Abu Dawud]

We can say without doubt that lying is one of the most evil characteristics, against which all religions and systems of ethics warn, and which man's innate common sense (Fitrah) also recognizes as wrong. However, many people do not take seriously telling lies when they are joking. Lying is not permissible whether the one doing it is joking or serious. Practical jokes are another form of lying.

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "I joke, but I speak nothing but the truth." [Tabarani]
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#202 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 13:28
1) I am not a Mufti

2) I don't think you're very familiar with such phrases. The quote above is a reflection of what I was addressing, it's not a statement. Neither was it a jest.

3) You've had 3 posts so far and all are complaints or negativity. I strongly suggest a little re-evaluation of your approach here.

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#203 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 13:41
You guys are amazing. First of all, why are you all claiming that Yasin is a Mufti.

If you have an issue with a mufti, then Yasin has provided the links to the muftees.

Please do not make assumptions.

And just so that you know, I am not an Alim, scholar, Mufti, Maulana or anything like that. This is a forum where people can come and have a formal discussion or pass on knowledge that they aquire. People post articles here with the intention of spreading the deen and for generating rewards for the hereafter when their posts are practiced upon or shared.

Just to clarify also, my posts are mostly based on works done by Ulama. My comments are my comments. Anyone can tell the differences.
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#204 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 13:53
Sorry, I didn't realise Yasin replied whilst I was typing.
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#205 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 14:03
abu mohammed wrote:
Just to clarify also, my posts are mostly based on works done by Ulama. My comments are my comments. Anyone can tell the differences.

Its clear to see that most of the stuff on here is written by qualified scholars. We are merely passing the information on. Especially when it comes to complex fiqh issues, etc we leave it to the experts. Ive heard cases where some brothers would meet up, open a Qur'an (english translation!), and then each person would give his own personal opinion/interpretation of each ayah. And they feel happy that they arent commiting shirk by blind following! Although clearly this is following of desires

When following a madhhab, one feels content to leave the intepretation to those who actually know what they are talking about. In fact, even many great scholars of the past made taqleed of one of the four schools. Giants in Islamic scholarship such as Imams Ibn Hajar, Dhahabi, Tahawi, Razi, Jassas, Nawawi, رضي الله عنه and the list goes on endlessly, all adhering to one of the four schools.

Clearly, this is also a great testimony of the true humility and fear of Allah Ta'ala these tremendous men possessed, that despite their own towering statuses as Hadeeth scholars and jurists, they were ready to admit that others had greater knowledge than themselves and thus they followed them.

Just as this speaks volumes about them and their real humility, it also reveals an alarming danger for a sincere Muslim concerning his own condition. Namely, if it was a mark of humility that compelled them to choose one of the Imams to follow, then surely rejecting taqleed of the imams may possibly indicate the pride lurking within a person. For despite being hindered by a myriad of deficiencies, such as not being able to understand Arabic and having little or no appreciation of the Islamic sciences, what could possibly lead a person to believe that he was above practising taqleed?

Pride is a disease that for the earnest believer cannot be tolerated at any expense, for the Messenger of Allah (salallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "A person with the extent of a grain of pride in his heart will not enter Paradise." [Sahih Muslim]
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#206 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 18:48
abu mohammed wrote:

Another point to note is that when we as Hanafi provide solid evidence, it gets rejected with false accusations. Therefore there is a need of providing evidence.

Bro, You have very little understanding on fiqh, as you have just proved by what you just said to me as a reply.

D'you have any idea what Qiyaas is and how it is used in fiqh? Do you not know that scholars may differ on the authenticity of certain hadith subhan'Allah, and some scholars may have different interpretations for them. (Within the four schools of thought also)
The great students of imam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah, who helped spread the madhab in the majority, Abu Yusuf and Muhammed differed in about two thirds of the madhab. Are you going to call them 'Salafis' aswell now? Grow up bro. You have so much hatred for your brothers, its blinding you from showing baraa' to the kuffar.
Learn to accept a difference of opinion, like I said before, it is a rahma from Allah 'Azzawajal so please treat it like one.

This is a difference of opinion, and regardless of if we do not follow the same opinion, that opinion is to be respected.
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#207 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 18:50
abu mohammed wrote:

The post that have shown hatred even after clarification, proves how low one goes to get his self dirtied. Worst then the cattle.

Wow, Now your using the description Allah 'azzawajal gives to the kuffar to your fellow brothers?

[admin edit: arguments about rep removed]
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#208 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 18:59


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#209 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 19:00
Are you justifying dislike to Hadith and verses of the Quran. That what the thumbs down are about.
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#210 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2011 19:07
abu mohammed wrote:


I dont get it. By posting a link showing qiyaas can be used it means somehow you know what it means and how it is used?
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