Death - Janaazah
12th February 2007
i know that taking pictures isn't allowed....but when a person dies, does his/her picture need to be chucked away?will he/she have difficulties in the grave? if so what difficulties?
Death - Janaazah
20th December 2006
The only certainty in life is that we shall all die.
Knowing this, it is obviously wise to prepare for death, so like all things we should make dua....
..So is there anything in the Quran or sunnah to suggest the best way of dieing, i.e. would it be beneficial to die in makkah,madinah,ehram,with ablution, in prostration?
Death - Janaazah
2nd November 2006
can a wali (awliya) communicate with dead people through muraqaba?
Death - Janaazah
18th October 2006
I would just like to know what the ruling is about women visiting the graveyard as i have seen some women going to the graveyard many times. If women don't cry out loud is that permssible or are we strictly not allowed and can you tell me why.
Jazakumulllah muslim sister
Death - Janaazah
12th September 2006
where our ruh goes when we sleep?
i heard sleep is like death in islam.
Death - Janaazah
30th June 2006
Are we allowed to pray from the Quran before the mayyit has been given Ghusl?
What if the deceased is still in hospital?
Are we allowed to start praying at home before the Ghusl is given?
Death - Janaazah
14th October 2005
We are 2 sisters and 4 brothers, my dad has passed away so how much of the share do I get from my dad's inheritance as a daughter according to the islamic shariah?
Death - Janaazah
8th October 2005
I wanted to know when one prays janaza namaz on a field or say outside does he have to take off his shoes or can one keep them on?
Death - Janaazah
28th July 2005
Asslamulaikum, I would lik eto know if wormen are allowed to visit Graves i was told once that they are not for many reason but i remember one whih was that the dead can see living humans Naked?! Is this true? If so why is this?
Death - Janaazah
28th July 2005
i was tld by someone dat women r not alowed to visit graves for many reasons one ov whick i remmeber!! Thiswas dat da dead can see humans naked??!!! is this true?
Death - Janaazah
14th June 2005
Dear Respected Ulema,
Assalamu alaikum,
I have a Fiqh question on inheritance which is causing ill feelings among my sisters and myself. Please clarify the situation based on Shariah.
I was a 12 years old boy when my mother bought a house with her money and made me a co-purchaser in the Sale Document with the condition mentioned in the document that it [the house] will be handed over to me after her death and till such time she will have living rights in the said house. Both my parents passed away recently. From my fathers property my two sisters and myself have agreed to share the wealth in the proportion of 2:1 according to the Shariah. But as regards to the house bought by my mother and which was due to me after the death of my mother, my two sisters, one younger and the other elder to me, are claiming that they too have a share in the mother's portion of the property although my mother had documented in writing many years back that the house which she had bought would pass on to me after her death. Are my sisters justified in claiming a share in the house given to me by my mother ? Please advise how to settle the issue
Death - Janaazah
26th April 2005
After a person passes away, is it ok to visit their house and pray from the Quran?
Death - Janaazah
7th October 2004
if a lady is not paak and is attending a funeral she is not permitted to be in the same room as the deceased, but is she permitted to enter the room briefly to see the face of the deceased?
Death - Janaazah
7th October 2004
whats the ruling regarding looking at images/pictures of dead muslims and printing them(eg newspapers). i have heard some ulama say that it is not right. is there a hadith on the subject. is it degrading the honour of a muslim?
Death - Janaazah
7th October 2004
how many ladies is allowed to perform ghusal if it is a large family and when guest comes from a distance what is feeding arrangments