As salaamu alaikum, I am having a hard time keeping my wudu even for 5 minutes. I am having constant what I think is madhi discharge so today for each prayer I did a fresh wudu. But when it comes to doing wudu I’ll get discharge after peeing which I assume is wady or madhi so I’ll wash myself and stand up then I feel discharge come out check again see some discharge then sit back down I literally did that 4-5 times just for 1 wudu I ended up doing 4 wudus just for isha namaaz. I keep getting inappropriate thoughts against my will I will fight them so hard then I feel like discharged I got to check sometimes I see white and sticky which is madhi but this doesn’t happen often but at times it looks just like water so I don’t know if this discharge is just from leftover istinja water cause I feel that water come out as soon as I stand up from toilet as well or is it madhi. I literally will stand to pray straight after doing wudu then start praying ill have thoughts feel like I discharged or I really do discharge then back to the bathroom it’s a vicious cycle I just cannot break because I don’t want to risk praying without valid wudu it’s too tiring and too scary to think about. Please advise on this. What’s the ruling on someone like me who cannot keep wudu for long enough to even sometimes leave the bathroom. I’ve had a purity problem for a while but just as I started to take it easy on myself and I started becoming more strict on myself not redoing wudu and ghusal unless I was absolutely sure then I just went yep steps back and can’t even keep wudu long. When I am not giving into the waswasa and don’t redo wudu or salah I’ll have so much anxiety and I’ll even start panicking that my salah and wudu wasn’t valid I find it very hard to ward off the thoughts. How can I cope all I want to do I pray in peace that’s all please advise. Jazakallah.