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Performing Hajj leaving out Kids

Last updated: 16th June 2023
Question ID: #8746
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Assalaamualaikum, My question pertains to going for Hajj when one finds himself financially stable. Alhamdulillah, i feel that i can plan my Hajj as i find myself financially stable now. However, there are a couple of concerns my way to which i wanted ro seek your guidance. I have two young daughters (2year and 6 year old respectively) and i am a salaried person by profession. So, my questions are- 1. Is it compulsory for me to perform Hajj in the current year given i am capable, even if that means leaving out my daughters with their grand parents? Or do i have a leeway to wait until they grow up? 2. I am finding difficult to get a full 30-35 day leave from my office so what should be my priority, (a) wait for the next years to get a full 30-35 days leave or (b) try to get the Hajj done in the current year but in a shorterned period (possible 10-15 days which i am more likely to get an off from office) (c) Leave the job and go to Hajj for a full 30-35 day period? JazakAllah for your time.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

If you have the means financially and you have a husband or Mahram to accompany you it will be Fard for you to do Hajj. Your children are in the care of their grandparents and you can even go for shortened time as Hajj only lasts for five days.

And Allah knows best

03 Dhul Hijja 1444/ 22 June 2023

Answer last updated on:
23rd June 2023
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London