Salaah - Tahara

Salaah - Tahara
31st December 2011

Problem with cleanliness

Asalamualaikum respected mufti saheb

i do wudhu in the morning at 9 before i start uni. Most of the time i am able to spend the day without the need to go toilet until late afternoon or even early evening. Anytime i have broken my wudhu during the day would not be through istinja and i would merely do my wudhu again and not go toilet. Sometimes during the day i feel a slight need to go toilet but i hold it in slightly and delay going due to my timetable. Later in the evening when i do go toilet many occasions i see white marks on my underwear. This would have come out sometime during the day without me even realising. Having read this please assist me with the following:

1. Would this white stuff be mani, mazi or wadi if it came out during the day and i cannot recall any moment when i may have had any shahwat thoughts and it came out without me even realising?

2. During the day anytime i needed to perform salah i either had wudhu from before or just repeated my wudhu. If this stuff had come out without me realising then how would i know if my wudhu had actually broken or not?

3. When the stuff came out without me realising it would presumably make my underwear napak and due to me not being aware of it coming out i may have performed salaah with this napak on my clothes. What would the status of my namaz be if i happened to be napak without realising?

4. Upon noticing the whiteness how should i go about cleaning it?

5. The main issue is that during the day when the white stuff has come out without me realising i would have most likely performed salaah like that. Would all those namaz i performed be accepted or not? If not how do i know how many to do qadha of because i do not know exactly how many namaz was done it that state because i dont know when it happened.

This is a problem which happens quite frequently and i am worried about the status of my salah. I have tried to explain everything as best as i can please help with this matter

Jazakallahu khair may Allah reward you abundantly
Salaah - Tahara
29th November 2011

Reoccurring dream in which I am defecating

Dear Mufti Saahib

Assalaamu alaykum.

I keep having a reoccurring dream in which I am defecating. This is not a one off dream I have had this same dream a number of times. As far as I can remember sometimes I am trying to clean myself (istanja) but the part where I am defecating is reoccurring and now has me worried. If it was a one-off dream I would not have bothered you.

The only thing that come to my mind is that I have a urine problem (which is common to others as well) in that when I have finished urinating I have to squeeze and cough a number of times to make sure all the urine is out and that none of it will come out on my clothes. It is possible than on a few occasions I am a little careless but at the same time I cannot over due things and cause damage to the male organ.

I hope you can advise. JizakAllah for your time in answering my questions.

Salaah - Tahara
2nd November 2011

Wet dream

Asalamualaikum I am a student living in a student boarding campus. I tend to have wet dreams quite often sometimes the mazi reaches through my clothes to the bedsheet and due to me staying in the campus i am not able to regularly wash my bedding.
1. When i have a wet dream and the bed sheet gets dirty what should i do?

2. Is it permissable to sleep on the bed if there is a dry stain on it?

3. Are there any wazeefa that i can pray to stop having wet dream so often?

4. If i have a wet dream then do ghusl at fajr time then go to sleep again after fajr and more comes out do i have to do ghusl again?
Salaah - Tahara
2nd November 2011


Asalamualaikum respected mufti saheb please help with the following:

1. when going toilet should you wash the front first or the back or is there no difference?

2. when washing the back should you put the hand from the front side to the back or direct to the back?

3. after doing istibra and washing myself i put tissue in underwear incase more drops come out and i go and walk around normally. before i do wudhu i take the tissue out. when i am taking the tissue out do i have to wash my private part again?

4. i read that mazi can sometimes come out without a person even realising. if this is the case how will you know if you still have wudhu or not?

please help me with these issues. Jazakallahu Khayrun you are doing very very good work for the ummah Insha Allah you will get great great rewards.
Salaah - Tahara
12th February 2011

Impurity problems

A small area of the bathroom floor became unclean as a few drops of unclean liquid fell on it.I didnt think much of it and wiped it off with dry tissue paper and so i didnt legally purify the floor properly. A few minutes after i left someone came and wiped over the floor with a wet mop, did this make the whole floor unclean beacuse of the use of a wet mop?

i regarded the floor as unclean. But then beacuse the pot type thing that is used for holding water is put on the floor and the bathroom floor is wet and so is the bottom of the pot then the bottom of the pot has become unclean too right?(because if a wet clean thing comes into contact with a wet unclean thing then impurity has transferred wether the traces can be seen on the other thing or not.)

This pot is also used for wudhu and ghusl. While doing wudhu the pot is put in the wet sink so does this then become unclean ? And also for ghusl, if this pot is dipped into the bucket of water will the whole water become unclean and now also the whole pot inside and out gets unclean because the pot is dipped in the bucket of water.?

I am now regarding large areas of my bathroom unclean and i no longer do wudhu at home in the sink because i feel the sink is unclean because the pot is always being put in the sink and also while doing wudhu water splashes off the floor (which i think is unclean)and onto my clothes.

But i still dont think im correct. please let me know where im going wrong

Salaah - Tahara
22nd November 2010


Respected mufti saheb please help me with the following:
1. Please can you explain in as much detail as possible all the differences between mani and mazi such as colour stickiness etc
2. Sometimes upon awakening i do not feel any wetness but notice a very small bit of whiteness on my clothes which is not sticky. What would this be and is ghusl wajib?
3. If mazi comes out only wudu is necessary but do you have to wash the private part first?
Jazakallahu Khairun
Salaah - Tahara
22nd November 2010


I feel i am not doing istinja properly based on some stuff i have read.
Please can you explain in as much detail as possible step by step the correct method and sequence of istinja and istibra according to sunnah so i may not have any worries in the future that my ibadat is not valid.
Salaah - Tahara
3rd January 2010


When a male after finihing urinating. Is what left over drips out on cloathes, would namazz be accepted if you were to pray.

Reason why i ask this question is that i have heard that, when urinating the first part of the urine is filt (after 10 sec is just pure water). there for i would like you to comment if my clothes be paak if i were pull my trousers up after urinating
Salaah - Tahara
3rd January 2010

Problem unsolved

I am suffering from urinary comes out itself and make my clothes happens throughout the day.i have shown it to doctors and they preferred to not give any medicine as they said it will cure by i want to ask will my prayer be accepted if i perform it in this state?Support from relevant Ayats and Hadis
Salaah - Tahara
3rd January 2010

Purity of wudhu area

Assalam Alaykum,

At work, I have a prayer area set-up to allow me to pray at work. My work has also set-up a wudhu area as well, but the wudhi area is in the bathroom near urinals (distance between urinal & wudhu area is about 5 metres).

Occassionally, when performing wudhu someone comes in and urinates in the urinal - so I was just wondering whether if this happens whether my wudhu is valid or would I need to do wudhu against since the would be dirty (najasah).

Thank you.

Salaah - Tahara
13th December 2009


I have a problem when urinating the drop’s still come out after 15-20 minutes; I use toilet paper there and wash the private part after approx 20 minutes.

It is permissible to go outside (out of the house) within this time if I need to? Also if the tissue moves and touches the private part will I became napak?
Salaah - Tahara
13th December 2009

Urgent help with toilet matters

Assalamun alaikum

I have a problem emptying my bladder as I cannot empty in one go.
I have to sit for a long time 10-15mins and it comes in drops all time
(bits at a time e.g. scatted). Afterwards I go to read wudu there
is a burning sensation as if I need to pass urine again, now when I do
back to toilet it is only a few drops. This buring sensation
doesn't go away and is affecting my concentration of namaz as I cannot
concentrate becasue of the pain. Outside namaz I a can last 30-45
sometime without having to go to the toilet but during namaz when I am
into few mins of reading namaz the pain happens. I have been to
the doctors and they said it is nothing. Please tell me what to

I have read that if you need toanswer to callof nautre u shouldn't
carried reading namaz but this is an ongoing problem out of namaz and
during namaz.

I've tried going bac to toile and doing wudu whenever i felt the
pain. I can't keep going bac to toilet and do wudu all the time
as my concentration and doing the namaz gets spoiled and I feel that
the namaz is a burden (astagferullah)

Please help me this is urgent.

I have been ignoring the pain while I am reading namaz (e.g.4 rakats,
12 rakats, 8 rakats,7 rakats and 17 rakats of namaz), is this
Salaah - Tahara
1st November 2009

Question on Namaz

Salams. I went on a trip. Before i went for the trip I was Sahe Tarteeb.(No Qadaas left). When i was returning from the trip, in the van, i had Wudhu. I found myself with my head in my laps(like when you sleep). I got up and i couldn't remember going to sleep. It felt like i never went to sleep.(But inside it felt like I did) I got home and prayed my Esha Salat with the same Wudhu. Is my Nazmaz accepted?
About a month ago i done Qadaa of that Esha Salat because i just wanted to be sure i prayed that Namaz. Is all my other Namaz accepted from the time of the end of the trip until I prayed the Qadaa(because i was Sahe Tarteeb) as i had done Qadaa of that Esha Salat after about 6 months. Jazakallah
Salaah - Tahara
24th October 2009

URGENT!!!I want to know if I am in the mazoor classification

Assalamu Alaikum,

I have reviewed the questions pertaining to a mazoor.I previously assumed that I fell under the classification but now have doubts.I try all the methods of removing urine completely before salah and often spend quite some time in the bathroom as such.However, most times, it's the salah itself especially in sujood position that causes additional drops of urine to be released.This happens almost everytime I relieve myself,then perform wudu and pray.I try to avoid relieving myself before salah but I think its disliked to be under pressure while praying so I often have no choice.What is my status and what should I do because if I don't relieve myself before praying, it doesn't happen.

Salaah - Tahara
24th October 2009



Just wanted to know if a child vomits more than a mouthful
and only 2-3 bits touch our clothes are we allowed to pray Salah in those clothes?
Are they paak?

Salaah - Tahara
23rd September 2009


Asalamualaikum respected Molana,
If i have ihtilam one night is it permissable to sleep on the same bedding the next night without washing it? Will the clean pair of clothes become napak by sleeping on that soiled bedding?
JazakAllahu Khairun
Salaah - Tahara
5th September 2009

Tayammum on a wall

Assalaamu Alaikum

I needed to perform ghusal tayamum but the only available item, the brick wall, became slightly moist because of rain. The brick wall wasn't wet, just slightly moist. Is my gushal tayamum correct? or does the permitted tayamum items have to be stone dry/dusty?

Please please answer asap as i'm still praying with that same tayamum and i want to defeat this extremely annoying waswasa.

Jazakallahu khairan

Salaah - Tahara
27th February 2009


Salaah - Tahara
22nd January 2009


As salamu alaikum,

This is quite an important question - can we dry clean our clothes? I think there are a couple of issues here that I hope you can answer dear Mufti:

1. Is the usage of (alcolhoic) solvent in itself OK?
2. In a dry cleaning machine, the same solvent is used to clean a batch of clothes, which may have najasa - so since the solvent is isn't refreshed, can the clothes become clean? ...But bear in mind that the solvent is different from water - it takes off stains etc from clothes, but the solvent itself (with all dissovled stains) is removed from clothes even if the same solent is used to clean many batches of clothes, it takes up all najasa but doesn't infect the clothes...i think but am not 100% sure of the technology.
Allah Knows Best!
Jazakallah khairun!
Salaah - Tahara
8th November 2008


Is it allowed to bubble bath in a mixture that has alcohol and wine extract in it.
