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abu mohammed's avatar
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd October 2010 16:21
Asking for Zakat Money to run a TV Channel
Please refer back to my blog Claim Your Zakat Back See the Video here for the Zakat Advert on TV for a TV Channel

How and which renowned scholars of Islam says that we can give Zakat to a satallite channel, even if that is spreading Islam? They are already loaded with TONS of Money. These so-called Scholars are Truly amazing, and they call us (Followers of a School of thought) "Blind Followers" & "Innovators" How Typical, using their own description to describe the followers of a School of thought. SubhanAllah

"You should give out your zakat personally to the poor and needy who are eligible to accept zakat. If you choose to give your zakat to an organization make sure that there are competent Ulama there who are well versed in the laws of Zakat. You should not give your zakat to an organization where there are no reliable Ulama and the organization is not well versed in the laws of zakat. (It can be seen that the Ulama of Peace TV are not competent in the laws of Zakat)If they did not discharge your zakat according to Shariah, your zakat obligation will not be fulfilled.

Allah knows best.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2013 15:57

This is a first!

Someone mentioned to me about Dr Zakir Naiks mobile, and i thought it was just an App for download.

I was wrong, he's actually got a mobile, and not just any mobile! Urdu English

I wonder where all the money comes from. I'm sure its not from the wrongful zakat payments for his channel.

Khair May Allah give them Barakah in their rizq.

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2013 16:07

Peace Tv Mobile is powered by Dual Core processor , 4 GB internal storage expandable through SD card to 32GB, display screen 4.63 inches , Dual Sim, 5 Mega Pixel auto focus back camera, OS is not yet known. Price of Peace Tv Mobile Phone is also not announced but keep in touch we will post release date and price soon.

Peace Tv Mobile Phone Special Features:

> Over 80 hours Dr. Zakir Naik’s videos.
> Over 50 Authentic Islamic Applications.
> Over 100 Islamic Wallpapers.
> Over 200 Islamic Ringtones.
> Islamic Nasheeds.
> Books on Islam & Comparative Religion of Dr. Zakir Naik.

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brooklynyte4ever's avatar
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2013 17:53
abu mohammed wrote:
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Salaamualaikum Abu m

Ramadan Mubarak.

Do you promote zahir naik. I also heard some negative things about him as well . What do you know about his aqeedah? Also I would recommended every one to send their zakat or sadaqa to the mujlisul ulema of South Africa if they are having a hard time finding trust worthy ulema.
Sorry if I'm off the topic
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2013 18:23
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brooklynyte4ever's avatar
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2013 21:51

I checked it out.
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xs11ax's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 12th July 2013 22:45


they are using the deen to sell their phones and make money!

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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2013 09:26

brooklynyte4ever wrote:
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xs11ax wrote:
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Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Allow me to show you another side of the picture. Most laymen with TV’s at home don’t know and don’t care about the Deobandi/Ahl-e-Hadeeth polemics and most importantly don’t want to know.

They open their TV and get to know a little about Islam, the presentation is slick and professional and they see nothing wrong with it.

Deobandees (& Madkhalees) have filled the Internet with “Dr Zakir Naik” refutations from one to another in Urdu & English and yet Peace-TV machine continues to go from strength to strength. This shows that we are losing the battle.

Same goes for Dr Farhat Hashmi, ever major Darul-uloom and Mufti has given a Fatwa against it and YET it continues to thrive and grow SIMPLY because they cater for women in a Sunnah (appropriate) manner...Even the staunchest Deobandees  have to support  them such as  Maulana Tariq Jameel (HA) despite hundreds of Fatwaas against them.

The real solution is to become professional and present the Deen in a better, coherent, professional, harmonised manner and actually compete in way to grab people’s attention and to make yourself heard.

The days of issuing Fatwaas and sitting back and expecting the laymen to refrain because Hazrat A or Hazrat B has spoken due to his Kashf are long gone.

Its time for some very serious introspection.

The purpose is not give Fatwaas but to safeguard the Eemaan of the people. There are so many Muslims who turn to Peace TV where is the alternative?

Most of the Deoandi web-sites are horrible (which they have no difference of opinion on) let alone Radio (some disagreement) to TV (major disagreement).

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2013 13:12
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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mashallah, this is very true.

have you spoken to senior ulama? what was the reaction?
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2013 16:49
Agree whole heartedly with brother Muadh.

Today, the only person who comes a little close to the needs of the youth of today (from the ulama of Deoband) would be Mufti Ismail Menk. His method of delivery is awesome, he touches everyone that listens to him.

Notice how Mufti Menk only speaks of Quran and Hadith. I've never heard him go into schools of thoughts. But once you get stuck into the lectures, its an opening to other topics, and from here the laypeople can go into Fiqh and aqeedah.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2013 18:17

The art of speaking to someone or writing is to speak at the lowest common denominator and Dr Zakir Naik and Shaykh (Mufti) Menk (HA) and most Salafees do that.

Most Deobandees speak in terms of Ulamah e.g. Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadeeth (Maulana) Zakariyya (RA) writes in Fazail-e-Amaal...

If you are not a Deobandi it means nothing at all and thats the mentality we need to get rid of.

The point is that whatever Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadeeth (Maulana) Zakariyya (RA) writes in Fazail-e-Amaal  is likely to be from Qur'aan & Sunnah but when you quote it in this manner it instantly places a barrier between the speaker (or the writer) and the listener or the reader.

There are two remedies:

  1. Introduce Ulamah of Deoband to such an extent that they become common names e.g. even Non-Deobandees know who Shaykh Bin Baz (RA) is!
  2. OR speak from Qur'aan & Hadeeth and introduce the opinions of our Mashaykh under them.

I am the worst at this technique myself but some of the Ulamah like Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadhul-Haq (HA) are Masters of it. Shaykh (HA) is able to absorb and subsume the words of Ulamah of Deoband into Qur'aan and Hadeeth and seamlessly weave a pattern which the listener is able to admire.

Contrast that with other Deobandi Ulamah and the pattern is not seamless.


The trick is to intellectually demolish, dissect and destroy Dr Zakir Naik in the light of Qur’aan & Sunnah and not to make him into a martyr which the Deobandees have an axe to grind with.  

In the art of Politics (our times) we have two strategies:

  1. Turkish (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)
  2. Egyptian (Dr Morsi or Ikhwan)

When the Tunisian An-Nahda part won the election in 2011 they sent a delegation to Turkey while Egyptians didn't!

In terms of Taqwa we have had the first Hafidh of Qur'aan (Prime Minister) of the Islamic world in Egyptian (Dr Morsi or Ikhwan)  but in terms of strategy the Ottomans rule!

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 10th April 2023 21:04

Zakat being paid to Un-Islamic Islamic organisation......

Daniel Haqiqatjou exposes the un-Islamic seminary: Bayan Graduate School and how they manipulate the Muslim community to push reform and heresy.

Omar Suleiman:
Dalia Mogahed:
Ingrid Mattson and HEART: ....
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