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Srilanka: Anti Muslim attacks

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 16th June 2014 19:20
السلام عليكم

Anti Muslim attacks in SriLanka are on a rise. Atleast 3 mosques have been torched recently.

May Allah Ta'ala protect us from such oppression. ameen.

Three killed, 75 injured in Sri Lanka ethnic clashes

ALUTHGAMA: At least three Muslims were killed and 75 people seriously injured in violence between Buddhists and Muslims in southern Sri Lankan coastal towns best known as tourist draws, with Muslim homes set ablaze, officials and residents said on Monday.

There has been increasing violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka since 2012, mirroring events in Myanmar, which has seen a surge of attacks by members of the majority Buddhist community against Muslims.

Clashes erupted on Sunday in Aluthgama and Beruwela, two Muslim-majority towns on the Sinhalese-dominated southern coast, during a protest march led by the hardline Buddhist group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), or "Buddhist power force".

"I just can't understand a government which prevents even a trade union or student protesters going to protest marches allowing the BBS to conduct the meeting," Rauf Hakeem, justice minister and the leader of the country's largest Muslim party, the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, told Reuters.

He said, "Muslims in the area had repeatedly requested authorities to provide them with security."

Many independent analysts say well-coordinated violence against Muslims and Christians appears to have tacit state backing as those involved in previous attacks have yet to be punished. The government denies any collusion.

The separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam attacked Muslim villages in the northeast during the 1983-2009 civil war. More than 140 people were killed in a massacre of Muslims in 1990 blamed on the Tigers, which the group denied.
Warning to Muslims

A Reuters team in Aluthgama and Beruwela witnessed an uneasy calm and a heavy police presence, with Muslims worried for their safety, many of them sitting on the road in front of their gutted houses.

Police urged people to stay inside their homes. "A curfew is imposed for your own safety. Do not come out of your houses," they said through loudspeakers.

Reuters reporters counted 16 houses gutted by fire.

"The curfew is only for Muslims, not for the rioters," said Fathima Fazniya, a 65-year-old retired teacher. "They (the rioters) came in ... lorries behind the police and looted all our houses. Then they torched my house. They are well organised." Many residents said the police directly and indirectly helped the BBS organisation. Police rejected the claim.
BBS warns Muslims

The BBS has said its members came under attack when they were protesting peacefully against an assault on a Buddhist monk by a Muslim youth three days earlier.

Before the clash, the general secretary of the BBS, Galagoda Aththe Gnanasaara, warned Muslims against attacking Sinhalese, the majority of whom are Buddhist.

"We still have Sinhala police in this country, still we have a Sinhala military. From today, if any Muslim mishandles any Sinhalese, that will be the end of them," he said at a public rally that was captured on video and downloaded on YouTube.

In a statement on Monday, Gnanasaara said the BBS had not been involved in the clashes and blamed them on "an extreme Muslim group" that had picked a fight with the Sinhalese.

The US Embassy in Colombo condemned the violence and urged the government to ensure that order is preserved and that citizens, places of worship and property are protected.

Police were investigating a shooting in a nearby Welipitiya mosque in the early hours of Monday despite the police curfew.

An elite police force official who declined to be identified told Reuters that a group travelling in a vehicle shot at Muslims who tried to prevent them from attacking the mosque. Three were killed and seven sustained gunshot injuries.

Residents were unable to communicate with each other due to the curfew and congestion of mobile phone networks.

"My son-in-law, Mohamed Shiraz, was shot in the head after a battle that lasted more than two hours," Mohamed Hassan told Reuters, looking across at his daughter, Shiraz's wife.

"Police did not come at all during this fight and we hear now that he is dead. But I can't either see him or confirm this." Mohamed Faiser, a 45-year-old shop owner, said police broke into his shop and an adjoining mosque. Another group followed and torched both buildings.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 13:18

Email received:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Assalamu Alaikum. I am writing this email on behalf of Muslims in Sri Lanka. With Deep regret and sadden heart I’d like to inform that Sri Lankan Muslims are facing horrific racial issues, thus living the life everyday with panic and worries and this racial extremism has extended past couple of days by Buddhists extremists (Bodu Bala Sena Group). Muslims being minority in this country, Government has failed to prevent or take any action against these extremists, which resulted in mass killing,  damaging the shops and houses of Muslims, in Southern areas (Beruwala & Aluthgama). Please go through the images of the attacks, which had been taken on 15JUNE – 17JUNE. 


If this situation goes far and get strengthen day by day, then there’ll be no Muslims will be alive. We do not rely on the Government nor our hopeless Muslim ministers anymore. It’s The Government who’s backing these extremist and this is the time we need your support and help in the name of Almighty Allah. May Almighty Allah Protect you and all of us and grant Jannathul Firdous for all. Aameen.


We need your involvement, greatly.


Thank you.





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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 13:19

Letter from Sri Lankan Ulama to the President of the Country

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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 13:25

Muslim Blood flowing:  :-(




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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 13:29

Damage to Islamic (and personal) Property and Books:






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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 14:00

Please send the mail (or print and send the letter) as I have created 4 separate headers:

  1. Select the Header for your country
  2. Replace Muadh Khan (with your name)
  3. Email and post if email is given, do BOTH
  4. Otherwise Post

Choose this header for UK:

Muadh Khan

His Excellency Chris Nonis

High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

No.13, Hyde Park Gardens
London W2 2LU,
United Kingdom.

Choose this header for USA:

Muadh Khan

His Excellency  Esala Weerakoon

High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Chancery: 2148

Wyoming Avenue NW,

Washington DC 20008


Choose this header for Canada:

Muadh Khan

Her Excellency  Chitranganee Wagiswara

High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

333 Laurier Ave. W., Suite 1204
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1C1

Choose this header for South Africa:

Muadh Khan

His Excellency  S.D.N.U.Senadheera

High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka                                                                                                         
410, Alexander Street,
Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181
South Africa

Choose this header for India:

Muadh Khan

His Excellency Prasad Kariyawasam

High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka                                                                                                         
No : 27, Kautilya Marg,
New Delhi 110021,

Choose this header for Pakistan:

Muadh Khan

His Excellency Air Chief Marshal (r) Jayalath Weerakkody

High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka                                                                                                         

NO 2C, Street No 55,
Sector F-6/4  , P.O. Box 1497 ,

Islamabad , Pakistan 

Re: Wanton and unchecked violence towards Muslims

Dear Sir/Madam,


I write to you to express my grave concern at the violence directed at the Muslim citizens of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

Your Excellency would no doubt be aware of the long standing commitment and historic contributions of Sri Lankan Muslims to the Sri Lankan Nation. It is in this hour of need that this minority community needs swift action to put an end to wanton destruction of property and loss of life. The perpetrators of such heinous crimes must be brought to justice and appropriately punished.

The pictures being beamed across the world are enough to hang the head of every decent human in shame, let alone decent law abiding Sri Lankans who are no doubt appalled at the senseless violence being perpetrated in their name and in the name of their country! No decent human should stand for such barbarity!

After swift end to this violence, full and impartial enquiry into the reasons, purpose and execution of these barbaric acts of violence must be conducted and the victims given full support to rebuild their lives.

I sincerely hope that Your Excellency has been moved by human compassion and contacting the relevant authorities in the Sri Lankan Government to put a swift and decisive end to this violence.

I pray to God that a beautiful nation like Sri Lanka can quickly rebuild its image in the global world by reintegrating those affected by the violence and punishing the perpetrators  at an accelerated pace.

Thank You

Yours Faithfully,

Muadh Khan

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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 14:09
Copy the letter, put your name and email!
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 14:37

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 14:52
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 15:24
From Ml. Mohammed Wasim Khan (USA):

This is urgent! Please share this picture! My colleague sent this to me and they are being slaughtered in Sri Lanka! Please please share this pic! I know this person really well he is a scholar! Ashiqiqbal Iqbal
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 15:28
The High Commissioner in Canada is: Chitranganee Wagiswara (Dear Madam...)

email for them in Canada:


Simultaneously flood your MPs with letters to put pressure from both sides. The more the better. Let them see that while our brothers and sisters may be a minority there, they certainly aren't a minority... insha'Allah we all have their back!
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 15:47
  1. Change Muadh Khan to your name
  2. Change the name and addres of your MP by looking it up here

Muadh Khan

123 Blah Blah Blah

London N78 6JL

Ms Diane Abbott MP

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 4426
Fax: 020 7219 4964

Re: Wanton and unchecked violence towards Muslims

Dear Diane,

I am writing to you to express my concerns about the senseless and barbaric violence being perpetuated against the Muslim minority in Sri Lanka. I am appalled by some of the images and news coming out of the beautiful Island country! I am unable to express, explain or contextualise the images to younger members of my family and am deeply aggrieved by the worsening situation.

I hope that you will join me in expressing great concern over the situation and will convey our mutual sadness to the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office, in particular to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs The Rt Hon William Hague (MP) in using all the persuasion and influence at his disposal to put an immediate end to the suffering of all minorities in Sri Lanka (not limited to Muslims).

Thank You

Yours Faithfully,

Muadh Khan

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 15:56

Emails sent to Ambassador (London) and my MP...Will print and put it in the post tonight, Insha'Allah.

Make sure that you have a return address on the letter...NOTHING is answered without an address!

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 16:16

Spoke to our local Maulana and he has agreed to get a Joint Petition to our MP after Jummah

  1. Change Muadh Khan to your name
  2. Change the name and addres of your MP by looking it up here

Muadh Khan

123 Blah Blah Blah

London N78 6JL

Ms Diane Abbott MP

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 4426
Fax: 020 7219 4964

Re: Wanton and unchecked violence towards Muslims

Dear Diane,

We are writing to you to express our concerns about the senseless and barbaric violence being perpetuated against the Muslim minority in Sri Lanka. We are appalled by some of the images and news coming out of the beautiful Island country! We are unable to express, explain or contextualise the images to younger members of our community and family and are deeply aggrieved by the worsening situation.
We hope that you will join us in expressing great concern over the situation and will convey our mutual sadness to the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office, in particular to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs The Rt Hon William Hague (MP) in using all the persuasion and influence at his disposal to put an immediate end to the suffering of all minorities in Sri Lanka (not limited to Muslims).
Thank You
Yours Faithfully,

Muslim Community of North London

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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 18th June 2014 17:03
Mashallah bro keep up the good work. It is obvious there is some high government involvement in this. This seems like a planned genocide or at the very least targeting muslims financially.
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