This lecture is originally in urdu and has english subtitles added in. It is a very unique and priceless lecture which has, for the first time been made available for the english speaking audience.
Click here to download the lecture in mp3 audio [urdu]: speaker is Hazrat Maulana Bilal Bawa Saheb
who is a lecturer of Hadith at Darul Uloom Bury and a khalifa of Hadhrat Shaykh al-Hadith Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya [ra]
The lecture covers points like:
-The claim that Imam Abu Haneefa knew 11 hadith.
-Why he is called "Imam Ul Muslimeen"
-Who said he Fiqh will remain till the "end of time".
-Imam Abu Yusuf's status.
Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel.
The above description is from the original poster of the video on the web site this video is hosted on. This description is not from the member (Seifeddine-M) of