1)wot if there is NO MAHRAM for a dead woman, who will giv the ghusl 2)wot if there no kafn or cloth available to cover atleast the private parts 3)wot if u mis 2 or 3 takbeer in janazah
Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)
1) The Ghusl is the bath for the body of the dead person. An adult male should be bathed by his father, son or brother. An adult female by her mother, daughter or sister. If none of these persons are present then any : near relative could carry out this duty, (male for male, and female for female). If any of these are not in the position to perform the Ghusl, then the most pious person present should be requested to carry out this rite (male for male, and female for female).
2) In such a case where no Kafan or cloth can be obtained then one may bury the person in the clothing he was found after making the Ghusl.
3) Whomsoever arrives for the Janazah Salah after the Imam has recited one or more Takbeers, one should wait and join the Imam when he says the next Takbeer. If the Imam has completed the fourth Takbeer then too, the late comer should join before the Imam says the Salam.
If a person joins and knows which Takbeer the Imam is on i.e. second Takbeer, then he should recite the Du'a for the second Takbeer with the Imam and then complete the missed Takbeers with the Du'as (in the correct order) after Salam. If a person joins and doesn't know which Takbeer, then he should recite the first Takbeer with the Du'a i.e. Thana till the end if able to, if not then complete the missed Takbeers with the Du'as (in the correct order) after Salam.
If one fears that people while start to give shoulder to the Janazah, then After the Salam one should complete the missed Takbeers by merely saying Allahu Akbar once for every Takbeer missed without reciting any Du'as, and then Salam to finish it. If the Janazah is placed on the shoulders then Takbeer should not be recited as the Salah will not be correct. (Ahsanul Fataawa Vol.4 Pg.200)