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Orgasms due to a medical condition

Last updated: 29th November 2022
Question ID: #7811
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I think I may have persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD). Generally, the arousal symptoms are worse after showering (including after ghusl) and I have to sit still for hours before the arousal symptoms leave. The arousal symptoms also appear after going to the toilet to a lesser extent. I think they are caused by cleaning my intimate area (i.e. with water and my fingers) although I do not intend this (i.e. I do not think any sexual thoughts etc). Previously, a warm flush would spread through my body that would make me feel light-headed and the arousal symptoms would disappear. This was not accompanied by vaginal contractions. However, more recently, my symptoms have gotten worse. I went to the toilet, got into bed, and after around five minutes, had several orgasms (without vaginal contractions) that I did not intend (i.e. I did not think any sexual thoughts etc). I took a shower (and did ghusl) the next morning and I had another orgasm around ten minutes after (without vaginal contractions). 1) Are the flushes an orgasm in Islam and is ghusl required? 2) Do orgasms without vaginal contractions require ghusl? 3) Do orgasms that you did not intend require ghusl (i.e. there are no sexual thoughts etc)? 4) If one experiences orgasms due to a medical condition (like PGAD), is ghusl required every time an orgasm occurs? Jazak'Allah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

If orgasm occurs with Mani (female ejaculate) exiting from your private part Ghusl will be necessary otherwise it would not.

وفرض الغسل عند خروج مني من العضو قوله هو ذكر الرجل وفرج المرأة الداخل احترازا عن خروجه من مقره ولم يخرج من العضو بأن بقي في قصبة الذكر أو الفرج الداخل …… وإلا فلايفرض اتفاقا لأنه في حكم الباطن منفصل عن مقره هو صلب الرجل وترائب المرأة ومنيه أبيض ومنيها أصفر الخ
(در المختار مع ردالمحتار ١/١٥٩)

And Allah knows best

05 Jumadal Ula 1444/ 29 November 2022

Answer last updated on:
30th November 2022
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London