In todays's fashion driven society, we tend to follow the trend and turn a blind eye to Islam and its teachings. Many of our youth walk around the neighbourhood with their trousers below their ankles. The jeans and trousers of today are specially designed this way in order for us to commit this sin. As well as being a sin, science has also proved the harms of the trousers below the ankle. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.
About Shaykh:
Maulana is a world renowned scholar who delivers excellent speeches in various languages covering many aspects of Deen. Allah has truly blessed him with vast knowledge.
Having memorized the Qur'aan by the age of 14, Maulana embarked on studying Islam in depth under the supervision of great Ulama. Since graduating he has travelled to all corners of the world, delivering inspirational speeches in front of large audiences and convincing many to change their lives for the better.
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