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Rights of Neighbors and Animals

Last updated: 6th April 2020
Question ID: #4523
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Asalamu'alykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh Dear Shaikh, For quite a while my family have been feeding stray cats in our garden as a means of reward, having listened to many stories about kindness towards animals we thought it could be a means of jannah for us, up until recently we have not had any issues from our neighbors, we have only recently been made aware that these stray cats have been leaving excrement in their gardens. The neighbors have told us to stop feeding them as it is causing them annoyance having to clean the waste. If we stopped feeding them then they would potentially stop coming to the area, although that isn't certain as others might also be feeding them. We were wondering how to tackle this, do we listen to our neighbors and completely stop feeding the cats or do we continue to feed them and continue to gain reward as there is no point stopping as others might also feed them?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

You should respect the rights of your neighbours.

And Allah knows best

27 ٍSafar 1442/ 15 October 2020

Answer last updated on:
15th October 2020
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London