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Question about Representing the Kaaba in a Children's Toy

Last updated: 20th January 2025
Question ID: #11396
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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, I have a question regarding the Islamic perspective on representing the Kaaba in a children's toy. The idea is to create a product that introduces children to Islamic knowledge in a playful way and helps them become familiar with the significance of Makkah. However, there is a concern that the depiction of the Kaaba might be placed on the floor, and children could interact with it, such as playing on it or stepping on it. Is it permissible in Islam to depict the Kaaba in this context, or is it better to avoid such representations? Are there any guidelines or opinions regarding how sacred sites should be represented? BarakAllahu feekum for your help and advice!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

It will be disrespectful.

المبسوط للسرخسي (1/ 206)
قال: (ويكره أن يكون قبلة المسجد إلى حمام أو قبر أو مخرج) لأن جهة القبلة يجب تعظيمها والمساجد كذلك قال الله تعالى:
في بيوت أذن الله أن ترفع ويذكر فيها اسمه
[النور: 36] ومعنى التعظيم لا يحصل إذا كانت قبلة المسجد إلى هذه المواضع التي لا تخلو عن الأقذار

And Allah knows best

30 Rajab 1446/ 30 January 2025

Answer last updated on:
30th January 2025
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London