Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla has declared; I am yours therefore I will protect you from indulging in matters that will become a harmful lesson for you and detrimental to your Imaan. Negative feelings, thoughts, and suspicion towards others that run through our hearts and mind, if dwelled upon and accepted, is a grave sin and strictly forbidden. If any negative thought enters our mind it should not be given any president or space, but should be shunned and regarded as the evil whispering of Shaytan and the Nafs. Such thoughts should not be accepted as the truth, but immediately disregarded and ignored as a passing Shatanic and Nafsani conspiracy. When a thought enters our mind, we must firstly examine it and identify whether it is a positive or a negative thought. If it is positive, we must regard it as a virtue, something we will be abundantly rewarded for. A believerÃÂs good thoughts are so precious to Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla that even if a person does not acquire these good qualities that we hold them in esteem of, then Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla will bestow these qualities upon them.
However, if it is a negative thought, we must protect ourselves from it, and not encourage these thoughts by examining and purposely dwelling and searching to identify them in a person so we may affirm our suspicions. It is irrelevant whether he/she is a passing stranger or someone very close to us, to presume and make assumptions regarding them is of no benefit to us only detrimental. If we were to search for anyoneÃÂs shortcomings it should be that of our own, we should examine and determine how many of Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaalaÃÂs laws we are abiding by, and how many of them we are neglecting. How many friends do we sincerely associate with solely for the pleasure of Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla, and how many of them do we keep ties with for worldly gain and self interest? How many people do we betray by faking affection, when we are harbouring animosity for them in our hearts? We have so many defects within us; pride, hatred, jealousy, haughtiness etc, that if we were to analyse our own defects, we would recognise so many that we would drown in them, taking us an entire lifetime to rectify and correct.
If we kept our eyes closed at our own shortcomings, and continued to waste time our valuable time in searching and observing the shortcomings of others then the rest of our life would pass in this idle and sinful habit of finding faults in others; as a result remaining ignorant of our own condition. On the day of judgement all our inferior qualities we choose to ignore in this world, will be openly judged and dealt with by Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla in the presence of the entire human race. Therefore, we should not scrutinize other peopleÃÂs faults; we should scrutinize and recognise our own evil traits.
When a positive thought regarding anyone enters the mind, keep it, and accept it as the truth and bear these good thoughts about them at all times. However if we are questioned regarding the disposition of anyone, we must not speak ill of them nor should we praise and recommend them, no matter what knowledge or opinion we may hold. Unless, we ourselves have to make a transaction or interact with them, than it is our duty to check his/her social tendencies, before interacting with them. It is not enough to observe whether a person is fulfilling his/her religious duties. If a transaction fails, we would blame whomever this person was recommended by and is associated with, causing disunity and discord, at a time when we would have no-one but ourselves to blame for not taking responsibility for determine his/her credibility.
To have honourable thoughts regarding a fellow Muslim, and to dwell and entertain them is a compulsory action. When we first meet anyone, we should exert all efforts into creating the initial thought on them as a positive one. Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla has stated:
When you heard a prohibited conversation insulting a fellow Muslim, why did you accept these insults as the truth when the truth was unknown to you, and you possessed no proof or evidence. You should have disregarded these suspicions and rejected these influences and hints that were placed in your heart by other people.
It is not necessary to look for evidence whether a suspicious thought regarding a person is correct or not. We must show gratitude to Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla for placing good thoughts in our hearts regarding a fellow Muslim, that we are being abundantly blessed and rewarded for without any difficulty or effort on our part. Islam teaches us to follow this simple action of bearing worthy and admirable thoughts on everyone, which cause us no harm but creates and increases, love, friendliness, warmth and affection. Once a negative thought is imbedded in the mind as the truth, it becomes very difficult to remove. Shaytan places these thoughts in our mind to create hatred and animosity amongst us; we must make excuses for everyoneÃÂs habits and behaviour and not harbour ill feelings within our hearts for anyone.
The Shariah states for us to maintain truthful thoughts on a truthful person, however if one was to keep truthful and honest thoughts regarding a dishonest person than on the day of judgement Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla will not question us on why we harboured honest thoughts on such a person, but will simply reward us for our righteous behaviour. It is compulsory for us to refrain from suspicion not only on Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaalaÃÂs Creation but also on Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla Himself and His mercy. We should hold high hopes and expectations that no matter how sinful we may be, He will shower upon us His forgiveness, and enter us into the gardens of Jannah. Equally, due to our sins and disobediences, we also need to fear His displeasure, this will be a means and guide for us to abstain from committing sins. We will meet Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla as we think and expect of him, if we die with the expectation that he will forgive us, than we will be forgiven, but if we hold negative and suspicious thoughts on His Mercy, and consider ourselves too inferior to be forgiven, then we will not receive His compassion. It is narrated in a Hadith that Rasullullah Sallallahualayhiwassalam has stated:
Anyone of you should not meet Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla except with high hopes and expectations that He will forgive you for all your sins.
Even if an old man purposely spent his entire life in immorality, questioning and neglecting the existence and mercy of Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla and in his old age he recognizes Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla as his Creator and Rabb and repents to Him, even then, he should not hold any doubtful thoughts or suspicion that he will not be forgiven. He should hold high hopes and expectations that He will be forgiven and he will enter Jannah. Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla states:
OÃÂ son of Adam if with a land full of sins you entered into my court and asked Me for my forgiveness I will embrace you and grant you forgiveness,
OÃÂ son of Adam if your sins were to reach the roof of the heavens and you came to me in a state without having associated any partner with me, than I will grant you my forgiveness and not care for your sins.
If this is what our Rabb announces, should we be harbouring any negative thoughts towards Him and His creation? We should be joyful, because we are Believers, Muslims, and the Ummat of Rasulullah Sallallahualayhiwassalam, even if Shaytan was to prostrate in repentance and ask Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla for His forgiveness, it would be accepted. If Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla can accept the repentance of such an enemy, how is it possible that He will not accept our true heartfelt rectification and repentance?