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Impurity Tranfer (Carpet)

Last updated: 25th January 2025
Question ID: #11423
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Before asking my questions I will explain the current situation. Currently I have been dealing with incontinence, to prevent leaking I usually place toilet paper to cover my private areas. Today after I had finished taking a shower I had soaked the toilet paper in water before covering my private area, I wasn't able to put on underwear soon after doing so, due to the fact that they all needed to be cleaned/dry, because of that I waited to have a clean pair of underwear. I walked around in just a robe and nothing covering beneath me. I didn't realize until a while that pieces of the toilet paper that I used to cover myself were detaching itself and falling on the ground. I am certain without any doubt that my feet, which were soaking wet by the way, had touched these pieces of toilet paper on the ground, and I walked all over the area with my wet feet. Now cleaning this would be easy if it weren't for the fact that I have carpeted floors which are attached to the floor, so I can't simply pick it up and throw it away, and just mop the floors, it being carpets cleaning it would be next to impossible. I referred to a lot of these online messaging boards with people who have had problems similar to my own however responses left me confused and unsure on how to move forward. On one hand I had smelled the pieces of toilet paper and I couldn't detect the stench of urine on it. or anything to suggest that it is impure, and my carpet does not smell or have anything to suggest that the impurity has transferred, but it was wet. This brings me to my first question. Q1. Could I possibly ignore it and treat it as it being pure since it does not appear that the carpets are truly impure? No stains, odor, etc. Follow up questions. Q2. If not cleaning the carpet would be extremely hard as it is not a specific affected area. I would have to clean a whole room and hallway attached with carpet. Are there ways for me to purify this carpet that would be simple or less strenuous? Q3. I can't remove the carpets because I'm renting the home. I was thinking that I could simply just call carpet cleaners, and have them clean the carpets, but that would take at least a week or 2 to get them over at my house to clean the carpets, and I'm afraid in that time more places in my house could be infected. Q4. I don't know whether it is paranoia that is plaguing me or if this is something that I should not be taking lightly. My mind is not at ease due to all the rules I have heard regarding the transfer of impurity. The thought of it all has really put me on edge and I just really want to know how to move forward.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

If there are no visible traces of smell and colour then there is no action needed. The carpet will be assumed clean.

And Allah knows best

25 Rajab 1446/ 25 January 2025

Answer last updated on:
25th January 2025
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London