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Marriage trust issues

Last updated: 9th January 2025
Question ID: #11354
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Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, I pray this message finds you well. I am seeking your guidance regarding issues in my marriage of four years. My husband and I have two children, and our marriage was good until recently. About five months ago, I found inappropriate pictures and messages on his phone from another woman. When I confronted him, he denied having an affair and claimed she was just a friend. However, I later discovered he was sending her significant amounts of money and that she was cooking for him when he traveled back to Africa. I have since found evidence of him communicating with other women as well. Each time I confront him, he denies everything, never apologizes, and instead blames me for being the problem. He even changed his travel plans without informing me and lied about it. I am emotionally exhausted and feel lost. I want to protect my family and avoid divorce for the sake of my children, but the lack of honesty and trust is causing me great pain. I’ve even suggested that if he wishes to marry another woman, he should do so openly instead of hiding and lying. Please advise me on how to approach this situation in a way that aligns with Islamic teachings and helps me maintain my emotional well-being. JazakAllah Khair

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

In Islam Marriage is based on trust and respect. It is Haram for your husband to be in contact with strange women.

It is better that both yourself and husband take this case to your local Imam so he can listen to both of you and give guidance and solution to the problem.

And Allah knows best

12 Rajab 1446/ 12 January 2025

Answer last updated on:
12th January 2025
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London