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#166 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 18:49
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London, Stokenewingt
#167 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 22:55
I'm shocked at the way you make assumptions, slander, backbite and do nameema, I fear that you may get heavy punishment in your graves if you don't repent.

super-glue wrote:

Sorry bro, I found your entire approach quite pathetic during this entire madness you caused with a lie about how you're still searching for the truth and within a week you found it lol. Lo and behold, you found it elsewhere and not the place you argued non-stop for a week.


Who said that I've only been looking for the correct methodology for a week? what you can say is that I've only been asking here on this website for a few weeks, the reason I began asking here was firstly because I came to know that you lied about the eid salah, and secondly because I was shocked to find out the the brothers from tarbeeyyah respect the four madhaahib.


Just the other day, I spoke to some salafi brothers who attend tarbeeyyah mosque on leswin road, I asked one of their brothers who is currently studying about following a Madhab and he told me he recomends it and that he's a follower of the Hanbali madhab, I was shocked after hearing this thinking they were completely against the four madhabs.

As for my quest for the truth, it began a long time ago in the days of college and uni, as you know, many of the isocs are run by salafi brothers, they used to tell me that blind following one madhab is haram. I heard from some of our scholars that salafis mock the madhabs so that really deterred me from following their way. I found their methodology very appealing but couldn't stand the fact that they didn't respect the madhabs, I kept researching and the more I researched the more inclined I was to their way, the main thing that put me off was the disrespect I thought they had for the madhabs. I was too embarassed and perhaps scared to ask them why they disrespected the madhabs, I didn't have any knowledge to debate them so I thought it'll be better to let them do what they wanted to do.

As the years went by, I read a few books they had in their isoc library on different sciences, I remember reading a book on the five pillars, It was a compilation of fatwa on the pillars of Islam and Iman by sheikh bin uthaimeen, this opened my eyes to the way of the salafis in their fiqh, the only thing that I couldn't understand was why they showed great disrespect for the madhabs.

Just recently I had the nerve to ask one of the brothers at tarbeeyyah about following a madhab, he gave me an answer that really surprised me, that's when I began posting on this forum, I also posted on a salafi forum, they obviously helped me a lot more than you did, the only thing I found from this forum was insults, slander, and brothers telling me they're laymen but then trying to refute the salafis as if they were scholars, a great blunder on your part.

The brother from tarbeeyyah also helped mashallah, not once was he rude to me nor did he avoid any questions I asked him. I took many masalas to him and he broke them right down for me, something that the brothers here were unable to do. He opened my mind and made me question myself in a lot of the things the hanafis practice, he provided the statements of the classical scholars on every hadith and ruling he gave me.

The brothers on the salafi forum refuted every misconception I had, they even showed me something that shocked me more than any of the above, they presented me with something in aqeeda and then linked me to a fatwa on this website, the shocking part was that the fatwa on this site was completely different to a fatwa given by one of the big hanafi scholars who is also promoted on this site, it was really disturbing to see two well respected hanafi scholars having the complete different belief on a major part of aqeeda, they both refute the other opinion with severe statements. After realizing some of the differences you have amongst your scholars on major parts of aqeeda, I had no choice but to accept the way of the salafis. Alhamdulillah Allah made it very easy for me, a true blessing.

I think it has upsetted you that I chose to take their way, I had a feeling that doing this would lead to your people slandering the salafis even more, you now try and liken them with the shias who are possibly the worse people on earth, you continuously slander and lie and do all the harams you do best, it seems as if you're asking Allah to punish you, I hope i'm not held accountable for your slander and lies.

I don't think there's a need for me to post on this forum anymore, I've come to realize that your eyes are closed and you don't want to search for the truth.

You can slander me and lie about me as much as you want, I will tell Allah that I washed my hands off you and have nothing to do with your corruption.

I will continuously make dua that Allah guides all of you, you have been very generous in giving me your deeds and through your deception, the doors of the sunnah have opened for me.

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#168 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 23:17
Who's backbiting? I typed it here and unless you sit with your back to the monitor, it's not backbiting.

Assumptions and slander? Assumptions yes, which is not a judgement but an assumption. It's allowed as long as I've left a window for you to respond.

Slander? I don't think I have.

Eid Salaah? No idea what you're on about and if it was a personal thing then it didn't seem like that. Your approach was directly at the entire Ummah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah.

Since college/uni days, I've heard from Salafis: "We respect all the Madhaahib" - lol

A christian preacher once said to me, "I respect Allah, the Qur'aan and Mohammed deeply" - does that make him a Muslim?

How can you claim respect when you verbally spit on all the Salaf and todays scholars. You only have respect for Ibn Taymiyyah so please spare your devotion to these illusions of respect for the Madhaahib.

Honestly brother, I've read the most sickening things from Salafis. From touching and reading the Qur'aan in the state of Janaabah to breastfeeding issue to make someone Mahram. The things you go on about are tiny little things which scholars have already addressed yet you go nuts on this forum with the same old stuff. It's sad to be frank.
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super-glue's avatar
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#169 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 23:19
abu mohammed wrote:
@brother Muadh, thesunnah has said they would be called fasiq.
thesunnah, you even did a thumbs down for your own quote.. lol
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#170 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 23:21
Jazakallah, inshaAllah I would like to point out a few areas someone has marked down. This shows that there is someone reading this forum.who is totally confused. And I'm not pointing fingers. But this will have to be tomorrow inshaAllah.

I still don't understand one thing, brother thesunnah.
Are you salafi or hanbali because it is very confusing.

My comments are regarding the salafi like the ones who criticize the imams as we saw in the link and NOT against hanbali's

Also as far as I know, Shaykh Uthaymeen was a hanbali. So why do you refer to him as a salafi.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#171 [Permalink] Posted on 16th October 2011 23:32

"super-glue" wrote:
"abu mohammed" wrote:
@brother Muadh, thesunnah has said they would be called fasiq.
thesunnah, you even did a thumbs down for your own quote.. lol

With all due respect, we don't know who gave the thumbs down. Like I said, someone is very confused.

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super-glue's avatar
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#172 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 00:00
I don't know why I instantly assumed it was him. Serious apologies from me if it wasn't him.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#173 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 06:19
Allah knows who this person is, so please don't expose yourself and say it was me and own up.

we are aware that we have kaffirs like Dr Lazarus on this site, we have anti Hadith people like adibgnail, we have those against the Quran like stopincest, we have a full range of people who come to this site.

The posts marked down that are clear cut with no rant or disagreements clearly has shown the true colours of hypocrisy, lack of knowledge, lack of hikmah, lack of understanding, pure ignorance, infancy, disrespect to the salaf, disrespect to the companions, disrespect to the prophet, disrespect to the deen, disrespect to Allah, self disrespect, lack of intellect, a sealed heart, a veil over the eyes, etc etc.

And we are the ones called school boys, SubhanAllah.

I corrected my post and removed the name of any organisations or any street name, also to be noted is that I did not bring it into this forum.

Allahu Akbar. Some one has tried hard and succeeded in becoming the lowest of the low, and like I said we can't point fingers as we don't know who it was. And to be honest, we don't want to know.

If you have marked down the posts with no form of misguidance in them or no lies in them, then ask yourself something, what have you become in the site of Allah?

I am hoping that it wasn't anybody who has posted on this forum, although it can only be done by members and not guests.

InshaAllah, I will provide a link to such post(s) later.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#174 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 09:47
thesunnah wrote:
3) The salafis of leswin road

I am not the one calling the brothers Salafi, You have implied that in your posts from the very start. You have named the institutes and location, I just went by what you were saying. I was/am talking of general Salafi AKA Psuedo Salafi, or Ghair Muqallid, not the respected Hanaabil Madhab.

I was under the impression that they were Hanbali and that is what it sounded like when you mentioned the respected brothers too. I am still confused about this.

Are they/you Salafi or Hanbali? The people I have spoken to dont like to be called Salafi and I can understand that.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#175 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 11:32
Thumbs Down by some who must hate the four schools of thought, InshaAllah it is not a Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, or Hanbali because that would not make sense. It must be a totally Jahil Muslim or a non Muslim.

إنـما الأعـمـال بالنيات وإنـمـا لكـل امـرئ ما نـوى

Cant accept an answer

Doesnt like evidence from the Quran

Doesnt like evidence or Dua

Disagrees with Aqeedah Tahaweeh

Disagrees with Truth

Doesnt understand Gheebah

Hatred for unity

Hatred for the Quran, even though the misunderstanding was accepted by us all

Hatred for giving benefit of the doubt

Hatred for giving clarification

Another hatred for agreeing about the dislike of a verse from the Quran

Didnt like the fact that I helped brother Abu_Hanifah

Showing support for the Hatred of Imam Abu Hanifa

hatred of a genuine question to remove any possible misunderstandings

Hatred towards References

Hatred towards a Lesson by the Prophet SAW

Hatred to un apology, for which I have given a thumbs up due to the thumbs down

Hatred for a Dua and wanting unity

Hatred for suporting brother thesunnah

Hatred for asking why there is hatred

Dislikes being told how to follow Quran & Sunnah

Hatred for a dua and insight

Would rather pray behind a Mushrik and deny the Fatwa

Cant read or disagrees with Hadith

Lack of inteligence

Hatred for providing daleel


Lack of intellect again

Lack of intellect again

I dont know what to call this

Anti Ijma'

Doesnt like my support for brother thesunnah

Finally this post will explain why. Whats in the Heart? and this post will explain what is happening Following Desires

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#176 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 11:47
Another question if someone could clarify.

In Salah, many people sit on their left thigh/buttoks as there is evidence regarding it being done, and then justify their act and do it in every single Salah wether they are sick, injured, weak or ill.

However when this Hadith is provided, it is still ignored.

From the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad. Hadith number 153, page 96.

Malik informed us: "Abd ar-Rahman ibn-Qasim narrated to us from Abdullah ibn Abdullah ibn Umar, that he used to see his father sit (with his buttoks) on the ground in the prayer. He said, 'So I did it, and I was then still in my youth. My father reproached me and said, "It is NOT THE Sunnah of the prayer. The Sunnah of the prayer is that you keep your right foot upright and put your left foot on its side"'"

Imam Muhammad said "We Adhere to this and this is the verdict of Abu Hanifa.

For the Sahabi / Tabi'een to say that it is Not Sunnah after the Prophet has passed away is enough proof.

There is no need to say or ask, Is it Haram, is it Biddah etc? It is not Sunnah!
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#177 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 12:48

"thesunnah" wrote:
"abu mohammed" wrote:
Until then, the radio transmitters and receivers are echoing the adhan beyond the mosques, offices and markets.
  I have few questions regarding your post:

1) How long have the mosques (masjid quba, madinah mosque...) had radio transmitters and receivers?

2) How long have these mosques been calling two azans?

3) What is the gap between the two azans?

4) How many people come to the jumma prayer because they've heard the first azan?

Jazakallah, I will try to answer

1) Allahu Alum, propbably the last ten years. (now you can hear the Adhan of Masjid e Quba Live in Makkah too;

2)From the very start. Preffered to Stick to the Sunnah of the Uthman RA.

3)About 10-15 Minutes (Same time it would take to get to another mosque incase they missed Salah in the one nearby, or enough time to complete Tahiyatul Wudhu, Tahiyatul Masjid and offer the 4 rakaah sunnah)

4)We are in London not the Middle East, We do not have permission to give Adhan on loud speakers yet, however I have heard it up North. Infact, Howmany people come to the Masjid because they hear any Adhan. I go by my timetable and the clock. Do you want to rephrase this question again?

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#178 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 14:09

"thesunnah" wrote:
"abu mohammed" wrote:
To give one adhan for Jummah is not haram. That is what you wanted hear. But to leave out the Sunnah of the khulaafa on a continuous basis would be going against the ijma. Hadhrat Ali RA was of the khulaafa, but the Hadith you provided was temporary. Therefore the ijma was and has been for 1400 years of the adhan of uthman ra continues. [/quote] You very cleverly chose not to answer certain questions because they prove your opinion wrong, I don't think you and Yasin quite understand, the reason why they don't do two azans is because the reason for doing it is not present, this is the same reason why Ali commanded the people to do only one azan in kufa. If you look at saudi arabia, egypt, morroco and many other countries that are upon similar if not the same beliefs as these brothers, you will find that most of them do two azans, this is because the azans are heard from miles outside the mosques so it coincides with that which Uthman did and is therefore sunnah and the best thing to do in that situation. There are only a few mosques in the UK that have been given permission to allow the azan to be heard outside the mosques, for these mosques, the brothers at tarbeeyyah say it's sunnah and the best thing to do because the reasons are met. As for tarbeeyyah mosque, masjid quba, madinah mosque and all the other mosques in hackney, the sunnah for them is to do one azan because the reasons why Uthman did azan are not met, this also coincides with the action of Ali. The brother at Tarbeeyyah also told me that if they were ever given permission to put a large speaker outside the masjid so people can hear the azan from miles out, they would do two azans because they meet the reasons as to why it was done by Uthman. If Allah gives you the tawfiq to understand the above, you will come to realize that the way you call the azan is actually against the sunnah because it doesn't meet the reasons as to why Uthman ordered for it to take place. It's just like the mistake that many people make, they take the hadiths that tell us Ibn Umar trimmed his beard and then trim their beards right down, ignoring the fact that he didn't trim it shorter than a fist length. The brother told me that many people like to take rulings without looking at the whole situation, if the Prophet pbuh or the sahabas did something, you have to look at their boundaries and reasons and not transgress the limits and go beyond that, this is what the brothers at Tarbeeyyah are upon mashallah, that's why their methadology seems a lot stronger and is a lot more appealing than ours.
"abu mohammed" wrote:
So if you guys find their theory in conjunction with your nafs, then so be it. You have the answer of those who go against the ijma of the ummah. [/quote] The brother actually laughed when I told him this, he's asked me to ask you to research what the ijma was actually on, was it on the two azans itself or was the ijma on the reasons to when the two azans become sunnah, maybe you can let us know when you finish researching this from the books of the salaf. [quote="abu mohammed"] And this is not the only place where these theories stop, there are other places where their nafs have gone against the ijma. If you want to know where, them ask. Sweet talk and theories do not hold value in the eyes of the ijma.
I would like to know please. Maybe whilst you're finding more examples, you can read the brothers article again and give your insight on: [quote="thesunnah"] Ibn Qudamah mentions in al-Mugni; “The companion of the Prophet (pbuh) used to wipe over the jawrabayn and there were no differences amongst them in that and therefore it is ijma’”
and if you're going to talk about mujallad and muna’al, then you should read his article again before commenting on it. Not only is this rejected amongst our people, we also warn those from praying behind them saying their prayers are not valid. I think you should remind me what we call a people who reject the ijma of the sahabah. Also shocked that Yasin or whoever it was edited my post and removed the questions, hope it wasn't in fear of people finding out how you only touched on one of the questions. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone in any of my posts, sometimes things look worse when written.

Asslamo Allaikum,


On one hand you propagate following Qur’aan & Sunnah and on the other hand you suggest disregarding them (when it contradicts) with your own practise.

If two Adhans should be abandoned just because the conditions don’t exist THEN

  1. the distance for being a Mussafir should be abandoned because it doesn’t take me days to get from Makkah to Madina!
  2. A woman in her menstruation should simply douche herself, take a shower and then she is clean (i.e. no longer unclean) to pray or whatever she wants!
  3. A pig bred in a special way can be cleaner for consumption!

You are making a mockery of the Deen of Allah (SWT).

What you can’t answer are two very simple facts:

  1. I pray 20 Rakaah Taraweeh because Ameerul-Mumineen Sayyidina Umar (RA) ordered it and Sahaba (RA) prayed it
  2. I call two Adhans at Jummuah because Ameerul-Mumineen Sayyidina Uthmaan (RA) ordered it and Sahaba (RA) agreed with it

All your games whether the Sunnah of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) is abrogated by the actions of Sahaba (RA) is exactly what it is ***GAMES***

Do you know more about Sunnah of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) then Sayyidina Umar (RA), Sayyidina Usman (RA), Sayyidina Ali (RA), Sayyidina Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA), Sayyidina Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA)?

As soon as I prove to you CATEGORICALLY (and I can) that I am following the Athar (Practise) of the Sahaba then EVERY ACCUSATION which you throw at me you are actually throwing at the Sahaba (RA) because they instigated it and according to Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaah they are “ADOOL”


When you are able to snap out of YOUR HATRED, you may want to think about where your accusations are being targeted at!!!

It isn’t Hanafees you are HITTING DIRECTLY at the Sahaba (RA)!



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abu mohammed's avatar
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#179 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 17:04
And by the way, for those who are taking this personally. Its a big world out there and here are some stats of visitors in the range of a few minutes:

17 October @ 16:46 : Halifax, GB
17 October @ 16:45 : Dursley, GB
17 October @ 16:43 : United Kingdom, GB
17 October @ 16:34 : London, GB
17 October @ 16:25 : Madras, IN
17 October @ 16:25 : Bangladesh, BD
17 October @ 16:25 : Manchester, GB
17 October @ 16:23 : Mountain View, California, US
17 October @ 16:17 : Dhaka, BD
17 October @ 16:16 : Rochdale, GB
17 October @ 16:02 : Dewsbury, GB
17 October @ 15:57 : Toronto, CA

This is a World Wide service not just for Londoners. It is a place from where many people come to learn or share.

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Ibn_Muhammed's avatar
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#180 [Permalink] Posted on 17th October 2011 17:45
Why can people on this forum not be happy with a rahma of Allah 'Azzawajal, and be pleased with a difference of opinion. You pray like this, I pray another, Alhamdulillah. We're both muslim. I've seen more 'Baraa here to muslims, 'Salafis', which I dont think anyone here even knows the meaning of, than to the kuffar subhan'Allah.

How can a difference in fiqh bring about so much dis unity amazes me.
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