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Interpret dream

Last updated: 5th March 2020
Question ID: #4431
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Whilst I was asleep, in my dream I could feel somone pulling my blanket at my feet. I tried to move but I couldn't move my body. My body felt as it was shaking. I read durood and then I could open my eyes and shook my leg. Thereafter all was fine. Kindly guide me what this means or what could it be. Jazakallah


In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

At MuftiSays, our research does not extend into the interpretation of dreams; the interpretation of dreams is an intricate field and the interpretation of the same dream can differ from person-to-person, with due consideration to the conditions of the individual. Note, dreams do not always materialise as seen in one’s sleep and tend to have alternate meaning/s requiring interpretation in light of Qur’ān & Hadīth.

One should only seek an interpretation of a dream by a qualified scholar, experienced in the field of dream interpretation.

And Allah Ta’āla knows best

29 December 2020 / 15 Jamādul Ūla 1442 AH

Answer last updated on:
29th December 2020
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 17