Ramadhan and Fasting

Ramadhan and Fasting
21st July 2024

Due to my lack of knowledge of islam and Ramadan at age of 13

At very young age of 13 I had very bad company at school, college and university the colleagues I had company with were talking to me about pornography and that I am the devil and will go to hell. I started masturbating during Ramadan and did ghusl and had no knowledge that it was a great sin. I know now. I am now 40 my health does not allow to me fast as I suffer with back pain, high blood pressure and enlarged prostrate. I regular pay kaffarah for missed fasts. Will allah forgive me and I am feeling very scared in returning to him as I admit my sins and regrets about it. What can I do to stay on right path as a muslim. I read quran, pray 5 times a day and have done ummrah several times allahmudlliah
Ramadhan and Fasting
27th May 2024

Invalidation of fast


I have an important question in regards to invalidation of fasting. I was keeping an optional Shawwal fast and was going to do sunnah Jummah Ghusal. Before Ghusal I was shaving my genital area for cleanliness in the process I felt slight arousal but carried on and unexpectedly ejaculated it was very quick and I didn't to ejaculate that fast as I wasn't even fully aroused but slightly.

I had nafil fast and didn't intentionally masturbate although I was aroused during the shaving off my pubic. Is it fardh for me to make up the fast?

JazakAllah Khair
Ramadhan and Fasting
19th May 2024

How many fasts do I need to makeup due to traveling from a country that did not fast the same day as

Aslamoalaikum. My question is that in this year of Ramadan, I left Pakistan when there was no Ramadan but it was the 1st of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia(which I do not agree with since they are calendar based and there was no way they saw the moon according to moonsighting.com). Then after doing Umrah I left to America and I missed one fast here. America had a full 30 fasts and it is my home country. But my origin country fasted 29 days. Should I make up only one fast or two fasts.
Ramadhan and Fasting
17th May 2024

How should I end my itekaf without creating noise and fitna?

I have entered into itekaf in a mosque who follows Saudi moonsighting whilst I started ramadhan a day after i.e. following uk/morrocco moon sighting.

I chose the mosque as it was close to me and local.

There are two groups/opinion regarding moonsighting - so it's not a question of following the ulemas and majority and regardless my current believe (and would like to be corrected on) if it was a question of following the elders/ulemas/majorities/wise people, the I believe Islam MAY not have prevailed as it has I.e. we may not have been muslim if the prophet saw had not gone against his tribes/elders when he (saw) recieved prophethood.

Before i went into itekaf the misque imam said no issues, but now he seems to have 2nd thoughts. Please can you guide me and advise best can i complete mtly itekaf without creating noise or fitna in the mosque.
Ramadhan and Fasting
30th April 2024

Doubt on Kaffarah fard in my situation or not?

My roommate in Hostel is like a brother to me. He could not fast this Ramadan because of a medical condition of his. I suggested him to give Fidyah, Alhamdulillah he did.
Now recently in a day He commited Zina, Is he supposed to give Khaffarah now?
My doubt is that, isn't kaffarah a fine for breaking the fast.
Is he supposed to pay when he wasn't fasting in the first place or is he supposed to repent to Allah S.W.T for his sin only.
Ramadhan and Fasting
29th April 2024


Hi there I was fasting during Ramadan but I ejaculated right at the time of iftar time so does that break fast and require qadha jazakallah
Ramadhan and Fasting
26th December 2023

Breaking fast in ramadhaan to have relations but we are musafir is kaffarah necessary

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
I would like to ask a question
In ramadhaan my husband and I went overseas.While we were fasting we broke our fasts to have relations my husband says because we were musafir at that time we don't have to keep kaffarah is this correct

جزاك الله خيرا
Ramadhan and Fasting
10th May 2023

I wanted to fast some missing fasts from before every now and then and i would say to people near me

I am a woman who has some missed fasts due to menstruation and it just came to my mind that i sometimes would tell my sister that i think i will fast tomorrow but i am not sure if my niyyah in my mind was to really fast or not because i never fast if i dont wake up for suhur outside ramadan so i wait to see if i wake up then i eat suhur make niyyah and fast. I never made on those nights niyyah with words for fasting next day but i have some doubts what if my thoughts for wanting to fast was a real niyyah and since i didnt fast i have to do kaffarah. Since i only had read a bit about kaffarah and fasting 60 days but it never went to my mind that i have to be careful on my intention a day before and since i dont kniw how many times this has happened am i excused and do not have to think about it and this is only waswasaw which i have usually for every single thing or am i really indebted to a lot of kaffarah. Another question in regard to fasting is about my menstruation i usually check the dryness as i dont see the white discharge and they usually end on 7 or 8 day but this time on my 6th day i started to feel some drynees and i went to check with a tissue as i didnt have cotton and for some second or minutes i dont remember it showed nothing but then it showed a little maybe brownish thing and i checked later again it started even more like it usually does on the 6th day. So i decided not to take ghusl and not to fast and the next day they continued with the really brownish color coming still . Did i do the right choice or how does the dryness work do i have to insert a tissue and wait for it maybe till near the next prayer or only check on spot if it stops for a second and feels a bit dry i have to take ghusl imidiately and on my case if i should have taken ghusl and should have fasted but did not do i have to do kaffarah or is kaffarah only when you make intention that day before fasting and breaks it or does it count even if you miss a day in ramadan though you did not make the intention on suhur. I hope you can answe in more details ecspecially how much do i wait when checking dryness or check it on spot
Ramadhan and Fasting
2nd May 2023

AssalamuAlaikum, I realized I continued eating intentionally some days during adhan, some days a min

AssalamuAlaikum, I realized I continued eating intentionally some days during adhan, some days a min or two post adhan and some days 10-15 mins post adhan. I don't have exact count of days, however I did continue my fast till maghrib. I only rely on adhan times to keep track an have no actual adhans. I repent my actions and like to know if I should fast a day to recompense or pay zakat-kaffarah or do both.
Ramadhan and Fasting
30th April 2023

A person taking chewing gum during ramadhan fasting

Assalamu Alaikum

If a person has previously taken chewing gum during Ramadhan fasting in order to take away the smell from his mouth, then:
1) will his fast break
2) Will he need to do kaffarah for the broken fasts, or just qadha is sufficient
3) if he need to do kaffarah, then how many for each ramadhan?

Also can i ask the same question about taking nasal spray as medicine during ramadhan?
Ramadhan and Fasting
10th March 2023

Miscarriage and praying/fasting

As-salaamu alaykum. I am going through an early miscarriage. I am 9 weeks at the moment but my ultrasound has shown that the foetus has stopped growing at around 6.5 weeks. My body has not expelled the tissue yet.

My question is: when my body does expel the tissue and blood clots, the bleeding may continue for a few days to weeks and I may be in pain. It is Ramadan soon, can I pray and fast during this time? If I cannot, when do I begin fasting and praying?

Ramadhan and Fasting
5th July 2022

Fasting in foreign country then returning to native

I am currently in Australia. Fasting starting on 2nd Apr which is a day earlier than Singapore. I will return to Spore on the 15th Apr and continue fasting in Spore. And in Singapore fasting will be 30days. So I would have fasted 31Days if I were to follow Spore system. So how do I do it?
Ramadhan and Fasting
1st July 2022

Combining two fast in one day

If someone intentionally breaks his voluntary fast without any valid excuse (as in my case it is the fast of Ashura),
is it will be valid to combine the intention for making up this fast with the fast of Arafa (9th Dhul hijja)?
Ramadhan and Fasting
24th May 2022


Is it okay to clean your mouth on doing wudhu while you are fasting (sawm)
Ramadhan and Fasting
14th May 2022

Fasting and fidyah in your home country

I am epileptic, so I can fast in Ramadan
I wanted to ask about the amount of Fidyah

I live in Finland but Pakistan is my home country

so can I pay fidyah in Pakistan even if I am earning in Finland?
Ramadhan and Fasting
11th May 2022


I was washing my mouth during fasting and got doubts whether I had saliva or water in my throat or if I had little water and it wouldn't break my fast. I'm not sure which one it is so i am now doubting myself. I am also a very doubtful person.

Is my fast valid or can I make it up in the month of shawwal?
Ramadhan and Fasting
11th May 2022

Fasting and having daily incapacitating headache (in and out of Ramadan)

I suffer from severe headaches since 2012. I drink quarter voltaren four times a day to bring relief. I've consulted all the specialists and had all scans done. What do I do on Ramadan ?
I have been fasting , and still drinking these pills ( i usually do without water ) and I am paying fidyah. I tell Allah my problem and how I am fasting. What do I do ? Am I exempt ?

Headache is not hunger or water related. It comes on like clockwork 4 times a day.
Ramadhan and Fasting
7th May 2022

Does it break my fast?

If one watches something sexually arousing but touches his penis once and doesnt masturbate but once he let goes he ejaculates without touching it does it invalidate fast?
Ramadhan and Fasting
7th May 2022

Washing Vaginal opening

The pink muscles inside the vaginal opening hole (entrance point) which are visible to eye while washing if water or wet hand touched those muscles, does it comes under the ruling of inside part of vagina and fast broke?
Ramadhan and Fasting
5th May 2022

I intented to stay in itekaaf of sunnat for the last 10 days but after one day i counldnt continue m

I stayed in itekaaf sunnat for the last 10 days of ramadan but after one day i counldnt continue more so what can i do?