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The end is near. Pray for aleppo

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#256 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 16:13
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I remember on this forum people were saying the mujaheddin were seeing the same dream years ago (in Iraq), this was during the isis takeover of western Iraq when they were taking over cities and govt forced were fleeing, the rest is history.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#257 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 23:34
Well said brother Robert Carter of 5 pillars.
Good 16 minute interview
"ISIS is not an Islamic group, it was created by the West; with all due respect, don't talk to me about what Islam teaches or who the real enemies of Muslims are!"

A heated exchange during my appearance on Islam Channel over Syria, Islamic rule and who the real enemies of Islam is - Israel and western intelligence.

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#258 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 14:27
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#259 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 15:03
Israel’s expansion plan into South Syria is becoming a reality.

The residents of the six Druze villages, especially following the decision from the village of Hader where the Israeli army is operating, declared:

“We want to be under Israeli rule and request that Israel does not leave the villages in southern Syria and that we become part of the Golan Heights.”

They also stated firmly that they will not allow any Syrian organization to enter their land, even over their dead bodies.

The Plan:
Suppressed News.
⚡️Israel’s new expansion Plan? What is the concept of Druze state in Syria?

The concept of the “Druze State” or “State of Jabal al-Arab” is an old Israeli proposal that has resurfaced amidst recent events. The plan aims to create a state separating occupied Palestine from Syria, with a broader scope than the older “Yigal Allon Plan.” This updated version includes annexing southern Lebanon as well.

Proposed Borders and Strategic Goals

The proposed state would stretch from the Druze Mountains in Syria to the Jordanian border, incorporating parts of southern Lebanon. Israeli political and military figures advocate this plan as the optimal solution to neutralize threats originating from these regions. They envision the Druze State as a “human shield” to protect Israeli settlements, serving as the first line of defense following the October 7 events.

Historical Context and Current Developments

This idea, originally proposed decades ago, resurfaced during the Gaza war and is reportedly being implemented covertly under the pretext of protecting the Golan Heights from so-called “Islamic extremist groups.” Israel portrays these groups, comparing them to ISIS, as intent on harming Jews, despite the fact that ISIS has never targeted Israel. Israel’s role in the creation of such groups has also been questioned.

Implementation and Regional Impact

Reports suggest that the Israeli army has crossed the buffer zone into these areas, contradicting official denials. The claim is that Israel’s actions are aimed at solidifying control under the guise of countering threats, but the full extent of this plan remains to be seen. This move could have significant implications for regional stability and Israeli strategy.

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#260 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 16:28
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#261 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 17:00

Roshan M Salih

Something very weird about the fact that Bashar's army didn't really fight. And the Russians, Iranians and Hezbollah didn't fight. Something just doesn't add up.

Could a deal have been done behind the scenes between regional and international powers? And if Bashar, Russia and Iran agreed to stand down what did they get in return?

I think none of us really know what happened during the last few weeks, but I bet some horse trading went on. I guess details will emerge sooner or later
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#262 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 17:31
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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It is said that Assad gave Israel the coordinates to all military locations a couple of weeks ago.

Al Jazeera reported:
The IDF have 4000 Turkish soldiers

Other news outlets:
Turkey was in on the deal and were still allowing cargo and oil to get through to Israel.

Assad and Erdoğan were pals.

With all that in place and much much more, Israel definitely befriended Assad, Erdoğan, Iran, the Druiz and many many more.

Israel could've easily convinced Assad that Iran and Turkey were about to attack him and to be ready (hence he started taking all his gold out)

Israel (via mossad or USA) could've easily told Turkey that Assad was about to attack them and the Sunnis.

Israel could've easily told Iran that they will blow up every mobile in Iran with the help of Turkey. Just like how they could've pin pointed a device in a helicopter recently.

And that way, Israel could've created further hatred between everyone else and fund the entire project through USA and UK.

Made false promises never to attack the Mujahideen and allow them a few run as long as they don't attack Israel, even from within Syria. Turn a blind eye.

(Lesson 3)
Fund both sides of the war and be in control

But, these are just conspiracies I guess.

And as we've seen with conspiracies, the theories become fact in a very short time.

And Allah knows best
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#263 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 17:37
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#264 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 17:44

How does the US/Israel install tyrants in the Middle East?

Many have a simplistic view of this. In reality, tyrants are made, not born. This process can take years.

In summary, the US/Israel create the conditions which necessitate the rise of tyranny in the countries they want to control and destroy.


Economic warfare is the first step. Severe sanctions ensure that the target country remains impoverished. Sanctions are "justified" by claiming the country harbors "terrorists."

Right now, the US is offering the Syrian government the possibility of taking them off the terror list. If they take this deal, that is the first step for everything that follows. They will be forced to eliminate anyone in the country the US/Israel does not approve of, i.e., anyone who is anti-Israel and/or wants Islamic government.

The US/Israel also work to isolate the target country so that they have no option but to buy from the US. This is critical when it comes to weapons. The target country cannot be allowed to have their own independent defense capabilities because these could be used against Israel and prevent future interference.

This is why Israel quickly has dropped 500 bombs on Syria to destroy all existing weapons capabilities. The new government will have no choice but to buy from outside, and the US will require buying from them.

An example of something similar happened in Iraq in 2003. The US bombed all the existing seed depots to deny the future Iraqi government the ability to grow their own crops and, thus, force them to rely on US agricultural products.

As worsening economic conditions create popular unrest, the government has an increasing need for security. The US provides this security with intelligence and weapons: tanks, trucks, artillery, helicopters, jets.

The US ensures that these weapons can only be used against the civilian population, not Israel. How? First of all, the types of weapons are not long range. Second, they are qualitatively inferior to anything Israel has. This is official US policy, that Israel always must maintain Qualitative Military Edge.

Thirdly, they make sure that only American military personnel stationed in the country know how to maintain the equipment. This forces the country to allow the US to establish active military bases in the country.

Fourth, the more advanced weapons are bugged to allow remote shut down.

All this ensures the US-supplied weapons are only used to "fight terrorism," i.e., to repress the civilian population.

As the government becomes increasingly besieged by popular unrest, they take more violent measures against political opposition to maintain power. This creates more dissatisfaction which triggers even more severe repression. This spiral ensures whoever maintains power in the Middle East has no choice but to do so in the most extreme, brutal manner.

Even a leader who has good intentions initially slowly is forced to become a brutal tyrant due to the calculated pressure the US exerts.

But there is an easy solution to all this.



The Taliban is a good recent example of this solution in action.

After returning to power, the Taliban gained access to a large cache of weaponry that the US left behind. This boosted their ability to independently maintain security and sovereignty.

Second, they have pursued a strategy of building economic and diplomatic ties with regional powers, like Iran and China. Unlike the US, these powers do not blackmail leaders, demand liberalization and de-Islamicization, threaten international sanctions, etc.

The only way that the US tries to destabilize Afghanistan now is via ISIS proxies, which have limited effect.

Muslims and anti-Zionists generally need to pressure the new Syrian government away from negotiating and making deals with the US. Otherwise, it won't be long before Syria is hollowed out and transformed into the next Jordan or Egypt.
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#265 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 17:46
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#266 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 18:55

زاھىد ئەختەر - Zahid Akhtar

Testimony of a Syrian detainee at the notorious Sednaya Prison in Damascus:

“We spent sixty days in the branch prison with a daily routine of beating and suspension. Once I was on the verge of unconsciousness, result of suspension with hands cuffed behind me. I started reading a verse from the Holy Quran: "Who will aid the victim if he invokes to God and who will release him of pain." Soon, a major called Samer, as I remember, approached me and put his foot in my mouth to silence me saying: "Whom are you calling? Who will release you from pain? Allah? Who is Allah? Your God? Call him again to see how he will come to your aid! If he comes, I will punish him with you, I'll suspend your God beside you if he comes here. Call him again, I am waiting for him."

- Abu Omar

Source: Association of Detainees and The Missing in Sednaya Prison
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bint e aisha's avatar
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#267 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 20:38
It was the early part of the night when the leader of the Syrian revolution, Ahmad Al-Sharaa, accompanied by his four guards, arrived at a multi-story residential building in a middle-class area of Damascus. Using the elevator, he reached the 10th floor and stood outside an apartment, a place filled with memories of his childhood and youth. Since leaving his home in Damascus, 23-24 years of hardships had passed, marked by much bloodshed. However, the most significant change was that the once-reserved and shy Ahmad Al-Sharaa, who had set out on the path of migration inspired by the Intifada of 2000, was now a transformed man. Back then, he would silently express his anger at the state of the Palestinians. Whether it was the local barber or the girl whose brother played video games with Ahmad, all agreed that this boy with large, expressive eyes spoke very little. Even the owner of the grocery store where Ahmad worked briefly shared the same view — this young man was deeply saddened by the plight of Jerusalem.

Returning to the story of the apartment: Ahmad Al-Sharaa rang the doorbell, and the new occupants, Dr. Ahmad Suleiman and his wife, answered the door. Seeing Ahmad face-to-face, they trembled with fear. The Assad regime had gifted this apartment to them after Ahmad Al-Sharaa’s identity as "Abu Muhammad" became known. Ahmad’s parents had moved to Egypt, and the regime had seized their house and business (Ahmad’s father had opened a property and grocery store upon returning from Saudi Arabia, but it was confiscated in the early days of the war).

Ahmad Al-Sharaa requested Dr. Suleiman and his wife to vacate the apartment, as it held sentimental value for him, and his parents, who had been forced to migrate to Egypt, wished to return to their home. Dr. Suleiman agreed to vacate the apartment, and Ahmad thanked him, giving them some time to pack and relocate.

Another aspect of Bashar Al-Assad’s regime, which many may not recall, was its facilitation of armed groups entering Iraq through the Syrian border following the U.S. invasion. Assad had two reasons for this: his opposition to both Saddam Hussein and the U.S. By channeling Islamist youth into Iraq, he achieved two objectives: first, these youths expended their energy resisting opponents of Assad, and second, those who posed a threat to Assad’s rule would be killed by American forces, reducing risks to his regime. (This policy mirrored the approach adopted by the U.S., Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and several Arab nations during the Afghan conflict — sending Islamist youth to Afghanistan to fight a common enemy, Russia, benefiting from the clash of two adversaries.)

However, Bashar Al-Assad overlooked a critical point: armed groups, once used, often turn against their handlers. From 9/11 to the fall of Damascus, this lesson repeatedly emerged. Those who once had nothing now wield political influence in places like Damascus and Kabul. The complex dynamics of militancy backfired on those who believed they were untouchable. Little did Bashar Al-Assad know that among the young men he facilitated into Iraq was a once-shy youth who would eventually topple his regime, consigning the Assad dynasty to history’s dustbin.

The story of the apartment is sourced from Arab journalists or their social media accounts.
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#268 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2024 22:38
Demoralised And Abandoned Why Assad's Army Refused To fight.

Twenty-three-year-old Syrian military conscript, Farhan Al-Khouli, was badly paid and demoralised. His army outpost in scrubland near the rebel-held city of Idlib should have had nine soldiers but it...
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#269 [Permalink] Posted on 14th December 2024 11:49
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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The major positive result of asad fleeing is, the persecuted got relief from pains.
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#270 [Permalink] Posted on 14th December 2024 11:54
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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I intentionally avoided physically seeing Asad and his wife from short distance. The reason was his wife in western dress. He visited India in 2009, after he took over from his father Haafiz al Asad.
Today I have more reasons that I intentionally avoided seeing a shaytaan on earth.
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