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Purification madhiy

Last updated: 18th August 2020
Question ID: #4741
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assalamu alaykum, I deal with excessive madhiy, and I wanted to know if a drop of madhiy, like less than the size of a dirham is pardonable? I'm constantly purifying my clothes such as splashing water over my undergarments according to the sunnah and washing my private area, and I even put tissue in my undergarments. This has been bothering me because my clothes is constantly wet and little madhiy may still release. So is it pardoned for me to just ignore it and not wash my clothes or private if the madhiy is very small like less than the size of a dirham, and would I still have to redo my wudo if it's very small?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

Finding impurity before Salah one should action on it by washing it, even if it be less than a Dirham. Just place a tissue around the private part before praying Salah.

Madhi is usually emitted whilst being sexually aroused. To avoid this stay away from things that causes arousal I.e. fantasising etc.

Please refer to ‘Salah - Tahara’ section on finding impurity after Salah: qa.muftisays.com/?5140

And Allah knows best

17 Dhul Qa’dah 1443/ 17 June 2022

Answer last updated on:
23rd June 2022
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London