This is a fatwah by Mufti Umar Farooq, the Bukhari teacher at Darul Uloom Kent {Darul Uloom London}. The issue is regarding the cutting of hair and nails during the start of Dhul Hijjah until the sacrifice of the animal has been done.
The ruling is in urdu but there are english subtitles provided. The footage is in HD 1080p.
Sheikh has a website where he and his team offer fatwahs for the general public: Shaikhul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq~~~~~
Shaikhul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq graduated from Jaami'ah Raandair, India where he studied a standard level of religious subjects.
He is currently the Imaam and Khateeb of Madeenah Masjid, Clapton and a senior lecturer of Hadeeth (Including Saheeh al Bukhari and the prominent work of Imaam Tahaawee) at an Islamic Institute based in Kent. He is also a leading authority in the Shar'ee Council at the same Institute.
His vast experience and deep study of Ahaadeeth keeping all the Islamic perspectives in mind has made him amongst one of the most respected and trusted scholars in UK.
Brought to you by the Hanfi Fiqh channel.
The above description is from the original poster of the video on the web site this video is hosted on. This description is not from the member (Ibn-Ayub) of