This is a series titled Fiqh of Prayer (Kitab al-Salat) by Mufti Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf Mangera.
The main text being used is Nurul Idaa, but other texts will also be used by the Sheikh. Sheikh will be stating the rulings primiarly for the Hanafi school of thought but he will also mention the rulings in the other schools as well.
Click here for the full series: here to download the english text of Nurul Idaa [with references]: the author of Nurul Idaa---------
Imam Shurunbulali (RA) is Abul Ikhlas Hasan ibn `Ammar ibn `Ali al Shurunbulali al Wafa'i (RA) (964-1069), a major Hanafi imam and verifier (Muhaqiq) whose works form an integral part of the school.
Shaykh Muhammad I`zaz `Ali (RA) states in his commentary on the Nur al Idah, quoting Shaykh Muhammad Amin (RA) (d: 1111), "He was from the elite and distinguished scholars of jurisprudence (Fuqaha) and the most preferred of his time. He was the greatest of the latter day scholars in possession of fiqh, the most knowledgeable of them in the texts and its principles, and the most bountiful in his writings and authorship." (Nur al Idah bil Isbah, Pg: 7 Qadim Kutub Khana Ed.)"
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