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#151 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 14:13
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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There are a lot of bogus websites and Kufr Websites under the guise of Islam. Some believe they are Muslims, but in fact they are not. You will find Shia and Qadyani (aka Ahmadiya)

See here

Plenty of threads on these false religions (not to mention Nation of Islam - Although I've not come across their pages yet)
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#152 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 14:19
Before I forget, I would like to take this chance to teach us all or remind us all of EVERY DUA the Prophet (saw) made.

I hope you find it easy to learn and memorise.

InshaAllah, I/you/we will be rewarded by Allah for passing on anything we pass on and continue to be rewarded for it till the day of judgement. A great investment :)
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#153 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 14:19
abu mohammed wrote:
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not to mention Nation of Islam
I came across them before I read the Quran, but it was obvious to me, even then, that it wasn't Islam. It's a blend of faiths and left me a little confused about what they're even trying to say.
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#154 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 14:21
abu mohammed wrote:
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Forgot to add link. Post updated
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#155 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 14:30
abu mohammed wrote:
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I've saved that Dua to a text file so I can print it out and hang it near my monitor. :)
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#156 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 14:32
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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I've got it pinned up next to my screen at the office to remind me of it too, Alhumdulillah
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#157 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 15:49
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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Most of the people on here follow the hanafi scholars, and there will be some who follow the shafee scholars.

You might want to look into the Maliki school. I think they are the most lenient when it comes to dogs.
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#158 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 20:52
I know that I can't "pick and choose" from among the various schools of figh.
So, I will definitely continue researching the various schools.
So far, I tend to follow Hanafi, but my research does continue.
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#159 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 22:07
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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Highly recommended to pick a school where you will be able to easily be guided in matters of jurisprudence.

Ensure you have access to scholars of that school, access to friends etc.

Also, if you decide to follow a school not based on whom you can liaise with. Then ask yourself why you are choosing that school.

Keep your intentions pure and don't follow your desires in terms of choosing something that is suitable.

Not everything we like is good for us, many a times, things which we think are not good for us, are actually good for us. We may dislike something, but it's good for us. But we know not :(
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#160 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 22:25
abu mohammed wrote:
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Keep your intentions pure and don't follow your desires in terms of choosing something that is suitable.

Is there a restriction in choosing the madhab that is the most suitable for you? Assuming the chooser is going to stick to it.
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#161 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 22:45
I realized this afternoon that I don't even truly know who the innovators are.
I realize that the 4 (or is it 5?) Sunni schools are not innovators.

Is it people that deliberately twist the words of the Quran to suit their need?
Are there breakaways from each school that would be considered innovators?
All of the above? More?
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#162 [Permalink] Posted on 31st January 2020 23:12
xs11ax wrote:
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There's no restriction. It's advisory to follow the school you will be more in reach with.

It's easier on the individual. If the only people in the locality, friends circle, scholars available are all of one school, then, especially for a new revert, it's much easier to adapt and embrace.

If the individual decide to opt for a school other than the majority, it will be more difficult for him to seek answers based on his school of thought, that's all.

To make it easier, if a revert for example came to MS and found hanafi friends, a Hanafi scholar to guide him, that too from the family of the Prophet (saw) one who is educated, very highly educated for that matter, holds about 13 patents to his name etc etc, then I would definitely suggest following that school.

In Need of Teaching wrote:
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Yes, yes, yes and yes unfortunately. If there is no evidence to back it, leave it until you verify from an authentic source.
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#163 [Permalink] Posted on 1st February 2020 00:19
abu mohammed wrote:
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Those are valid points you're making when it comes to following a school.
In my case, they're almost all, moot though. I have no Muslim friends, don't personally know any Muslims, have no mosque or anything similar close enough to me to regularly attend.
So, basically, I need to research the various schools and attempt to find the one that is most closely linked to my beliefs, without relying heavily on what I want it to be.
(I hope that all makes sense.)
Yes, yes, yes and yes unfortunately. If there is no evidence to back it, leave it until you verify from an authentic source.
Unfortunately this part makes it much more difficult and is why I rely so much on input from the people I've come to respect on here.
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#164 [Permalink] Posted on 1st February 2020 05:20
What about this group?
Dar al-Iftaa Al-Missriyyah

I find the fatwas I read to be interesting.
It appears they're "Sufis" but I'm not entirely sure if that's a good or bad thing. I came across a lot of differing information about their beliefs etc.
Would they be considered "innovators"?

Also, this appears to be a Maliki based school of thought. Is that correct?

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#165 [Permalink] Posted on 1st February 2020 06:34
In Need of Teaching wrote:
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You mentioned "Closely linked to your beliefs"

Beliefs will be the same in the sense of Aqeedah. There may be some aspects of belief from breakaway schools who raise the status of the Prophet (saw) beyond what is permitted. It's the jurisprudence that may vary slightly.

For example, in the hanafi school, certain sea food is not allowed, whilst in other schools, certain sea foods will not be allowed, and each school has its respective evidence for it.

But we don't pick and choose because this messes with other findings within that school and then can create a vacuum of conflict. Hence, stick to one school.

Since you are here and seeking guidance from the members here, it would be advisable to follow the Hanafi school. You will always be able to find the right direction InshaAllah.

In Need of Teaching wrote:
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With regards to the Egyptian school, maybe Muadh can shed some light on them.
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