Salaah - Tahara
31st December 2024
assalamu alaykum
i have this difficulty that I have struggled with for a long time which is semen that comes out with little provocation throughout the day. Sometimes I feel a low grade desirous sensation in my private part that remains for a long time. The trigger could be random, stress, seeing something or clothes that i'm wearing. If this happens enough times then a little bit of semen comes out and any time throughout the day. This also seems to happen on most nights. I infer that this happens because i feel a slight blockage when i go to urinate. This has lead me to think that i'm often in a state of janabah and need to do ghusl. It takes a long time for semen to actually exit (likely due to some weakness in ejaculatory ducts) so there can be a delay between release of semen and it's exiting from the private parts.
My question is whether i need to do ghusl every time a little bit of semen comes out? What if it just drips out but there's no strong orgasm (only perhaps a little bit of sensation around my private part)? Or even if there isn't much of a sensation
Salaah - Tahara
19th December 2024
As salaamu alaykum,
Sorry this may be a long one but please reply as soon as possible. I've read so many answers to questions online but none ask the questions that I need answering it's more like a problem and I need solutions and advise.
I have suffered from serious waswasa in the past it started In October last year then stopped for a few months then started up again in January. Only in September Novermber time this year did it actually stop. The waswasa was so bad it had me constantly repeating prayers because of bad thoughts during salah telling me I did a shirk thing or if I just made a mistake and I must start again. There would be times that I would repeat just my intention like 10 times before I actually start praying and even then I would break it to start again over another issue such as when saying ameen at the end of Surah Al-Fatiha my thoughts will tell me I said ameen to something else or when I prostrate and I have images in my head you can guess what I'm trying to say but yeh those are the kind of thoughts I would get and thats just during salah bearing in mind this started happening when I was like I really want to start focusing on my salah and deen so I learned that waswasa happen in these times of us believers to distract us and the main thing that's comforted me this whole time is that when it happened to the Sahara and they mentioned it to our Prophet (PBUH) and he (PBUH) replied this is a sign of clear faith and it's mentioned that robbers don't go into empty houses to rob them something along these lines. Outside of prayer when I'm doing normal activities I'll find something wrong there too the waswasa just constantly attack me at all times during the day and from the smallest action such as itching my head or face or looking in a certain directions or sleeping in a certain way or if I want to say something it'll tell me if I talk you'll be out of Islam like what! I'm actively having these thoughts as I'm typing this I’m actually thinking how insane I must be to listen to such thoughts. If I still do the action because I don’t want to associate the action with the thought but I don’t say the words I’m not listening to the thought and I’m still a Muslim even if I do this action it will tell me I committed a grave sin this will be all the time during the day from when I want to say something to doing something I have to keep saying these words. I will literally cut my sentence off to say these words in my head to finish off a conversation cause the thoughts will just say the same thing as I mentioned before. It’s like not I’m doing since it’s literally normal everyday conversations like food or idk anything in life. How do I ignore these thoughts and not associate the actions to the thoughts cause some of these actions I cannot stop like if I’m itchy I can’t stop that cause we all know it’s hard or if I’m having a conversation I can’t keep on cutting myself off I already look like a crazy person.
This is all present time, the waswasa are back and they are getting worse by the day I find myself coming back to the same position as I was in earlier this year and it was really bad for me. I would spend hours on end in the bathroom spend ages praying the same salah and repeating it. I used to stay up at night and take hours just trying to pray 2 rakaats nafl prayer. It got to a point where my mum would literally come to keep and eye on me during the night cause I would be going crazy alone in my room by myself trying to pray two simple rakaat or waking around constantly making dua for forgiveness for listening to these thoughts I’m telling you it was bad for me even my parents and siblings would stress watching me go through this I couldn’t even pray alone I had to pray with someone like my mum to make sure I’m not constantly repeating my salah but then that was a problem because I couldn’t pray unless my mum wasn’t in the room out of fear of making the same mistakes and then I’d just keep repeating the salah if she wasn’t there because I had that attachment like me and my mum always prayed together and it helped me to not listen to the waswasa as much. So trying to get out of that routine was very hard for me praying alone again was scary and strange but Alhamdulillah after a while I was able to start praying alone again and I finally after so long I felt the sweetness of salah I enjoyed the thought of being able to stand in front of Allah with sound mind and just worship him in peace but now it’s starting up again. Whenever I raise my hand to make dua my mind will tell me that I’m doing something else instead, and when I pray and prostrate it’s the same thoughts as I explained before I need to put a stop to them before it gets that bad again I get images during salah bad thoughts. And when I try to keep going and ignore it the thoughts say that I am listening to the thought or I did an action on purpose which is shirk but I would never do that but in that moment in salah I know we are not allowed to break it because of these thoughts and we must keep going but I can’t help it I can’t help but think I can start again and make it better and ignore it but I fool myself every time cause it just gets worse and it’s a vicious cycle I haven’t got to the stage where it takes ages to complete a prayer but it’s getting to that point and I can’t do that to myself and to Allah he deserves much better worship then what I’m doing he doesn’t deserve someone who stands in front of them and think awful thoughts, I want to stand in front of Allah and be in my best state but these waswasa are stopping me from doing that.
With regard to my purity this is a whole other problem. So the past few weeks I’ve been very worried about waking up and finding discharge. I am someone who gets yellow discharge normally, whether it’s before period after period or inbetween not all the time but some months it’ll be all the time and some months I’ll get it rarely but I’ll get a lot of white discharge basically I always have discharge there isn’t a day where there isn’t. So when I had a dream where it necessitates ghusal I’ll either see thin yellow discharge or like a thick yellow discharge even if I don’t have a dream I’ll still find it necessary to do ghusal even if I didn’t have a dream what’s the ruling on this for hanafis btw. I rarely have these dream it’s happening to me mostly cause I fear that I’ll get them cause I’ll remember I had this issue earlier this year where I was constantly doing ghusal out of paranoia that I discharged whether it was during the night or even during the day. One night a week or two again I had a dream and went to the bathroom but I didn’t have any discharge but I did it anyways in case I did discharge but it just didn’t come out yet like if I needed to walk around more if that correct if I have a dream and there is no discharge at first cause I can just it and just do wudu I’m worried because what if I think leave it and then I walk for a bit and like yellow discharge comes out is that from the dream or is that normal? This is what I’m saying there a lot of overthinking going on and it’ll overtake my first judgment I’ll tell myself i definitely don’t need to do ghusal but then after the overthinking it I’m like let me do it just in case it’s getting too much. But that’s not even the worst of it, my main issue within this whole thing is purity during the day a random imagine came up on tv yesterday and I started feeling those feelings and I kept reciting Zikr and I was like eww no get these thoughts out my head cause it’s not like I enjoy these thoughts or think about it on purpose they will keep on going then I felt this feeling but I’m not sure how to describe it it’s like that feeling when you need a wee and you know you can’t go and it does that think where it almost comes out I don’t know if I’m explaining it properly it’s very hard to explain like then I’m like was that supposed to be a feeling pleasure cause idk what it’s supposed to feel like then if check anything came out. I researched this so if it’s mani it’s yellow and thin or it can be white for women but how do I know like I’ve read when pleasure ceases but how do I know if that’s pleasure like I don’t know what I’m looking for I’m feeling that feeling I explained before but it doesn’t exactly feel like pleasure so does it not count or is that the feeling cause it will stop abruptly and I feel something coming out. Or sometimes I won’t feel anything but most of the time I’ll have Madhy over such thoughts bearing in mind I’m not someone who watched porn or anything like that this always happens when the waswasa start it’s all apart of it but I’m worried what is just waswasa and what is real and how do I differentiate because I read two days ago that reading namaaz with wudu and being pure is a major sin and it can even take you out of Islam after reading that the impure thought just kept coming and I kept thinking my wudu was broken and was thinking about past incidents whether I accidentally prayed without wudu. But continuing on with what I was saying before after seeing that imagine and feeling that feeling I quickly went to the bathroom and checked so I saw like a cloudy white discharge which was either already there or came out after I saw the imagine I don’t even know at top of tissue and a thin yellow discharge on bottom tissue my thinking was right this is mani and I’ll have to do ghusal and this is happening when I started doing research on it I wanted to know what to look out for what invalidates wudu and when I started reading about mani and madhi it started happening to me more it wasn’t an issue when I don’t know about it. It’s like I’ll learn about something then I’m become so paranoid about it until it becomes my reality and I’ll just start panicking about it and it happens even more because I woke up early to do ghusal before Fajr started and I had to be strategic about it because it’s embarrassing and I live at home with parents and siblings and they’ll know why I’m showering so I performed ghusal prayed Fajr then got back into bed and then I started getting scared and started thinking what if it happens during the day and I have to keep on doing my ghusal and not even 2 minutes later these impure thoughts kept coming one after the other literally randomly and then I was sat there like no no it doesn’t count until I feel that feeling and have that discharge then literally I feel discharge come out and then feel that same feeling I went to the bathroom the find thin yellow discharge. I had to do my ghusal before zuhr finished and after I did that I kept getting a feeling because I kept getting scared of the thoughts and what if mani comes out and I have to do ghusal again and I kept going toilet and doing istinjah cause there was no yellow discharge so I was like I have to do wudu again now and I did my wudu like 4 times before I left the bathroom. And after I got out of the bathroom it kept going but I ignored it because I was said to myself that this was happening in the bathroom and every time I checked there was no mani. But there are times when I get the fear and all I’m thinking of it what if I discharge and I get this feeling it’s not arousal or maybe it is but it feels like it’s nerves and a sort of fear absolutely no thoughts of impure things but then I feel that feeling where it comes to an abrupt end and when I check sometimes it’s just thin white clear fluid like madhi but when I checked just before because it’s been happening to me all day and it happened to me just two hours ago when I went to do wudu for isha namaaz I experienced what I had just mentioned and then I checked and I saw a cloudy white discharge that looked yellow on the toilet paper but on my hands it looked white then I wiped again and it just looked white thin and sticky or maybe I’m just trying to convince myself that it is so I can pray my namaaz and not do the ghusal but I’m scared to just ignore it cause if I pray to Allah and I’m not pure and as I mentioned before the punishments and what happens if you do that I just dread to think of doing that. But as I was writing this I was getting a moment of maybe it wasn’t anything and I should just pray how do I know this isn’t another waswasa telling me to pray even though I’ve been indecisive about whether I’m pure or not because we can’t pray when we are impure like I actually going insane this is disrupting my prayers it’s disrupting my life cause now I’m like I’ll have to do my ghusal again now before I can read isha it’s too hard and I know it’s a test from Allah but how do I know when I actually need to do ghusal or not because thinking back my discharge wasn’t yellow it was only yellow on the tissue the actually discharge wasn’t white but a cloudy white or am I just trying to convince myself. I need to take control over my life back there was even a moment where I went for a drive with my mum to practice and I had zero thoughts about it because I wasn’t thinking about it and more importantly I wasn’t worried about my wudu in that moment I was more worried about my driving but as soon as I came back to the house instant thought again instant worries and impure thoughts provoke by the nothing and everything at the same time. Please advise I am in actual distress and I’m exhausted I am asked Allah for relief on this and I know that Allah accepts all duas and he gives ease I even told myself I asked Allah to help me with this and of course Allah will but it’s the thoughts I need help with the thoughts please help I am extremely desperate. Jazakallah.
Salaah - Tahara
16th October 2024
If I walked on sewer water and my slippers have mud on them then the mud also become impure. To make it pure do I have to clean the mud and all substances on the slippers which touched the sewer water or just pouring a lot of water will suffice even if the mud is still there? You might say that even If I walked on the sewer water the pure area which comes afterwards makes it pure but my slippers are not flat and have impression on them and and the inner part of the impression cannot become pure by walking on the pure area because the inner part isn't touching the ground I am asking this question because my slippers are affected by the sewer water(part which touches the ground) and also it has some mud(on the part of slippers on which I place my feet on, which I am assuming is pure). I take those slippers in the bathroom for washing and after washing and when it dried up I see that the traces of mud is not gone(the part at which I place my feet on) and as well as the area which is affected by sewer water. I just poured water and didn't rubbed it. Now the thought is coming to my mind that when the slippers are touching the floor of bathroom it has water on it and because the part of slippers wasn't cleaned properly so that is making the floor water najis and the najis splashes from the floor also landed on the mud which which is on the part where I place my feets as a result it also become najis. I wore those slippers when they were wet and didn't notice the traces and also went to the masjid. Are those slippers considered to be najis?
Salaah - Tahara
10th September 2024
1. If I wipe my newborn child with wet wipes after defaecation or urination, and then wash the private parts with water in the sink, are the splashes which fall back on me and my clothes Najis?
2. when the child is born, the nurses just wipe the blood with a towel. When I m going to bath the baby ( after some days ) are the splashes which fall back on me Najis?
I would like to know if there are differences in the opinions among the scholars? I would like to choose an easy way to relief myself. Thank you!
Salaah - Tahara
22nd August 2024
I have doubts whether my wet private part comes into contact with the impure part of my pyjamas when my private part becomes wet after the ghusl or instinja. Can I assume purity because I have no clear physical evidence or proof of urine transferring onto my wet private part? Is certainty of impurity only established by clear physical proof or evidence? An Imam told me if I don’t see the impurity, it doesn’t exist. I have no clear physical evidence or proof of urine on my private part. Jazakallah Khair.
Salaah - Tahara
23rd August 2024
After ejaculation, this thin sticky liquid keeps leaking out. To combat this, I sleep, urinate, and wait several hours before I do ghusl. However, sometimes even after all of these precautions, this thin sticky liquid still may come out. Thus, my question is would my ghusl still be valid? And if so, will me ghusl still be valid if I do not take these precautions? As sleeping and waiting several hours can cause me to miss prayers.
Salaah - Tahara
28th May 2024
I have OCD and suffer from severe waswasa regarding purity. I suffer a lot due to the discharge of madhi. I check if I have discharged madhi several times a day and life has become too difficult. While doing istinja if I feel a sensation in the vaginal area, I noticed that madhi can come out. After urinating it can come out. It is a very small amount and does not come out due to arousal, rather it is a bodily reaction due to the area being stimulated while washing. If I am exposed to anything sexual I rush to the bathroom to check. Please I cannot bear this anymore, is there any dispensation for me? Can I just wash it off if I am purposefully making it come out? The Maliki school has dispensation for who discharges it daily, I check daily but don’t know if I discharge it daily. Please provide an answer to this question according to the Maliki School of thought or any valid opinion that allows for a dispensation in my situation. This is severely making my mental illness worse and when something has become hard, islam makes it easy. I cry several times a day and I am losing my sanity. Please help.
Salaah - Tahara
26th May 2024
Salaam. My 2year old poo in the nappy and was changed into a new nappy but the trouser was not changed because there was no poo or stain of poo. But after sometime I smelled at the back of the trouser and I can smelled a poo. But I cannot see any poo or stain of a poo on the trouser. My question is, should I wash or clean any spot or place my child sits. After changing she came down from the stairs using her bum with the same trouser on( sitting on stairs when coming down) . Should I also wash or clean the stairs and every where she sat. My house is carpet fitted.
Questions 2: I bought some chairs from Facebook.when I went to collect the chairs I discovered that there was a dog in the house. I brought the chairs to my house but now am having doubts that the dog might get on the chairs and the saliva might touch the chairs. Since I bought the chairs i don't sit on them but other family members did. The top of the chairs are fabric. What should I do. Salaam.
Salaah - Tahara
29th April 2024
Asalam Alaikum,
If upon waking there is some wetness and you doubt weather it is sweat or any fluid that came out of the urethra, is ghusl still needed despite what we see in the dream.
Also if a person is fully awake and he knows something came out ( while he was awake) however he doubts whether it is mazi mani or urine, here does he have to do ghusl?
Salaah - Tahara
6th September 2023
Salam Ustaz, I hope you are well.
I have been going through issues on waswas and mental health for several years and in the process of healing. Do pray for me.
I will usually do istinjak several times on the toilet bowl and toilet floor for the second time. While performing istinjak on the floor, I had forgotten whether I have washed it clean after cleansing myself from discharges on the floor. I keep on feeling that I have discharges which forces me to stop listening to the whispers. At that time, I am not sure if the sprinkles of impurity touches me. So I just wore my undergarments and pray as I have spent long time in the toilet at that night. The next day, I saw dry stains on that undergarment. Should I just assume that it was pure when I pray? Since there is a possibility that the discharge can be secreted at a later timing, not when I am in the toilet or praying?
Salaah - Tahara
9th June 2023
1) If one does not have wudhu, can one touch the Quran mushaf briefly when moving it to another shelf, as part of re-arranging? Or when placing it back onto a shelf?
2) Similarly, when one does not have wudhu, it is permissible to touch the Quran mushaf using a tissue, without direct contact, and then read from the mushaf holding it using a tissue in that way?
Salaah - Tahara
12th April 2023
1-For the last 2 to 3 years I have developed irregular bowel movements so when I ever I eat something I have to use the bathroom to relieve myself plus I cannot go long without using the bathroom meaning every salah time I have to relieve myself. In addition whenever I relieve myself I then start to have sensations/ fireworks in my back (wind) passage i.e. I feel I have passed wind or something has come out, which has caused me great deal of grief in holding my wudu and pray salah. It is to an extent that I do 4 to 5 wudus per salah and I pray one salah minimum 2 to 3 times, on occasional instances I d be able to pray one salah one time but I d still do multiple wudus and most of the times esp lately I d end up doing multiple wudus and salahs to perform one salah. All this because I feel fireworks in my back passage during wudu and salah, sometimes bubbles popping in the back passage, sometimes I feel acute movement and that something has come out, sometimes small amounts of winds passing, etc. This means every salah for me is a long-drawn process and cause me exhaustion and becomes painful, which is contrary to what salah should be and what it used to be for me.
2- now in ramadan I have also developed excessive flatulence esp tahajudd and fajr time to an extreme level, it be hard for me to pray two rakah without strong urge to pass wind. I d go to the bathroom to relieve myself but nothing would happen, I can sit there 20 mins 25 mins I may or may not be able to pass wind but when I come out after doing wudu even with sensations, when I start to pray I ll have strong urge to pass wind again and sometimes I can hold it risking small amounts will come out and sometimes I cannot. I have seen the entire fajr time pass by and I am going in and out of the bathroom. Even during the day i.e. asr time this will happen, I ll feel gas (even in empty stomach) I ll use the bathroom, and I do wudu and I ll feel wind again and even if I ignore but when perform salah the wind in my stomach will try to come out.
Conclusion. It wasn’t like this before, I m mid 40s and been for umrah and hajj and now cannot muster a single prayer properly with confidence. Because of all this
a- I cannot enjoy my salah which is supposed to be place of solace and peace, instead all I do is wudu and bathroom trips and eventually when pray I am more bothered about holding wind or wudu
b- I cannot pray in jammah and amount of time it takes to do wudu which can be broken by minimal amount of wind which I cannot control.
c- I cannot do wudu at home and sit in the car and drive to masjid without feeling fireworks in my back passage as I then have to do wudu again in the masjid which if its jummah it becomes difficult due to crowd, I missed khutbah because again the amount of time it takes
d- I have missed lot of salah lately esp isha prayers as the amount of time it takes to perform zuhar, asr and maghrib salah by the time I get to isha I am exhausted. Even the salah I offer during the day I feel are borderline.
e- In ramadan I cannot hold wudu and there always gas in my stomach which is beyond my comprehension.
f- I feel in my heart Allah does not want my prayers and is upset with me, but surely I cannot despair in Allahs mercy
I really don’t know how to resolve this. I m seeking medical advise but in the mean time how do I maintain my salah? Please advise given the context and situation I have mentioned.
I feel at loss esp. in ramadan. I have read some guidance that I could be considered excused and should do one wudu each prayer time and pray as many salah as I want (current fard, make up missed fard and sunnah/ nafl) regardless of whatever comes out. I have tried this for a day or so but I feel strange and awkward as I feel wind coming out and I m praying, I feel impure and that I m cheating. I don’t feel khusho and khuzoo.
Salaah - Tahara
10th April 2023
I m ashamed to ask this but may Allah reward you for this and make yours and mine affairs easy.
for the 2 years approx.. I have developed irregular bowel movements, and because of this I have also developed an extreme fear and phobia of breaking wudu every time I pray salah. I m having extreme difficulty in sustaining my wudu and to even complete one prayer, I keep doing wudu most of the times 4 to 5 times to complete 2 or 4 rakat. It’s been exhausting and I keep thinking Allah is upset with me and has taken my salah away from me, which is causing more grief and anxiety. I d really appreciate if I can get Shariah Islamic guidance and ruling on how to sustain my wudu and salah under my circumstances (below) as surely, I cannot despair in the mercy of Allah. May Allah reward for you this. I’m ashamed to ask this but I want to get my religion right), Here is what’s been having specifically:
Context/ condition:
1- For the past 2 years I have developed repeated urge of going to bathroom/ toilet for # 2 (to relieve myself) whenever I eat something and especially before prayer. But when I go to the bathroom to relieve myself, I take ages as I feel I am not completely relieved and thus I do my best and get up as cannot stay in the bathroom forever I then do wudu but whilst doing wudu, I feel extreme fireworks and strong physical movements in my back passage, such as bubbles, movements, wind escaping in little quantities, etc. This drives me crazy and I do wudu again and again as these movements make me start the wudu again. Even if I ignore the feelings and movements, whatever these are, and start my salah, in the middle of salah I ll experience a very strong movement (feeling like slight wind/ or actual wind, cannot tell 120%) and I ll break up my salah and go do wudu again. As a result at times, I pray one salah 3 to 4 times with multiple wudus. These sensations never go away especially when I am praying salah, they are more active after using bathroom and keep on happening passively thereafter. I cannot pinpoint exactly when after relieving myself these movements will stop or become passive. If I wait too long say hour or more I fear it would be the time again to use the bathroom to relieve myself or wind/ flatulence will start building in my stomach, thus the best time for me to pray is right after I have been to the bathroom to relieve myself. Note that due to all this I usually take 10 to 15 minutes minimum to relieve myself and depending on number of wudus it could take me 24 to 40 minutes to complete 4 rakat salah.
In addition, I also have urine drops issue, i.e. when I use the bathroom and clean myself the urine drops can come out till next 20 to 30 minutes. Meaning when I do wudu I am fighting the wind movements plus urine drops. In my wudu and salah I ll suddenly feel urine coming out and then most of the times I ll finish my salah and check, sometimes there will
be nothing and at times there will be a drop coming out. The issue with this is that if I wait half an hour for urine drops to dry in my private parts, then I run the risk of wind or urge building up to use bathroom again. It’s a catch 22 for me, if I don’t pray quickly after bathroom trip, I ll start developing gas/ bathroom urge and if I pray quickly (which I do) then I run the risk of urine droplet coming out. Note that I do rinse my privates 6 to 7 times to remove any urine drops.
So in a nut shell, every salah time, I get the urge to use bathroom, I use the bathroom, do wudu and pray salah as that’s the best time for me given I have just relieved myself, however, I’m fighting wind movements, risk of urine drops, fear and anxiety of break wudu and salah.
The consequence is that every salah has become a long drawn exhausting process, in normal days I pray zuhar, asr and maghrib multiple times with multiple wudus and then by esha time I m exhausted and miss it.
2- now in ramadan I have also developed excessive flatulence esp tahajudd and fajr time to an extreme level, it be hard for me to pray two rakah without strong urge to pass wind. I d go to the bathroom to relieve myself but nothing would happen (total constipation), I can sit there 20 mins 25 mins I may or may not be able to pass wind or relieve myself but when I come out to do wudu wind sensation would start, and then when I start to pray I ll have strong urge to pass wind again and sometimes I can hold it risking small amounts will come out and sometimes I cannot. I have seen the entire fajr time pass by and I am going in and out of the bathroom. Even during the day i.e. asr time this will happen, I ll feel gas (even in empty stomach) I ll use the bathroom, and I do wudu and I ll feel wind again and even if I ignore but when perform salah the wind in my stomach will tries to come out.
1-I really don’t know how to resolve this. I m seeking medical advise but in the mean time how do I maintain my salah? Please advise given the context and situation I have mentioned. Doctors can give me medical advise but not Islamic, this is causing me absolute grief, I use to love my salahs and use to enjoy wudu but now this is happening and I cannot control it.
2-I feel at loss esp. in ramadan. I have read some guidance that I could be considered excused and should do one wudu each prayer time and pray as many salah as I want (current fard, make up missed fard and sunnah/ nafl) regardless of whatever comes out. I have tried this for a day or so but I feel strange and awkward as I feel wind coming out and I m praying, I feel impure and that I m cheating. I don’t feel khusho and khuzoo. Can I follow this approach?
3-Do I have to use the bathroom or relieve myself, can I not just try to hold my wind and pray especially when I am out and have no conducive toilet facilities? Going to the bathroom has become a torture for me due to the process I have described.
Moral guidance
I am going totally mad, It wasn’t like this before, I m mid 40s and been for umrah and hajj and now cannot muster a single prayer properly with confidence. Because of all this
a- I cannot enjoy my salah which is supposed to be place of solace and peace, instead all I do is wudu and bathroom trips and eventually when pray I am more bothered about holding wind or wudu.
b- Every salah time has become a struggle for me, I fear and become anxious of using bathroom, multiple wudus and salahs.
c- I cannot pray in jammah and amount of time it takes to do wudu which can be broken by minimal amount of wind which I cannot control.
d- I cannot do wudu at home and sit in the car and drive to masjid without feeling fireworks in my back passage as I then have to do wudu again in the masjid which if its jummah it becomes difficult due to crowd, I missed khutbah because again the amount of time it takes
e- I have missed lot of salah lately esp isha prayers as the amount of time it takes to perform zuhar, asr and maghrib salah by the time I get to isha I am exhausted. Even the salah I offer during the day I feel are borderline.
f- In ramadan I cannot hold wudu and there always gas in my stomach which is beyond my comprehension.
g- I feel in my heart Allah does not want my prayers and is upset with me, but surely I cannot despair in Allahs mercy
Jzk in advance for reading and responding.
Salaah - Tahara
26th February 2023
I am contacting you about a person who converts to Islam but who has had sexual intercourse before, is this person obliged to do ghusl?
It seems that there is a difference of opinion on this subject within the Hanafite school, some say that we are obliged, others not. If there is a difference, are we allowed to choose the least restrictive opinion and consider that ghusl is not mandatory?
Thank you in advance for your response
Wassalam alaykum
Salaah - Tahara
30th November 2022
I think I may have persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD). Generally, the arousal symptoms are worse after showering (including after ghusl) and I have to sit still for hours before the arousal symptoms leave. The arousal symptoms also appear after going to the toilet to a lesser extent. I think they are caused by cleaning my intimate area (i.e. with water and my fingers) although I do not intend this (i.e. I do not think any sexual thoughts etc). Previously, a warm flush would spread through my body that would make me feel light-headed and the arousal symptoms would disappear. This was not accompanied by vaginal contractions. However, more recently, my symptoms have gotten worse. I went to the toilet, got into bed, and after around five minutes, had several orgasms (without vaginal contractions) that I did not intend (i.e. I did not think any sexual thoughts etc). I took a shower (and did ghusl) the next morning and I had another orgasm around ten minutes after (without vaginal contractions).
1) Are the flushes an orgasm in Islam and is ghusl required?
2) Do orgasms without vaginal contractions require ghusl?
3) Do orgasms that you did not intend require ghusl (i.e. there are no sexual thoughts etc)?
4) If one experiences orgasms due to a medical condition (like PGAD), is ghusl required every time an orgasm occurs?
Salaah - Tahara
4th September 2022
Sheikh, I heard saying a famous scholar that semen is pure, but in Hanafi school of thought semen is impure. I have ocd and due to that i suffers from pure and impurity cause i have wet dream quite often. What should i do? Whom to follow, I'm really confused. Please advice.
Salaah - Tahara
4th September 2022
Asalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.
How do you wash the najaasat off clothing.
If there is najaasat and you wash that part with water.
When the water spreads, does that mean the najaasat has also spread.
For example sometimes the nakaasat could be a small droplet of urine or maybe a few droplets.
However, once water is used to wash it, would the najaasat spread with the water?
How would you wash the najaast in a manner than would make it allowed to perform salaah in it without salaah being makruh or nullified?
Salaah - Tahara
17th July 2022
I’m suffering with constant intrusive thought about madhi and fear all the time that my salat doesn’t count. Sometimes i look at something normal and have bad sexual thoughts about it and feel like madhi have been discharged and i look and there’s nothing and sometimes there’s something. I feel like sheitan is making me having those thoughts because i dont look at anything haram.Its becoming a burden, I’m not someone that suffer with ocd, i only take 10min for ghusl for example and i dont overthink, but this matter is really worrying me i dont know what to do. I have heard a sheikh say for those that suffer with ocd about this matter that we should only check when we are certain that madhi have been emitted or when we answer the call of nature. My question is, As a woman what is haram for me to look at and how to overcome those wisper from sheitan?
Salaah - Tahara
14th July 2022
a relative has laminate style flooring in their kitchen. They needed to mop it as there was lots of dust due to renovation in the kitchen.
They used a mop to do this but the mop used was an old one that is currently used in the toilet/bathroom. The relative did wash the old mop in the sink with cleaning liquid then used the mop to mop the kitchen floor.
My question is has this made the kitchen floor impure due to the fact that the mop was previously used in the bathroom which can be impure due to traces of urine/najasah. Although it was washed in the sink, it may not have been washed enough to remove the impurity.
(I’m concerned due to the fact that wudhu is done in the kitchen sink and wet feet then put on the floor). Jazak’allah
Salaah - Tahara
23rd June 2022
assalamu alaykum, I deal with excessive madhiy, and I wanted to know if a drop of madhiy, like less than the size of a dirham is pardonable? I'm constantly purifying my clothes such as splashing water over my undergarments according to the sunnah and washing my private area, and I even put tissue in my undergarments. This has been bothering me because my clothes is constantly wet and little madhiy may still release. So is it pardoned for me to just ignore it and not wash my clothes or private if the madhiy is very small like less than the size of a dirham, and would I still have to redo my wudo if it's very small?