Could you please explain the rulings regarding bleeding after an abortion or miscarriage? Is the bleeding considered to be impure therefore the woman cannot perform her salaat or fast during this time? Please give as much detail as possible on the matter. Jazak alla khair
Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)
Bleeding that follows an abortion or miscarriage of a foetus that has some limbs formed (usually after four months into the pregnancy, but could occur earlier) will be regarded as Nifas (postnatal bleeding).
If no limbs have formed on the aborted or miscarried foetus then the bleeding that occurs after the abortion or miscarriage will only be considered menstruation if 15 days have lapsed since her last cycle. The bleeding should also continue for at least three days. If these conditions are not present, it will be considered as Istihadhah (dysfunctional uterine bleeding).
(The Laws of Menstruation, Postnatal Bleeding, & Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding)
Rules of Haid and Nifas: : During Haidh or Nifas, it is not permissible to have intercourse, to enter a mosque, to make Tawaaf of the Ka'bah, to read the Quran or to touch it and to offer prayer or to fast. The only difference is that she is completely excused from prayer. After the Haidh or Nifas, it is not Wajib on her to make up of her prayer. However, after her Haidh or Nifas she will have to keep her missed fasts.
Rules of Istihadah: chronic blood discharge (Istihada) is the same as for the one whose nose bleeds continuously. Such a woman should offer her prayer, fast and should not leave out these. It is also permissible to have sexual intercourse with such a woman.
Note: The rules for chronic blood discharge (Istihada) are the same as those of the Ma'zur (excused).