Asalam o Alaikum,
Although I disagree with some aqaid of TJ. Although I don't agree with some of their beliefs and behaviour towards other workers of deen. Although it has many faults. But still, my heart is attracted to this blessed work. I know not what magic these tablighis have. I cannot explain my kaifiyaat here. The rational part of me doesn't accept that this is the ultimate solution. I still believe in khilafah. However, the emotional part of me is highly attracted to this work.
I feel a feeling that Allah has done my tashkeel straight from Alam e Arwah to this dunia as a da'aee and tablighi. As if he has written it for me in the tablet. As if it is predestined for me. As if I have no free choice in regards to this. As if I was born to do this. I have analyzed this blessed work from various angles and no matter from which angle I have analyzed, I have come to the same conclusion that it is haq. 3 days ago a jamaat came to our town in which there were some saathis of South Africa too. I discussed many things with a jamaati dr. and he tried his best according to his knowledge to satisfy me. Although, I didn't changed my mind but later on during Asr prayer, I felt something moving in my heart. Something deep. That despite the fact, it is not a perfect and ultimate solution but still it has many benefits. We must do whatever we can. However, we mustn't leave online dawah and keep on polishing our intellect and improve the quality of our tabligh and amaal through ilm and tazkiyah.
I have come to this conclusion that even if we have differences with this work, we shouldn't completely leave it and do it to the level we feel comfortable. Don't agree with juhalah but still don't leave this work because of them. Not everyone is on the same level of taqwah and knowledge.
My request to Tablighi Brothers. Do not criticize other works of deen just to prove that this work is better. It already has it's fadhail and no one is stealing those fadhail from you. So remain in limits. Otherwise sensitive brothers like me will get offended and you will be blamed if anyone starts distancing from this work because of some of your mistakes. Don't insist. Just be polite. Some members in this forum have discussed things with me so harshly that they have unknowingly increased my love for Tablighi brothers who are mostly polite. Also don't fit ayaat related to jihad on tabligh. There are many verses related to dawah and tabligh. Remain in limits please.
Insha Allah, I intend to spend 40 days each year in this work of deen. However, I have some disagreement with local tarteeb.