Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
2nd January 2025
I want to say firstly i suffer from Religious OCD and have done for over 6 and have spent most part of that time ruminating over thoughts of whether i said something blasphemous, or asked Allah to punish me. I get strong thoughts like this 100 times daily
The ocd I suffer from makes it difficult to discern when I have said something or it was just a thought because many times I try to correct the negative thought verbally to convince myself but just end up repeating the thought by mistake.
It has been many years I have not seen my grandma as ashamed of my issues. A few months ago, I said to myself Even if these issues exist I am going to see my grandma in the next year because Allah might punish me then thoughts started coming in like If Allah punishes then Allah can Then I thoughts to myself saying that I meant If Allah punishes me then Allah Can - Can meaning Allah has the power to do so. Then These thoughts started coming in that I said if I don't still go see my grandma by new year and if Allah swt punishes me then Allah Can - like it will be Allahs choice and It's out my hand. Have I asked god to punish me? I don't know if this second version of Allah Can means yeah go ahead, Like CAN in English in this context is sometimes used to give permission. Like if my brother says, I am going to break your car if you don't ring me in the morning, and I say if i don't ring you then you can break it - I don't want him to break it, I'm saying that's your choice. Is this a bad dua and if it is can i cancel it, I am very socially anxious at the moment and cant leave my house and find it too burderning. On top of that in the last 5 years i have gone from 60kh to 95kd due to stress and I dont want people seeing me like this. I have a huge loss of confidence, I am hoping to fix up and see my grandma in a couple of months. pls help
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
19th December 2024
Asaalam o alaikum! I have been riddled with doubt over the Quran verse 24 40 and need clarification. I am confused about the section that states (interpretation of the meaning) “if he puts out his hand he can hardly see it”. This is confusing to me because the oceans darkness would prohibit you from seeing your hand at all as there is 0 light present within most of the ocean. I don’t understand why Allah AJ would use that example when there really is no light at the bottom of the sea. Please help me understand. Thank you!
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
22nd October 2024
What is the full tafseer of Rizq what does it includes when we talk about Rizq.
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
9th October 2024
I read a hadeeth and am wondering only whether it is saheeh or not. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “On the fifteenth of Ramadan, the night before Friday, there will be a panic (Trumpet blast) that will wake the one who is asleep, startle the one who is awake, and bring the women out of their seclusion, and on that day there will be a lot of earthquakes.” I hope to receive an answer from you, in sha Allah.
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
17th September 2024
Assalamualaykum brother,
How are you.
I’m a Muslim by birth, married with three kids. After all these years of marriage a big issue has creeped up.
I have been given a few Hadith’s and a book on Hadith to check and follow. I’m not that educated as my other half, I do hijab but not much into Islamic studies.
I am forwarding the Hadith books, can you please check and clarify if they are authentic.
Also, if the books are not authentic can i take Talaq.
The books are -
At-Taliqatul Hasanu Sahih Ibn Hibban
Nemat ul Kubra - by Ibn Hajar Al Haytami Makki
Shau’b al-Iman lil Bayhaqi
Sharh Sunan ibn Majah Al Sanadi
Mishkat Al-Masahib
Sunan of Abu Dawood
Imam Ibn Kathir
Salema T
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
31st August 2024
Assalamu Alaikum, what is the full tafseer of the Quranic Ayat of Surah Baqarah verse no. 201 "Rabbana aatina fid dunya hasanataw wa fil Aakhirati hasanataw wa qina azaaban naar"
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
17th August 2024
Assalamu alaikum,
To my understanding, I have known that duas will be accepted any time one raises their hands and calls out to Allah SWT. Why are there then many Q&As informing about specific times in which duas will be accepted if they will be accepted any time one calls out to Allah SWT anyways? Does this mean if you call out to Allah outside of these specific times that your dua will not be answered? I know that Allah SWT says in the Quran that if one calls him and he will respond. And in addition many Hadith which say Allah will feel shy if his slave calls to him and Allah SWT doesn’t return anything. Why are there then specific times in which duas will be accepted, if they are already accepted the moment a slave calls out to Allah SWT?
JazakAllah khair. Thank you very much for your help.
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
20th June 2024
Respected Ulama,
Assalamu Alaikum.
I have read a fatwa (https://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/35332) approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai and got a clear clarification of the term في سبيل الله and how its virtues were meant for actual jihad (although we have different forms of jihad) and advising my friends and family not to use hadiths pertaining to jihad (path of Allah) for going out in tabligh. But recently I was reading Maariful Hadith (by Moulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani), in volume 4 under the section Book of Holding Fast To The Quran and Sunnah under the topic Jihad & Martyrdom (topic 138 English Version Page 252, 253) the author after quoting a hadith from Bukhari
(38/1906) Sayyidina Abu Abs & reported that Allah's Messenger & said, "It cannot be that once a man's feet become dusty on walking in the path of Allah, the fire of hell would touch them." (Saheeh Bukhari)
in the commentry he quotes an incident and statement of a tabi'ee Abayah ibn Rifa'ah that
The words in the path of Allah' do not restrict their application to jihad and fighting alone but encompass a greater field; to go to offer salah and to run about in service of religion and of what
places Allah are also jihad.
Now I'm confused whether we can actually use this type of hadiths for going out in tabligh jamaat or not. Can you Please explain this issue in detail and clarify my doubts ? also do Hadhrat Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariya (رحمة الله عليه) in his book named "Tablighi Jama'at Par E'terazat Aur Un Ke Jawabat" claims there is nothing wrong in quoting the hadiths of jihad for going out in tableegh ?
I sincerely request you to clarify the issue in detail so that I can repent publicly (since I have been opposing every one who were using the hadiths of jihad for tableegh jamaat) and correct my views. May Allah reward you for your efforts.
بارك الله فيكم
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
28th December 2023
My daughter who is 8 years old is special needs. She has limited speech and is intellectually impaired. It has impacted me physically and emotionally. I trust Allah SWT has a plan for her and us but thoughts of the future scare and worry me like no other. This world is so scary especially for a young girl who cannot communicate. We make dua for her improvement but I wanted to ask if it's permissible to ask Allah swt to only keep her with us for as long as it's good for her?
JazakAllah khair
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
23rd April 2023
Can you make dua to marry someone that has accepted another marriage proposal that’s not yours? I have history with a person and we both liked one another but something happened to create distance, now the person has accepted a proposal to marry a separate person. With dua we can ask Allah to change qadr, so can we still ask Allah to not to let the person we love not marry another person but to marry you? The person I like has accepted another proposal, but I really like them so I am making dua the proposal they accepted doesn’t actually happen and we reunite - I am not sure if this dua is prohibited?
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
9th March 2023
Is it true that all tabi’een scholars agreed that the verse ‘and stay in your houses refers to all women? We’re some of them of the opinion that it only applies to the wives of the Prophet SAW?
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
27th January 2023
I have read the following narration
Sa‘eed ibn Jubair, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Allah, the Exalted, will inflict a punishment on a group of people because they played with their private parts."
It has been cited in Tafsirs and some fiqh books without a chain of narrators and the chain/authenticity has not been located. I was wondering, does it being included in fiqh books make it authentic or has it only been used by some fuqaha and is subjected to difference of opinion on its authenticity
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
18th January 2023
Aslaamu Alaikum
Is it permissible to make a dua that I get married before my sister. I know its not okay to make dua aganist someone. But I was wondering if making a dua that I get married before my sister. (I would still want her to get married) would be considered a dua aganist her.
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
12th January 2023
Assalamu alaikum
Can I make istikharah about praying for a non muslim to become a muslim and me marrying him if he does become a muslim
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
8th January 2023
i made a dua while it was raining and between asr and maghrib for my nikkah to not be valid if i wear a certain type of shoe. if this dua has been accepted, does that mean i should avoid wearing this type of shoe?
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
3rd December 2022
I read the following hadith on masturbation:
" سبعة لا ينظر الله إليهم يوم القيامة ، ولا يزكيهم ، ولا يجمعهم مع العاملين ، ويدخلهم النار أول الداخلين ، إلا أن يتوبوا ، فمن تاب تاب الله عليه : ناكح يده ، والفاعل ، والمفعول به ، ومدمن الخمر ، والضارب والديه حتى يستغيثا ، والمؤذي جيرانه حتى يلعنوه ، والناكح حليلة جاره " .
and have been told that it is weak. I understand weak hadiths may be used for warnings and it is ok to quote the hadith in this regard. However regarding I have some queries:
1. I have seen some say this hadiths meaning is correct. So does this mean its proof the masturbator is cursed as I have seen others say this hadith is not used for proof that a masturbator is cursed. So is there difference of opinion on this?
2. I read a book which says some jurists have used this narration. So has this narration been accepted by the majority of the fuqaha from the four schools or only some of them. Does this quote from Tafsir ibn kathir say for example the shafis have accepted it:
وقد استدل الإمام الشافعي ، رحمه الله ، ومن وافقه على تحريم الاستمناء باليد بهذه الآية الكريمة ( والذين هم لفروجهم حافظون . إلا على أزواجهم أو ما ملكت أيمانهم ) قال : فهذا الصنيع خارج عن هذين القسمين ، وقد قال : ( فمن ابتغى وراء ذلك فأولئك هم العادون ) وقد استأنسوا بحديث رواه الإمام الحسن بن عرفة في جزئه المشهور حيث قال :
حدثني علي بن ثابت الجزري ، عن مسلمة بن جعفر ، عن حسان بن حميد ، عن أنس بن مالك ، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : " سبعة لا ينظر الله إليهم يوم القيامة ، ولا يزكيهم ، ولا يجمعهم مع العاملين ، ويدخلهم النار أول الداخلين ، إلا أن يتوبوا ، فمن تاب تاب الله عليه : ناكح يده ، والفاعل ، والمفعول به ، ومدمن الخمر ، والضارب والديه حتى يستغيثا ، والمؤذي جيرانه حتى يلعنوه ، والناكح حليلة جاره " .
هذا حديث غريب ، وإسناده فيه من لا يعرف لجهالته ، والله أعلم .
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
14th September 2021
Assalamu'alaikum. What was the first thing that Allah SWT created?
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
7th July 2021
21:30 of the Quran says all living things are from water but jinns are from fire and angels are from light. Can you answer this contradiction please
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
29th May 2021
Assalamualaikum.i am Imran iam from India.i am a student.my question is can we do tasbeeh of allah while doing other chores such as writing,driving,cooking,working etc.is it permissible to do to tasbeeh in such situation or is it considered disrespectul.please answer my question
Tafseer, Hadeeth, Du'aa
28th March 2020
In Islam it is forbidden to learn magic and astrology but nowadays the knowledge of magic and astrology has become so common that it is extremely widespread to the point that it has become unavoidable. Eg: in newspapers (there is an entire section dedicated to it ) So should even reading newspaper reading be prohibited ? As it is written in the hadith Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If anyone acquires any knowledge of astrology, he acquires a branch of magic of which he gets more as long as he continues to do so.
By the above definition (according to hadith ) everybody on planet earth has learnt magic and is a disbeliever (if you have ever read something about astrology in the newspaper accidently) including sheikhs and scholars and every Muslim!!!!
It is just not possible to not come across something (to read something about astrology accidently )? What is the ruling on this ?
What if you read something about magic or astrology accidently. I was reading a book COMPLETELY NOT RELATED TO ASTROLOGY WHATSOEVER and suddenly while reading I read such and such thing is an astrological sign. I tore the page which said that such and such thing is an astrological sign Can I continue to read the book and learn from it.(Learn the clean things )? As the other parts of the book are important for me to read and learn,memorise ( which are free from anything related to astrology ,related to concepts of marketing )??(This latter part is very important and urgent for me)