It is very sad and unfortunate that many people have misinterpreted and misunderstood the Shari' method and value of Waseela. The Dangers of getting it wrong will be catastrophic!
My aim here is to keep it very simple and differentiate between that which is Halal and that which is Shirk and I pray to Allah that He gives us the ability to see the difference and protect our Iman.
It's not something new, instead it's very old, older than Islam and when done incorrectly, it becomes a Pagan act.
Islam came to wipe out Paganism, it came to wipe out Polythiesm, i.e. Shirk, associating partners with Allah. Islam came with Tawheed, The first Pillar of Islam!
I've been looking into Halal suppliers and Halal food for as long as I can remember.
One top scholar, Yusuf al-Qaradawi is put on the list of many Halal certifiers so I looked onto his teachings to get a better understanding because some of our own Ulama have quoted him in Q&A's in Halal/Haram Food and you get the idea that if such a name is attached to the label, then it must be fine for us to follow in the Hanafi school.
Here are some of his views: