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Some burial rites that have me in doubt

Last updated: 15th May 2006
Question ID: #1851
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Respected Mufti Sahib,
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

Here in the subcontinent, even among Ulema-e-Haq, certain rituals are performed at burial time that, although if performed occasionally would be no issue whatsoever, seem to be made into necessary formalities whereas their source and degree (wajib, sunnah, mustahabb, mubah) are not clarified for the masses. As such the masses take them as necessary practices and frown upon those who do not adhere to them. This has all the hallmarks of bid'aat. I would like their status clarified and also would request ulama to educate the masses in this regard.
1) After salaatul-janaza, lining up to see the face of the deceased. If done with the correct intention, I admit this helps in softening the heart and reminding us of our own demise. But it becomes a carnival sometimes, astaghfirullah.
2) Calling out loudly "Kalima Shahadat!" and reciting it when lifting and carrying the mayyit.
3) Throwing 3 fists of dirt in the grave while reciting "Minha khalaqnakum..." from surah Taha.
4) two reciters standing on either end and reciting the beginning and end of surah al-baqarah. Dr. Abdul Hai (R) mentioned this in his Ahkaam-e-Mayyit, but please elaborate on whether this is sunnah, etc.
5) COLLECTIVELY praying for the deceased again at the grave after burial. Isn't the salaatul-janazah meant precisely for this? Also, there would seem no harm to do it occasionally, but here in Pakistan it happens without fail and is considered a must. That is my point of contention.
6) Sprinkling rose water or zamzam or otherwise "ruqiya" water over the grave.
7) Making the internal of the grave with baked bricks.

Jazakumullahu khairan


Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

1) The incorrect practices and innovations that is introduced in this custom which makes it impermissible, these are:

a) Intermingling of sexes taking place there.
b) The burial being delayed.
c) Taking picture of the deceased.
d) To regard this practice to be a reward in the Shariah.
e) To make this act a compulsory and essential part of Deen.

(Ahsanul Fataawa Vol.4 Pg.229)

2) One should recite Bismillah when lifting and whilst carrying one should recite any Zikr in the heart and they should abstain from speaking of worldly affairs, laughing and joking.

The people walking along with the Janazah should remain silent, they should not read the Zikr out aloud or either read Quran aloud (Sharhut Tahawi). Whosoever wants to read the Zikr should read it in the heart (Fatawa Qadhi Khan). (Fatawa Alamghiri Vol.1 pg. 162)

3) This is a Mustahab Act.

It is desirable to encourage those attending the burial to throw three handfuls of soil over the grave from the head of the body. This is based on a hadith by Ibn Majah which says: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, once offered a funeral prayer and then went to the deceased's grave and threw three handfuls of soil from near the deceased's head."

Abu Hanifah, Ash-Shafi'i, and Ahmad hold that when throwing the first handful one should say, "Of this (i.e. the earth) We created you," and on the second one should say, "And to it shall We cause you to return," and on the third handful one should say, "And of it We shall cause you to be resurrected a second time." This is based on a hadith that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said this when his daughter Umm al-Kulthum was laid in her grave.

(Fiqhus Sunnah Volume 4, Page 64)

4) This is a Mustahab act.

It is reported by 'Uthman: "After burial the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would stand by the grave of the deceased and say: "Seek forgiveness for your brother and pray for his acceptance, because he is now being questioned about it." (This hadith is reported by Abu Daw'ud and al-Hakim, who considers it a sound hadith.

Al-Bazzar says: "This is the only report from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on this subject.) Ruzain reported: "After the deceased was buried 'Ali used to pray: 'O Allah! This is Your servant, who is now a guest of Yours, and You are the best host. Forgive him, and expand the entrance into heaven for him." Ibn 'Umar liked to recite the first and the last few verses of Surah Al Baqarah by the grave after the burial was over. (Reported by Al-Baihaqi with a sound chain of narrators.)

(Fiqhus Sunnah Volume 4, Page 64a)
( Darse Tirmidh vol.3 pg. 266)

5) It is a Mustahab act to do the Du'as individually with or without raising the hands, asking forgiveness, reciting the Quran and staying on the grave after burial for some time. (Fatawa Alamgiri vol.1 pg.166, Ahsanul Fatawa Vol. 1 Pg. 352,353).

6) It is Mustahab to make the soil hard etc, by sprinkling water over it. Also, to make this act as compulsory will be Bid'ah (innovation) and sinful. (Ahsanul Fataawa Vol. 4 Pg. 234)

7) There is no reports from the Shari'ah regarding this.

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

Answer last updated on:
8th November 2008
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London