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How does one know he has Imaan?

Last updated: 26th May 2006
Question ID: #1895
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Asalamu Alaykum,

Say a muslim commited major shirk, felt all his iman and amal go from him, and then after that became terrified and repented, would Allah accept his repentance?
Is the person able to have imaan (proper imaan again?) if so can he earn good deeds again? And what happens if he was very worried about what happened to him that he tried to exactly explain what happened to him to a brother, but in the process he falls into Major shirk again?, but if someone was to ask him who is your God he would say Allah because he knows Allah is God.



Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

If you are sincere in your repentance, verily Allah Ta'ala will forgive you, as He is Most forgiving, Most meciful.

Allah Ta'ala says : "Say: 'O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins! Despair not of the mercy of Allah; verily, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful'. [39:53].

In another place Allah Ta'ala says, "Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then turn in repentance to Him," (11:3)

Allah Ta'ala says, "O you who believe! Turn in sincere repentance to Allah." (66:8)

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) said,"The one who repents from sin is like the one who never sinned." [Ibn Maja (3240)]

He also said, "Remorse is repentance." [Ibn Maja (4242) and Ahmad (3387)]

Conditions for Repentance:

1) To stop the sin;

2) Sincere regret for the commission of sin;

3) Resolve to guard oneself from the sin;

4) (If it relates to the rights of another person, then to) Return the rights or property one wrongly took.

If these conditions are truly met, then one can expect one's sins to be forgiven.

It is recommended to seek forgiveness a lot, and to repent every time the sin comes to one's mind.

If one keeps repeating the sin, then one should find the root cause(s) of the sin and eliminate them. For example, if one falls into a certain sin because of the company one keeps, then it would be necessary to either stop keeping their company, or to change the nature of one's relationship with them.

It is recommended to perform Salat al-Tawba, it is prayed with two normal Rak`ahs that are prayed after one sins, which is the foundation of Salat al-Tawba, after the prayer it is best to make supplication with the Prophetic invocations. Also, the person may ask for whatever else he wishes for.

(Riyadhus Saliheen)

Those who have Imaan and do righteous deeds will be admitted to Jannah, this is the promise of Allah Ta'ala.

"And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds, that for them will be Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise). Every time they will be provided with a fruit therefrom, they will say: "This is what we were provided with before," and they will be given things in resemblance (i.e. in the same form but different in taste) and they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.) and they will abide therein forever." (2:25)

Please view this link on ways to increase Imaan: http://www.muftisays.com/qa/question/1779/guidance.html

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

Answer last updated on:
29th October 2009
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London