Death - Janaazah

Death - Janaazah
20th April 2008

Non Muslim funerals

Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
The other day I was discussing with a friend about funerals, and we had difference of opinions of what was allowed and what was not in reference to a non muslim funeral and burial (I mean when someone of our non muslim family dies) How far are we allowed to go?
Is it haram to go to the church service and to the burial? Can we give our condolences to someone whos lost a loved one? If insha'Allah you could deepen on this subject it will be much appreciated
Death - Janaazah
9th March 2008


Respected Mufti Saab

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

I am a trustee for Gardens of Peace, the largest Muslim Cemetery in the UK.
Further details of the Trust and its work can be obtained from our web site

We have been in operation for since 2002 and have had many people asking and/or telling us as to what can and cannot be done regarding the graves.

Currently, we are in total control and have maintained the graves with a
mound and each grave has a simple headstone. See attached pictures.

Can you please inform us regarding the following:

1) Can we plant a shrub at the head of the grave? We wish to do this to prevent people bringing flowers and their own plants.

2) If the answer to the last is yes then should the planting be on the grave or adjacent to the grave?

3) Can we cover the grave in shingle; this would be a thin layer over the mound, but still maintain the mound? See attached picture.

The reason for covering the graves is to reduce maintenance (removal of weeds etc). This is turning out to be a very high running cost.

4) Alternate to the shingle cover over the mound would be to cover the grave in low growing ground cover plants. Would this be in accordance with Shariah?

5) Confirm our understanding that as a Trust we under no obligation to maintain the graves. It is the duty of the family members of the deceased to maintain the grave.

6) What is the exact height of the mound that we should try to achieve?

7) Does the mound look acceptable on the attached picture?

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Jazakallahu khair

Death - Janaazah
4th March 2008

Is my cusin shaheed

asalam allaikum,
my cusin was died sudden heat attack at the age of 28. heart disease is in our family , every adult who reaches age of 18 years will get heart disease whether he cares , do excersise or not. what is islamic view of that type of sudden death?
second question: i have not preyed farz namaz for 15 years, now i want to pray qadha (qaza). what is the procedure?
Death - Janaazah
14th January 2008

7 lives?

sir, hindu believe 7 lives after death and they say that is correct. but we believe in two lives, one is in earth and other after death.
hindu are giving prove of 7 lives, through hypnosis you can go in past lives. please tell me if a person can go in past life through hypnosis, what we say that?
Death - Janaazah
15th December 2007


Asalaam u alaikum

Will it be possible for someone to explain the procedures of a Muslim funeral?
Death - Janaazah
7th December 2007


Why cant women attend a funeral? some one told me that a women can not attend funerals, I want to know if this is true and also if this applies even if its her Mahram's or another womens funeral. Also can a women visit graves (her mahrams).

Thank you.

It would be very helpful if you could answer this one as soon as possible.

Death - Janaazah
30th November 2007

Women and Graveyards

Is it permissable for women to enter Grave yards? Either to give salaam to the grave or to bury someone.

I have heard that they are not allowed as usually women can not control there emotions, is that the only reason? Some people say women are allowed.

Death - Janaazah
26th October 2007

Washing of the body

I am curious to know how soon after is the body of the deceased cleansed?
Death - Janaazah
26th October 2007

Can a pious muslim perform namaz hajj and umra after death in grave

sir can a muslim or a pious ( aawliya) muslim perfrom namaz hajj and umra after death in grave as he do as alive.
what a muslim do in grave.
Death - Janaazah
17th October 2007

Janaazah salah and women

Are women allowed to pray janazah behind the imaam?
Death - Janaazah
17th October 2007

Female janaza namaz

jus wanted to know that do women perform janaza namaz?
Death - Janaazah
15th October 2007

Esaale Sawaab

Assalamualaiku, just want to ask when sending Sawaab to the deceased, should we inform that persons family!as inshallah i want to send my friends mother the sawab of a Qur'aan so dont know if it is better to tell her not? if it is ok please will u advice me!
Death - Janaazah
14th October 2007


Could you please give me a few duas that can be read when visiting the graveyard. Should salaam be said to a person in grave?
Death - Janaazah
14th October 2007

Women visiting grave

According to the Qu`ran & Sunnah , are pregnant women aloud to visit the grave of the dead and what dua can you read in your prayers for them ?
Death - Janaazah
7th October 2007

Feeding in a bereived

Assalamu Alaikum

Family/Friends of a person who's father dies (in his native country) decide to cook for the bereaved family, and invite local Family/Friends to eat. Is there anything islamic about this? if not does it count as biddat?

Death - Janaazah
4th October 2007

When we die

when we die, and if the good people who go to the heavens will they see the prophet muhamed (S.A.W)?
Death - Janaazah
29th September 2007

Pregnant women visiting grave

Askm warahmatullah wa barakatahu

According to the Qu`ran and Sunnah could you please advise if it is permitted for Pregnant women to visit the grave of a friend ?
Also which dua can I read during prayers for them ?
Death - Janaazah
16th September 2007

Doas one can say to help him overcome the pain of losing a loved one


i wanted to know if there are some specific doas one can say in order to help him/her overcome the pain and greif of losing a loved one or a family member.specially in the times when the person is being missed a lot.

also that according to my knowledge the one who departs from this world also misses his family and freinds just as the living miss the dead.what doas could one recite or any QURANIC SURAS or ayats to give peace to the one who has departed from this world.

i would be grateful to u if you could reply to me as soon as possible

moreover this is the first time im submittin a question to any site and im really happy to see people contributing towards their islamic duties and religion by helping their fellow muslims.
Death - Janaazah
19th August 2007

Last will an testament

Assalamu alaikum. Thank you for a superb web site.

I follow Hanafi school of thought. I have began to write a will, and have considered the maximum of 1/3 bequeath to no heirs and costs of burial etc. but am seriously stuck on one matter - My father died, Which leaves my mum, 1 brother and 2 sisters. Please can you advise how I can distribute the shares according to shariah?
Death - Janaazah
19th August 2007

Inheritance dispute

There is a man (Khan). Khan's wife gives birth to a son (Masood). Khan then writes a will, leaving his land to Masood when Khan dies. Khan then subsequently has more children, both boys and girls, but Khan never updates his will. Khan dies in an auto accident. Masood is the only one of the children mentioned in the will, but he has several brothers and sisters. Who has right to the land?