Salam. I have a query related to a “saying” by my In Laws according to
which the daughter in laws of the family CANNOT wear Black dress/Scarf as it
was prohibited to them generations ago by some Wali/Baba. the reasons behind
was given that wearing black by Daughter in laws could result in extremely
bad consequences for the family i.e. death. As it happened with 2 Uncles of
my husband whose wives wore black dresses at some point after which they died
( not the same time but later on in life died due to some disease) Now this
curse of wearing black dress is extremely serious and my mother in law
considers this actually true as it was passed down by her Mother in law (my
husband’s Grandmother). upon inquiry about WHY wearing black was forbidden
there is no answer except for “ the elders said not to wear as it has bad
consequences so we don’t and we never asked why”. My question is What is
the islamic point of view in this. Ofcourse i respect Wali/SOME Baba who has
ILM but i am not sure about such thing relevance in Islam. Please guide on
this matter.
Jazak Allah