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#91 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2013 20:34
Anonymous wrote:
If anyone found any of the above harsh, which is not then listen to another view.

Extreme, maybe to some and perfect for others.

youtube com/watch?v=rSnBm2M8DSE

just add the dot before com.

Jazakallah, I have put the same talk here for ease of access.

Halalified YT Audio
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#92 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2013 21:52
Apologies once again if you think this is dragging on.

guest-81866 wrote:
If you have anything worthy to say to me, I am open to answer since I have over 20 years of experience in this matter and am confident of answering any claim from the answers and advice of my powerful NON SMOKING local Mufti friend, from science and last but not least: from common sense.

Please don't take this a personal attack. No one knows who you are and you have no identity. If you were a registered user, then you could say I was being personal.

Can I confirm that you accept that you are addicted to nicotine?

Do you accept that you are or have wasted a lot of money on smoking?

You accept it gives a bad odours.

Would you allow your offspring or siblings to smoke? (general question, even if you don't have any)

Why does one smoke?
Jazakallahu khair.
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#93 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2013 22:41
I do not want to register on a web site that discuss rulings without knowledge.

I do not want an identity on a web site that judges every person so strongly and harshly of committing Haram.

I am very sorry you are still unable to stick by your own words of letting everyone judge for themselves and still posting away.

Can I confirm that you accept that you are addicted to nicotine? [/quote]
That doesn't prove it's Haram

Do you accept that you are or have wasted a lot of money on smoking? [/quote]
That doesn't prove it's Haram. People waste money on extravagant things all the time. Want to start comparing our expenses to see who wastes more money?

You accept it gives a bad odours.

Running fast gives bad odour too. Gas gives bad odour too. It doesn't make running or releasing gas Haram

[quote]Would you allow your offspring or siblings to smoke? (general question, even if you don't have any)

This is unrelated to smoking being Haram.

[quote]Why does one smoke?


You ask me questions trying to prove that:
I consider smoking good
I consider smoking beneficial
I consider smoking Mubaah
I promote smoking
Or that I love smoking

In my world, we call people who do what you are doing 'conniving' and 'manipulative'

If you have forgotten what my real points were while you judged and constantly try to change what I am saying about smoking then please go back a few pages and read it again. Jazakallah

There's no need to apologise. Like I said, I've dealt with this over 20 years
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Yasin's avatar
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#94 [Permalink] Posted on 26th February 2013 23:09
I do not want to register on a web site that discuss rulings without knowledge.
I apologise this topic got to that stage. Our rules clearly state we do not allow discussing rulings. I have only kept this thread going because I didn't want anyone to feel I closed or moved it while there were points being made.

There are scholars who say it's Haram
There are scholars who says it's Makrooh
There are scholars who say it's Makrooh-Tahrimi

- no one should say they any of them are wrong.
Some scholars give more details on the subject, some simply give their opinion and as scholars, they are qualified to have an opinion. Rulings also differ on many factors and this a key reason why all the above rulings are valid. Please don't make own rulings or choose one over the other thinking the other one is wrong. Choose one for the right reason and that way you won't fight over it.

Beyond this, this thread is very close to ending up in the debates section where it's hidden away for those members who want access to it only. Please see
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#95 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 10:47

I think locking this topic might be best as it's adding no value and getting petty.......  one can see all angles on smoking, wether Haram or Makhroo and then decide whats best for themselves.

Walaikum Salam


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#96 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 10:52
Agreed and noted @ RizMalek
I'm keeping an eye on topic now. I've subscribed to thread too so that's a start
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#97 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 11:23
Jazakallah to everyone.

I have posted evidence from both sides which say that it is Haram or that it is Makruh. And I have already mentioned which opinion I follow.

I apologize if I have come across rude, harsh, conniving or manipulative or whatever other description one would prefer.

The only reason I have asked certain questions was to get a better understanding.The questions were not asked to manipulate the topic, but simply to understand better. Apologies for forgetting to ask one more question which has been answered by another smoker member.

Does smoking affect in any way negative, like stamina etc? and the answer in this one case was yes. (please note, I am not saying that this is a blanket rule for every smoker)

I am not basing my findings and enforcing them upon anyone. This is a forum where discussions take place and where ideas, knowledge, rulings findings etc are shared. As mentioned above and can be seen in previous posts, I have posted FATWAS of both opinions.

I'm not a scholar and can't back my self up with facts from the Quran and Sunnah, and I am in no position to derive any rulings from them either. But what I can do is provide the same results from these scholars and present them here, which is what we have done.

From my little understanding and the answers you have indirectly given, I would like to add a few statements inshaAllah.

We won't lock this thread without a valid and fair reason so don't worry.

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#98 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 12:48
With regards to my unqualified findings (remember I am just a member not a scholar), I understand, with the help of other Ulama the following:

Addiction to a substance which can have an effect on ones nerves, health etc is forbiden.
The evidence I use for that is:

A marfu' hadith from Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, classified as sahih, where `A'isha (RA) stated, 'Every intoxicant is haraam and whatever damages the senses, causes addiction and numbs the senses.'

And it is related by Imaam Ahmad, Abu Dawud from Umm Salamah (RA), who said, 'The Messenger forbid from every intoxicant and addictive thing that numbs the senses.' AlHaafiz az-Zain al`Iraaqi said, 'It's chain of narration is authentic and as-Suyuti classified it as Sahih in Jaami` us-Saghir.'

One may say that smoking does not intoxicate, fair. But being a product that is addictive and one that does medically cause damage to the body, as in loss of "stamina" in the least, then this is surely causing numbness to the senses.

Doing certain actions and then comparing them if done wrongly is of course a bad comparison. As has been mentioned, over eating is bad for the health, but eating is not. Any layperson can differentiate that.

Some may say that addiction on its own may not be Haram, the level of addiction would have to be taken into consideration too. But the Hadith clearly states that addictive things which cause numbness to the nerves is frobidden and the image below shows what nerves it will affect.

Some have proven nicotine to have some positive effects on the body, but the negatives out number the positive.

Smoking may not affect some at all (outwardly) but the fact that it does cause damage strengthens the evidence that is given in the Hadith above.

The issue here is to do with tobacco which has already been mentioned on the first page that, growing, buying or selling it is Haram. And trading in something which is forbidden is also forbidden to consume (or smoke in this case)
"In view of the harm caused by tobacco, growing, trading in and smoking of tobacco are judged to be haram (forbidden). The Prophet, peace be upon him, is reported to have said, 'Do not harm yourselves or others.' Furthermore, tobacco is unwholesome, and God says in the Qur'an that the Prophet, peace be upon him, 'enjoins upon them that which is good and pure, and forbids them that which is unwholesome'" (Permanent Committee of Academic Research and Fatwa, Saudi Arabia).

If tobacco is considered a harmful substance, an addictive substance, then surely it is bad for us, be it Haram or Makruh

Allah says.....
...He makes lawful for them the wholesome things and makes forbidden the filthy things for them,' Surat ulA`araaf, ayah 157.

Tobacco is not wholesome in any way, rather it is unwholesome.

Yes, one can take the verse out of context or maybe I have taken it out of context, and some may apply logic and opinion to it but the deen is not based on logic as Hadrat Ali (r.a) reported that, if religion was based on logic, then wiping socks from underneath would have been more logical than wiping it on top.

I am in now way enforcing any Fatwa upon anyone. Simply providing evidence which I believe to be relevant and in context.

What Is The Islamic Verdict


Written by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim [(RH) (Hanbali) d. 1378 (1960 AD)]

Praise be to Allah alone, and peace and blessings be upon the one who there is no prophet after him. And what comes next:

I have already been asked regarding the judgement in tobacco, which many of the ignorant, idiotic and foolish people are fond of smoking.

Regarding what is known is that it is well known by EVERY ONE of its' prohibition. This includes us (the Hanbali people), our shaikhs, the shaikhs of our shaikhs and all of the people of knowledge from the imaams of da'awa in the Najd (a province in the Peninsula) and all of the people of knowledge of the same calibre as them from amongst the 'Ulama in ALL of the different places.

Who is pliant towards its' (tobacco) presence after 1,100 years or more until our time that we are in, claiming and calling to that it is on the Shari`a principles or the rules that have been laid down?! And I did not see an answer for that, but looking to that the questioner asked regarding the spreading of this filthy thing in what is not seen to be dangerous to the head, the answer follows upon that. So I (Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim) said,

There is no doubt in the filth of smoking and tobacco, its' addiction and its' stinginess. And its' prohibition is by the authentic text and the pure and unadulterated intellect and the words of the knowledgeable and esteemed physicians.


Allah the Exalted says,

'Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who is illiterate which they found written in the Torah and the Injil, he orders them with righteousness and forbids them from evil. He makes lawful for them the wholesome things and makes forbidden the filthy things for them,' Surat ulA`araaf, ayah 157.

And it is narrated in the sahih from Ibn `Umar (RAA) that the Prophet (SAW) said, 'Every thing that intoxicates is a thing that covers the senses and all that covers the senses and intellect is haraam.' And it is mentioned in Muslim, 'And every thing that intoxicates is haraam.'

And it is related in a marfu' hadith from Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, classified as sahih, where `A'isha (RAA) stated, 'Every intoxicant is haraam and whatever damages the senses, causes addiction and numbs the senses.'

So all of the bountious ayaat and sahih ahaadith are a proof on its' (smoking) prohibition. For truly it is a filthy act, intoxicating, causing one too flee from their normal self and addictive, and there is no debating in that except by the one who is arrogant and an imbecile to the facts and the reality.

And there is no doubt moreover in acknowledgement of the prohibition of it because it is from the things that intoxicate and the things that cause addiction and the senses to flee.

And it is related by Imaam Ahmad, Abu Dawud from Umm Salamah (RAA), who said, 'The Messenger forbid from every intoxicant and addictive thing that numbs the senses.' AlHaafiz az-Zain al`Iraaqi said, 'It's chain of narration is authentic and as-Suyuti classified it as Sahih in Jaami` us-Saghir.'

And in it (smoking) is the wasting of wealth and the destruction of the senses without reason. And the person that is buying it sees it as a necessity for life in this matter, and it is not of any importance. And it is narrated in the two sahih collections from the Prophet (SAW) that he said,

'Truly Allah, He has made it haraam on you the following: 1. Disobedience to the mothers 2. Abusing the daughters 3. Hindering and putting a stumbling block in front of the weak what you hate for yourselves 4. Unnecessary speech 5. Questioning incessantly and 5. Wasting wealth.'

It has now been explained, so next we will mention the words of the `Ulama from the heads of the four madhhabs. So from those who have mentioned its' prohibitions from the scholars of fiqh from the Hanafis is Shaikh Muhammad al`Aini. He mentioned in his message, 'The Prohibition of Smoking,' four points,

"One: It is harmful to the person by the admission of the knowledgeable doctors and all of what is like that is haraam to work with by the consensus.

"Two: It is from one of the agreed upon narcotics in their sight of the things that have been forbidden from working with by the Shari`a. The hadith of Ahmad narrated by Umm Salamah has, 'The Messenger (SAW) forbid from every intoxicant and addictive thing that numbs the senses.'

"And it (smoking) causes listlessness, numbness and stupor in the limbs and nerve endings by the consensus of the doctors. And their words are a proof in that and likewise, the scholars of fiqh, classical and modern have also made consensus on that.

"Three: Its' odour is disgusting and bothersome. It bothers and annoys people who don't do it and specifically those who are gathered in salaah and otherwise. In addition to this, it also harms and bothers the angels. And it has already been related by the two others of the sahih collections (Bukhaari and Muslim) from Jaabir (RAA) [from the Messenger (SAW)],

'Whoever eats garlic or onion, then let him isolate himself from us. And let him isolate himself from our masjid and let him sit in his house.'

"And it is already well known that the odour of the smoke is not less harmful and hated than the odour of garlic and onion. And it is mentioned in the two sahih collections moreover from Jaabir (RAA) [from the Prophet (SAW)],

'The angels are offended and bothered by whatever people are offended and bothered by.'

"And in the hadith from him (the Prophet) is that he has said,

'Whoever annoys or bothers a Muslim, then he has already annoyed me. And whoever bothers and annoys me, then he has already annoyed and bothered Allah,' related by at-Tabaraani in alAwsat from Anas (RAA) with a good chain of narration.

"Four: It is intemperance and extravagance when there is nothing in it that benefits in a halaal manner and the one who does it is harmed. On the contrary, it has harm in it, and this has been found in information well investigated by the people who have and know this information."

And from them is Abul Hasan alMasri alHanafi who said in his text, al Aathaar an-Naqliyyat us-Sahihah wad-Dalaa'il il`Aqliyyat is-Sarihah Ta`lanu BiTahrim id-Dukhaan ('The Distinguishing Mark of the Authentic Text and Evidences of the Pure and Wise Intellect in Informing of the Prohibition of Smoking'),

"And it first to be known in the turn of the century. And the first to appear with it was in the land of the Jews, Christians and pagans. And a Jewish man came with it , claiming that he was wise to the land of Morocco. And he (the Jew) called people to it. And the first one to take it to the land of the Mediterranean was a man by the name of Kline from the Christians.

"The first to bring it to the land of Sudaan were the pagans. Then it was taken to Egypt, Hijaaz (the Peninsula) and the other far reaching lands. And Allah has forbidden from every single thing that intoxicates. And it is said that, 'It does not intoxicate.' So it deprives and numbs the limbs and nerve endings of the one that is consuming that into himself, internally and externally.

"And the actual intent and purpose behind stupification and intoxication is the covering and enveloping of the intellect and senses.

"And if it is not an intensification and a magnification of those seeking gratification in it (smoking), then there is no doubt that it happens to the one who is given it the first time. And if he does not submit to that it intoxicates, then he is deluded, numb and stupid.

"It has already been related by Imaam Ahmad and Abu Dawud from Umm Salamah that the Messenger (SAW) forbid from all that intoxicates and is addictive and numbs the senses.

"The `Ulama said, 'That which causes listlessness is what causes numbness, addiction and weakness in the nerve endings.'

"And so you should consider this hadith as an evidence on the forbidden and prohibition of it (smoking). And it harms the body, the soul and corrupts the heart.

"It weakens the strength and changes the colour to dull yellow. And the doctors have gathered and agreed upon that it is harmful, it harms the body, the health and virtue, the dignity, the honour and the wealth.

"And in it is the imitation of the rebellious, disobedient and astray people. For no one consumes it in most instances except the rebellious and sinning people, debased and vile cowards and the odour that issues forth from the mouth of the one that consumes it is filthy and wretched."

And from the scholars of fiqh from the Hanbalis is Shaikh `Abdullah ibn Shaikh Muhammad ibn `Abdul Wahhaab (may Allah have mercy on both of them and sanctify their souls) who said in his second answer regarding tobacco after what he related of the texts that make haraam intoxicants and he mentioned the words of the people of knowledge in knowing intoxication of what is the text,

"And in what we mentioned from the words of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and the words of the people of knowledge in making clear to you that tobacco is haraam, which is being used frequently in this time. As well is the widespread narration among us and the witnesses and those who testified to its' intoxication in part of the times specifically.

"When it became the vast majority or established fact it for a day or two that he did not take it, then when he took it next, he became intoxicated and lost his intellect, until the point when the one who took it spoke in front of people without being aware of that, and we seek refuge in Allah from the horror and evil of harm and sin.

"And it is not right that one who believes in Allah and the Last Day should fall prey to the words of any of the people when it has been made clear to him the words of Allah and His Messenger in the likeness of issues and matters.

"And that is the witness by that the Messenger of Allah gave judgment to, in that his obedience in whatever he ordered and abstaining from whatever he forbid and warned people from and certainty in whatever he was informed about."

And Shaikh `Abdullah Abu Batin (RH) answered regarding tobacco, with the words,

"What we think about it is that it is haraam on the following two grounds,

"One: It carries the intoxication whenever it is consumed. So if the consumer of it is robbed of it for a period of time, then he consumed it or more of it, even if he does not gain intoxication from it, he will bear the effect of narcoticisation, addiction and numbness in the limbs and nerve endings.

"And it is related by Imaam Ahmad in a clear hadith that he (SAW) forbid from all that intoxicates and causes addiction and numbs the senses and nerve endings.

"Two: That it is a putrescent and foul odour in the presence of the one who does not take it. And the 'Ulama have argued with the wording of His, Exalted Be He,

'And He has made haraam upon them the filthy and putred things,' Surat ulA'araaf, ayah 157.

"And as far as the one who is taking it, making it or preparing it, and he does not think that it is putrescent and foul, then he has the likeness of the one who thinks he caused it to cease being filthy due to some excuse."

And from the scholars of fiqh from the Shaafi'iis is Shaikh ash-Shahir Bin-Najm alGhazi ash-Shaafi'ii, who said in his texts,

"And it is widely narrated that which happened when it (tobacco) came to Dimashq (Damascus) in the year 1015 AH (1606 AD). It was claimed that the one who consumes it does not get intoxicated.

"However, If he submitted to it, then he became addicted and that is haraam. And the hadith of Ahmad with the narration from Umm Salamah who said, 'The Messenger (SAW) forbid from all that intoxicates and is addictive and numbs the senses.'

He (the Shaikh) said, "It (smoking) is not from the major sins, if it is gone into once or twice. But on the contrary, persistence on it is a major sin like an abundance of minor sins."

And it has already been mentioned by some of the `Ulama,

"The small sin receives the judgement of one major sin from five ways,

"One: persistence on it.

"Second: Indifference to it, and it is frivolity and being unconcerned with doing the act and committing it.

"Third: Rejoicing and reveling in it.

"Fourth: Boasting about it among the people

"Fifth: Commencing of it by the one who knows regarding it or from the one who imitates it (the act of smoking where one person follows the others).

"And Shaikh Khaalid ibn Ahmad from the scholars of fiqh from the Maalikis said,

'It is not permissible for the one who consumes tobacco to be an imaam or to take the position of imaam. Nor is it permissible to trade and do commerce in it or in what intoxicates.'"

And of the `Ulama of Egypt that made smoking haraam is Shaikh Ahmad as-Sanhuri alBahuti of the Hanbalis. And the Shaikh of the Maalikis, Ibrahim al-Laqaani. From the `Ulama of Morocco, Abul Ghaith alQashaash alMaaliki

From the `Ulama of Dimashq (Damascus), an-Najm alGhazi al`Aamiri ash-Shaafi`ii. From the `Ulama of Yemen, Ibrahim ibn Jam'aan, his student Abu Bakr alAhdal
Zaidiyyah madhhab, translators note

From the `Ulama of the Haramain (Makkah and Madinah), The brilliant scholar of investigation, `Abdul Maalik al'Aasimi and his student Muhammad ibn `Alaan, the commentator on Riyaad us-Saalihin and as-Sayyid `Umar alBasri.

And in the lands of the Meditteranean and Turkey, Shaikh Muhammad alKhawaajah, `Isa ash-Shahaadi alHanafi, Makki ibn Furukh, as-Sayyid Sa'd alBalakhi alMadani and Muhammad alBarzunji alMadani ash-Shaafi'ii.

I (Muhammad ibn Ibrahim) have seen the one who takes it in the time of dispute, they (the `Ulama) say to him, "Say, 'La ilaha illallah (NOTE: the reason why the Hanbalis made the man say the Shahaada is that they classified him as a kaafir for arguing about something clearly haraam. This should be a warning to those who debate about it today).'"

Then it is said, "This is hot tobacco!" And all of these are from the `Ulama of the Ummah, the senior imaams that have given fatwa in that it is haraam and it is forbidden from
possessing it, translators note
and it is forbidden to take it.


So what is known by widespread report and testimonial from what is collected and put together is that consumption of it in general is harmful to the well-being, body and intellect.

And death, fainting and difficult sicknesses have already been witnessed, such as clear and constant coughing due to the sickness of pulmonary tuberculosis, sicknesses of the heart, death due to the heart stopping and shrinkage of the blood arteries in the limbs.

Besides that, whatever carries with it intellectual deprivation, taking it is haraam. So the pure and unadulterated intellect is by necessity the authentic reasons for taking something are for achieving and attaining from it benefits.

Likewise it is judged to be sound by forbidding, refraining and abstaining from the causes and things that can cause harm, destroy and in large amounts causing dissension to someone.

There is no doubt in that for the one who has any sense or intelligence at all. And there is no lesson, advice or consideration for the one that is turning to likeness and untamed desire to destroy and harm his intellect.

So he is worshipping it (the desire and the addiction), panting and running after it with hallucinations, self-deception and delusions and foolish concepts and fantasies until all that remains is becoming a prisoner to his desire, in opposition to the causes and reasons for his righteousness and guidance.

translated by Ibn `Umar of SoS

Once again, the Hadith
A marfu' hadith from Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, classified as sahih, where `A'isha (RA) stated, 'Every intoxicant is haraam and whatever damages the senses, causes addiction and numbs the senses.'

And it is related by Imaam Ahmad, Abu Dawud from Umm Salamah (RA), who said, 'The Messenger forbid from every intoxicant and addictive thing that numbs the senses.' AlHaafiz az-Zain al`Iraaqi said, 'It's chain of narration is authentic and as-Suyuti classified it as Sahih in Jaami` us-Saghir.'
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#99 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 16:15
Mufti Menk mentions about shisha in one of his recent talks
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#100 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 21:20
Q. I have read a fatwa that tobacco is halaal.

A. The fatwa legalizing tobacco is erroneous. The one who issued such a fatwa is extremely short-sighted and oblivious of the destruction tobacco inflicts to the health of human beings.

Q. Is it permissible to manufacture cigarettes?

A. It is not permissible to manufacture and sell cigarettes.

The Majlis Volume 21 No.10
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#101 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 22:37

I am so sorry to say this but you just keep posting information about smoking being harmful. Here's 355 million pages on the same thing you keep posting google .co .uk/search?q=smoking&oq=smoking


Please relax, take a deep breath, think, really think about what I'm saying here: None Of Anything You Are Posting Proves That Smoking Is Haram.


I only joined for someone to prove to me it's Haram since you were posting away happily labelling every smoker a major sinner. Haram Haram Haram if I remember correctly.

Haram like how the person in that youtube video speaks like he's the arch angel. A video of an extreme person screaming on a microphone on youtube that smoking is devil or devil does it or we're smoking the devil (which actually sounds like a victory) filling our system with the devil or some crazy extreme madness like that. Please tell me what brand Iblees smokes and I will boycott that company.

I've never heard any Hadeeth of the Prophet speaking like that even about the Kuffar let alone Muslims. Show me one Hadeeth where the Prophet referred to ANY act as making a person the brother of the devil. And this extreme youtube person says this with "Wallahi" and strong strong phrases yet NO EVIDENCE why it's Haram.

Haram being the key issue of the topic. You have taken it from Haram, to Makruh, to the harms, to other things but and in 7 pages here it is still not proven that smoking is Haram.

The two question and answers from The Majlis Volume 21 No. 10 proves nothing once again.

As a final reminder, I would like to remind you that I have 355 million results for smoking, effects, benefits, harms etc. so please stop wasting your time by posting what no one's asking for and post what I'm actually answering or asking for. I just haven't found anyone or any page that can prove smoking is HARAM like how intoxicants are Haram.
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Daywalk3r's avatar
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#102 [Permalink] Posted on 27th February 2013 23:45
(typed whilst enjoying my popcorn reading this thread) now now ladies, please put the handbags (filled with egos) away :-)
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Abu Taalib Deobandi's avatar
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#103 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2013 00:30
Subhaana Allah!!!!!!
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rizmalek's avatar
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#104 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2013 03:47

"Daywalk3r" wrote:
(typed whilst enjoying my popcorn reading this thread) now now ladies, please put the handbags (filled with egos) away :-)



Need I say more......


time to pull the lock out

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#105 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2013 03:51

I agree with the guest. You can't prove something to be haraam when it has never been labelled or expressed as haram, anywhere or in time by sharia.


It's very easy to quote verses that can be applied to a magnitude of situations, not just smoking......


Guys, why can't you all call it a day? I'm tired of eating popcorn and I'm sure so is Daywalk3r......

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