Question ID: #11122
Question: Is it khalwat e sahiha or not?
If a couple who's never consummated their marriage meet in the guest room of the wife's house. There are two doors and they don't have any locks so the doors cannot be locked. The mother of the wife is outside and she usually comes inside without taking permission. At times she would just knock the door and enter and at times she would just open the door and stand their. So there was always a risk of someone entering. The couple had intimate moments though like kissing, rubbing private parts. Once they were standing and rubbing with watch other's private parts and husband asked if he should consummate but the wife was resistance and said maybe "no someone can come inside" or "we won't do it before rukhsati" so the husband did try to rub it or push it for some seconds but couldn't do it because of wife's discomfort and the fear of someone entering the room. Without permission because the room was not locked, it had two doors and it was a guest room.

Simply put, they had intimate moments but there was always a risk of someone entering upon them.

Is this khalwat e sahiha or not?
Answered by: Ulamaa ID 04 (London)
Date: 13/11/2024 23:49pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامدا ومصليا

Khalwa Sahiha means when you are alone without any preventions from having sexual intercourse. The scenario you mentioned you are not alone and you are prevented from having sexual intercourse. So this will not be Khalwa Sahiha.

إذا خلا بامرأته في البيت القصوى إن كانت الأبواب مفتوحة من أراد أن يدخل عليهما يدخل من غير استئذان
لا تصح الخلوة وكذا لو خلا بها في بيت من دار وللبيت باب مفتوح في الدار إذا أراد أن يدخل عليهما غيرهما من المحارم أو الأجانب يدخل لا تصح الخلوة
(فتاوى قاضيخان، ١/ ١٩٦)

And Allah knows best

11 Jumadal Ula 1446/ 13 November 2024

Mufti Qamruzzaman

London, UK