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Istikarah - how do you know if it has worked

Last updated: 6th October 2006
Question ID: #2659
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Assalam o alaikum
How do you know what the answer is when making Istikarah?
I've been told you see the answer in your dream - but my dreams have been completely non-related to what I am doing Istikarah for.



Wa 'Alaykumussalaam wa Ramhatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.

It is not neccessary to see a dream. Many a time the answer is just understood in the form of a strong feeling. When performing Istikhaarah we ask Allaah to decree the matter in question for us, if it is good for us, and turn it away if it is not. Hence, whatever confusion you may experience prior to performing Istikhaarah is generally removed, and you feel more focused. Take notice of what your heart feels inclined towards after performing Istikhaarah. That is your answer.

It is best to perform Istikhaarah for 7 consecutive days. If you still do not get an answer, continue for another 7. If after 14 days, you still feel unsure, you may continue upto 21 days.

And Allaah knows best.


Answer last updated on:
26th October 2007
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 09
Location: Zambia