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Obligation of ghusl after conversion

Last updated: 22nd February 2023
Question ID: #8145
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I am contacting you about a person who converts to Islam but who has had sexual intercourse before, is this person obliged to do ghusl? It seems that there is a difference of opinion on this subject within the Hanafite school, some say that we are obliged, others not. If there is a difference, are we allowed to choose the least restrictive opinion and consider that ghusl is not mandatory? Thank you in advance for your response Wassalam alaykum

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

Ghusl is compulsory even if one was in the state of Janaba (discharging semen or sexual intercourse that involves penetration) before being a Muslim. As it is not possible for one to pray Salah without removing the impurity before Salah. Therefore, to do a Ghusl is necessary according to the soundest opinion.

ويفترض الغسل بالموجبات لو حصلت الأشياء المذكورة قبل الإسلام في الأصح لبقاء صفة الجنابة ونحوها بعد الإسلام ولايمكن أداء المشروط من الصلاة ونحوها بزوال الجنابة وما في معناها إلا به فيفترض عليه لكونه مسلما مكلفا بالطهارة عند إرادة الصلاة ونحوها بآية الوضوء
(حاشية الطحطاوي ص ١٠٠)

And Allah knows best

02 Shabaan 1444/ 23 February 2023

Answer last updated on:
26th February 2023
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London