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Why, if the Prophet did something, it doesnt become a Sunnah

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samah, abu mohammed, dr76, Naqshband66, Jinn
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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 13th July 2014 10:03
London786 wrote:
The book 'sublime conduct' is a serious book mashallah. One of my friends saw the Prophet sallahualhiwalsalam indicating towards the book in a dream and mashallah it is a very practical book. Another practical book is uswai Rasul sallahualhiwaslam by hazrat abdul hay arifi rh. Amazing books mashallah. The book sublime conduct is a lot more detailed whilst uswai rasul sallahualahiwaslaam is a condensed version with less narrations etc. May ALLAH give us taufiq to follow the sunnah of the prophet sallahualahiwasalam in it's entirety ameen.
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 5th January 2018 10:50
abu mohammed wrote:
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I must admit, I have not seen many people sitting in this position for a very long time. I assume they have found "New Evidence" and have decided that the Hanafi (and others) were correct all this time :)
(old style of sitting position by the ghair muqallideen, not sure if some still do it)


Updated methods of sitting positions (in line with the above mentioned Hadith)
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 5th January 2018 20:05
abu mohammed wrote:
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In the Shāfiʿī madhhab, tawarruk (sitting on one's bottom) is a sunnah in the final jalsah/tashahhud. Refer to Reliance of the Traveller:

I'm not sure what the source of that picture is with all the different "schools of thought" (broadly speaking), but it doesn't seem to be completely accurate.

Presenting the proof for one madhhab against the claims of the Salafīs shouldn't be a reason to discount other madhāhib.
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 5th January 2018 20:31
samah wrote:
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السلام عليكم

True.. the following is a more correct posture as in Shafi'i Madhab..

Note that he toes are tucked in and not spread out as in the salafi version posted by Brother Abu Muhammed..

wa Assalam..
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 5th January 2018 21:25
samah wrote:
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Jzk, agree.
dr76 wrote:
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Jzk, I only went by the Hadith that says, "This is not The Sunnah"
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2018 02:18
Bro Abu Muhammad I thought that by now you would be more cautious and not rush to condemn opinions on issues which are contrary to what you were taught, but valid nevertheless :).
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 9th January 2018 08:02
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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 16:05
abu mohammed wrote:
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Asim Al Hakeem saying that the sitting position on the buttock is Sunnah but the Sahabi and Tabi'ee saying "after" the Prophet (saw) passing away that it is NOT Sunnah!

(Repeat post because a new generation have started rising again after tiktok etc have given such feeds an increase as if it is actually correct, neglecting Hadith)
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 16:44
???? ????: ?????? ???????? ????? ??????? (??????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ????? ??????)
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This incident of Rasulullah SAS sitting next to Hazrat Abu Bakr RA and leading the salah and continuing the qirat from where Hazrat Abu Bakr RA left.............

this act was never practiced.
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 17th April 2024 18:06
??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????? :

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And in the Holy Qur'an it is said: O children of Adam! At the time of every Salah (i.e. prayer) take your adornment. Therefore, Allah Ta'ala ordered in this verse to wear adornment during prayer, the minimum level of which is a garment that hides one's skin, and more than that is superior, and the Sunnah has described it in detail. When a person is ashamed to appear in front of a king among kings in clothes that do not cover the Satr or half of his body is not covered by clothes, then why is a person not ashamed of this? He should stand in front of Allah, the King of all kings, wearing clothes that he does not want to wear.

And for this reason, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) said to his slave Hazrat Nafi, when he saw him praying with his head bare, he said:

"Do you appear with head uncovered in front of others?";

Nafi said "No!!".

"Then cover your head!!!".

Hazrat Ibn Umar also said that Allah is more deserving of beauty than others. And this applies for those whose habit is that they do not bare their heads and do go bare-headed in front of people.

Gair Muqallid scholar Shaykh Syed Nazir Hussain Dehlavi writes:

It is proved from this verse (O Bani Adam, adorn yourself in every mosque) that praying with a turban is recommended, because it is adornment with clothes. And it is makrooh to offer salah bare headed due to laziness and more if one has a skull cap to cover his head.
(Fatawa Naziriyyah Vol. 1 p. 240)

At another place he writes:

Ahkam al-Hakamin has ordered this about attending his court: (O Bani Adam, adorn yourself completely in salah) meaning you should cover yourself with best clothes at the time of every prayer, the turban is also included in the clothes, because the turban is a part of Masnoon dress.

(Fatawa Nazeeriyah Vol. 3 p. 373)
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