Khalid ibn Al-Walid (Radi'Allahu Anhu), given the title of As-Sayf'Allah Al-Maslul (the Drawn Sword of Allah) by the Prophet (PBUH), was a Companion of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and one of the greatest warriors to ever walk the face of this Earth. From a military prospective, he was one of the two people who never lost a battle in their military careers (the other being Genghis Khan) and he was also one of the two people who managed to execute the pincer movement (a military tactic) against a numerically superior force (the other bring Hannibal). These are just two of his military accomplishments. As for his religious accomplishments, many virtues are attributed to him, and as the person who listens to the lecture will realize, Insha'Allah.
In this lecture, Shaykh Zahir Mahmood gives some insight into the life of Khalid ibn Al-Walid. Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, one of the founding members of As-Suffa Institute, is one of the most emotional Islamic lecturers that I have ever heard. All in all, I really enjoy his lectures. Sometimes he makes statements that I disagree with, but, as Muslims, it is our duty to always assume that the intention of our brothers and sisters are pure; and, as humans, we all make mistakes.
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Part 2:
To learn more about Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, visit:, please consider donating to As-Suffa Institute for their efforts and the efforts of Shaykh Zahir Mahmood. If you are able to, buy this lecture from the publishers so that they can produce more such valuable resources, Insha'Allah. At the very least, ask Allah to bless and have mercy on all those involved in the creation of this lecture, as well as their families. Jazak'Allah.
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