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'as Samad' When the forceful flow of Allah (swt) mercy begins, one grounded in kufr (state of disbelief) not only becomes a Wali (saint) but within seconds is elevated to the higher realms of sainthood. There is an incident of a Hindu in India who for ninety-nine years worshipped his idol with the words Sanam - Sanam. One day the word 'as Samad' which is one of Allah's (swt) names slipped from his tongue. Abu Huraira (ra) explained; [i]"as Samad is the one who is independent of the entire universe and on whom the entire universe is dependent."[/b] As soon as the word 'as Samad' issued forth from the lips, Allah (swt) said, Labbayk (I am present O servant). The kaafir (non-believer) immediately broke the idol with a stick, recited the Kalima (shahada) and said to the Hindus; [b]"O wretched souls, I was a kaafir (non-believer) for ninety nine years I have been addressing this idol without a single reply. Today, by mistake I mentioned the name of the Muslim deity and received an immediate response with the word Labbayk (I am Present) from the heavens. [I am present, O my servant, it was you who had left me and betook yourself to the worship of idols who are deaf, dumb and blind]" [/i]
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Taalibah on 17th February 2014
What to do at the Time of Natural Catastrophes by Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh Everyone is aware of the devastation that natural disasters bring with them. Many lose their lives, hundreds of thousands lose relatives, entire communities are wiped out and countless buildings and properties are destroyed. Thousands, even millions are left homeless, having lost everything they once owned, living under open skies with nothing to eat and cover themselves with. Even after the calamity has subsided, the death toll continues to increase with the spread of disease. When calamities strike, we often think about our roles and responsibilities, as human beings and as Muslims. It is unfortunate that for most of us, it takes such calamities to make us reflect on the Power and lofty Attributes of Allāh taālā. Rather than expressing shallow sorrow and a momentary shock, there are a few points that we need to reflect and act upon, so that events like these can cause us to become better Muslims for the rest of our lives: 1. Allāh taālā is the Hākim (The Supreme Ruler) and the Hakīm (The Most Wise) First of all, one has to reaffirm in ones mind and heart that whatever happens, whether good or bad in appearance, is according to the Wish of Allāh taālā. Allāh taālā is Hākim i.e. He has Power over everything. Every single particle in the whole universe is under His Control. The turning of the leaf in the air while it is falling from the tree, to the up turning and shaking of the earth itself, as in the case of an earthquake, everything is in His Absolute Control. The commands, wishes and controls of everyone else are subjugated to His Command and Governance. The varied circumstances that one observes or experiences in ones life are also in His total Control.
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Taalibah on 28th January 2014
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Shaykh Saadi (rah) says, Allah سبحانه وتعالى provides such sustenance and rozi (sustenance) to simple-minded people, which astound many a great intellectual. Such people think,
"I have acquired an MSc., I have a degree acquired at Oxford and Harvard but am walking around in tatters, I am unemployed while this person who is unable to sign his own name, who resorts to signing with an 'x', owns an entire factory"
I personally have seen such factory owners who have not even passed their basic primary education but who have graduates as their employees. Remember my friends, rizq (sustenance) is totally is the control of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and is independent of intelligence.
Shaykh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb DB
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Taalibah on 24th January 2014
Shaykh Rumi (rah) has expressed: O people of the world! Jalal ud Deen Rumi has dug in his heels and lowered his head. Do not cast my feet in chains. Do not ensnare my feet with worldly chains. Those who breed animals are well aware that when an animal lowers its head and digs in its hooves it is calling upon and compounding its reserve strength. Ask the breeders of animals what an apt simile Shaykh Rumi (rah) has drawn in this example. He is saying, "I have lowered my head and dug in my heels, I now want to free myself from worldly chains. Now, release my feet, O worshippers of the world, for I do not have the capacity to understand your talk and speech. Do not advise me anymore. Do not ask me that by becoming a total Mullah (Allah Servant), from where will I eat. O worshippers of the world this fool will insha-Allah (Allah willing) receive such rozi (sustenance) which cannot be acquired by great intellectuals. That which you regard as stupidity is the essence of intelligence." Stupid and foolish are those who have displeased Allah سبحانه وتعالى in spite of which they attribute intelligence to themselves. They are not intelligent but shrewd. Sustenance is not acquired by shrewdness or intelligence but by the fadl (grace) and bounty of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Some simple-minded people are given rozi (sustenance) in such excess that great intellectuals, people of wisdom are dumbfounded.
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Taalibah on 15th December 2013
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It is required of us to humble ourselves and cry in the court of Allah سبحانه وتعالى: "O Allah, in the battle against the nafs (base desires) and Shaitaan I am repeatedly defeated, this is an indication of my gradual weakening. When a child is beaten by his stronger apponents, his abba (father) takes pity on him, his mercy then comes to the fore. You are our Rabba, our Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer, please display Your Mercy on us. How long will we allow ourselves to remain entangled in a life of decadent sin? Let it not be that death finds us in such a state, which will cause our akhirat (hereafter) to be destroyed. O'Allah, Your mercy infinitely exceeds the kindness and mercy of parents. You have allowed one hundredth of Your mercy to descend into this world, that one hundredth has been distributed throughout the creation. It is by this mercy that parents express kindness and compassion for their children, by which animals care for and rear their young, by which people love each other. This mercy prompts a mother to breastfeed her baby which a father slogs to provide and fend for his flock. When this is the extent of a single percent of your mercy, O You Who possess unlimited and infinite mercy, please manifest a degree of that mercy upon us so that thereby You release us from slavery of nafs (base desire) and Shaitaan, so that we become your slaves." [b]Aameen [/i]
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Taalibah on 11th December 2013
Friends! I am addressing you with a heart filled with pain. What I am presenting you with is the epitome, the summary, and the essence of my seventeen years of service to Shaykh Shah Abdul Ghani r.a. It is not something acquired at ease. It is by the blessing and Grace of Allah سبحانه وتعالى Now! Nowhere does my gaze roam. On nobody does my gaze fall - now. Engrossed and effaced I stand in the court of beauty. Another sign is that one remains engrossed and intoxicated in the remembrance of Allah سبحانه وتعالى One's gaze does not fall on the helpless beggars that are His creation but falls on Him who satisfies the needs of all beggars. One does not look at Layla but at him who endowed Layla with beauty. One does not look with longing at wealth but remains absorbed with Him who enriches the wealthy. One, in short, becomes independent of the entire creation. Whether it is the universe of beauty, wealth, power or fame, one restricts the entry of such mortals to within the precincts of one's heart. What sign will be mortals to within one's heart. What sign will be manifested in one who has been attracted by Allah? In the words of manifested in one who has been attracted by Allah? In the words of Khwaaja Aziz ul Hazan Majzoub r.a. this will be one's condition. Whose coming has caused the brilliance of the gathering to diminish?
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Taalibah on 26th November 2013
"...If he draws nearer to me a hands span, I will draw nearer to him an arm's length, and If he draws nearer to Me an arm's length, I will draw nearer to him a fathom length, and if he comes to Me walking, I will rush to him at (great) speed."
(Bukhari and Muslim
Shaykh Hakeem ul Ummah r.a. explains this Hadith by the Example of a toddler who is still learning to walk. The little child musters up courage and begins taking a few shaky steps. When the child is about to fall, the father runs and picks him up. This is Exactly the case of that servant who is trying to please Alllah سبحانه وتعالى. When he manages a few broken efforts, Allah سبحانه وتعالى bestows upon him the wealth of guidance. Shaykh Hakeemul Ummah says the shame upon us is our lack of courage and determination to get up from our slumber and attempt to walk. Muster up some courage and try to do what Allah سبحانه وتعالى requires. Allah سبحانه وتعالى Himself will 'run' and pick up His servants by granting them His special assistance. Allah سبحانه وتعالى with every iota of the universe wants to make us his. Shaykh Asghar Gondwi says:
My life which was spent in negligent
Slumber awakens to the break of day
From every hair of mine I hear him calling me.
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Taalibah on 24th November 2013
What does zikr (remembrance) mean? Shaykh Hakeem ul Ummah r.a. in tafseer (commentary) Bayaan ul Qur'an states: "Allah says, "Remember Me." How should we remember Allah? "You will be in My remembrance by being obedient to Me." Therefore: If one's parents are ill, that person should postpone his Nawaafil (optional Salah prayer), tilawat (recitation of Qur'an) and zikr (meditation in the the remembrance of Allah), and attend to their medical needs. At such a time, this is zikr (remembrance) of Allah. The wife is sick but one does not see to her treatment and cure because one is absorbed in muraaqabah (meditation), it will lead to the disrepute of the Sufi's. People will say, "do not marry Sufi's, for they sit with eyes closed, they remain on the Arsh (Throne of Allah), they do not fulfil the rights of those on the Farsh (earth)."
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Taalibah on 10th November 2013
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Every person should have an aspiration in life.
What is your focus in life?
By Shaykh Zahir Mahmood.
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Taalibah on 9th September 2013
How to Pray Salah on a Plane and How to Pray Sitting Down on a Chair
by Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf:
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