Salam Ustaz, I hope you are well.
I have been going through issues on waswas and mental health for several years and in the process of healing. Do pray for me.
I will usually do istinjak several times on the toilet bowl and toilet floor for the second time. While performing istinjak on the floor, I had forgotten whether I have washed it clean after cleansing myself from discharges on the floor. I keep on feeling that I have discharges which forces me to stop listening to the whispers. At that time, I am not sure if the sprinkles of impurity touches me. So I just wore my undergarments and pray as I have spent long time in the toilet at that night. The next day, I saw dry stains on that undergarment. Should I just assume that it was pure when I pray? Since there is a possibility that the discharge can be secreted at a later timing, not when I am in the toilet or praying?